英语人>词典>汉英 : 贲门的 的英文翻译,例句
贲门的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cardiac  ·  cardial

更多网络例句与贲门的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To evaluate the effects of early enteral nutrition applied in patients with esophageal cancer and cardia cancer.

目的 探讨食管癌、贲门癌术后早期肠内营养的安全性、可行性和临床疗效。方法选择56例食管、贲门癌手术患者。

The other markers related lesion progression were cyclinB1 and IMPI in esophageal carcinogenesis and p16 in gastric cardia carcinogenesis.


Intravoneous injection of 0.5mg/kgBW jingsongling cause the 60 minutesrelaxation of goat gastric motor.The effects of jingsongling on the gastric motor ofgoat is major of effects of α2 -adrenoceptor agonist,as well as that of α1 -adrenoceptor agonist,the effects of α1 -adrenoceptor agonist concentrate at thecardic and pylorus;the function of α2 -adrenoceptor exit widely at cardic,pylorus,rumen,reticulum,omasum and abomasum,the function at different part is not the same.The lowestdose of jingsonglinginhibiting the amplitude and frequency of the gastricmyoelectric is 0.01mg/kgBW;the influence of jingsonglingto the gastricmotility of goat is dose-dependent,and the amplitude regain after the frequency ofgastric myoelectriv wave.When the goat revived,the gastric motor function is notreach the level of the normal;the major reason ofjingsongling cause the goat gastricrelaxation is the amplitude renew slowly.The intravoneous injection ofjingsonglingfirst,after 5 minutes,intravoneous injection the antagonist,the effect of prazosin and idazoxan mixed is best,which can fast reversal of theinhibition of jingsongling on the gastric motor of goat,the effects of idazoxan isgood,and the prazosin block the effection of jingsongling is better than that ofxylazine,especially at cardia and pylorus.When intravoneous injection of0.5mg/kgBW idazoxan and/or prazosin only,the amplitude of gastric myoelectric ingoat increases at a certain degree,but the frequency is not changed.


Barium meal roentgenography showed evidence of a lesion in the esophagus preope-ratively in each case.


Objective: This paper was to investigate pre and post operative changes of plasma endothelin 1 (ET 1) level in gastric cardial cancer.

目的 检测贲门癌病人血浆中内皮素(ET 1)变化,探讨内皮素与贲门癌发生和转移的关系。

objective to evaluate the effect of endoscopic splender dilation combined with photodynamic therapy and local chemotherapy in treatment of esophagocadial cancer stenosis.methods 91 patients with advanced esophagocadial cancer were divided into two groups: the control group (to receive pdt and local chemotherapy) and the test group (to receive endoscopic splender dilation plus pdt and local chemotherapy).

目的 评价经内镜探条扩张术联合光动力疗法及局部化疗治疗食管贲门癌性狭窄的临床疗效。方法食管贲门癌患者91例,按治疗方法分为对照组和联合扩张治疗组(经内镜探条扩张联合pdt及局部化疗)。

Results The morphology of endocrine cells in digestive tract was of multiplicity.The density of 5-HT cells was the highest in the colon,but not found in the esophagus,cardia gastric and cecum.The results showed that SS cells were distributed in the pylorus mostly,but not detected in the cardia,colon,cecum and rectum.Gas positive cells were the most in the duodenums,while in the esophagus and cardia was not discovered.In the cardia VIP cells were maximum,but in the esophagus,duodenums and ileum did not appear.

结果 消化道中4种免疫阳性细胞形态多样,大多呈椭圆形和锥体形。5-HT阳性细胞数量以结肠最多,空肠和回肠次之,幽门腺区、十二指肠和直肠较少,食管、贲门腺区、胃底腺区和盲肠中未见;SS阳性细胞在幽门腺区数量最多,贲门腺区、结肠、盲肠和直肠中未见;Gas阳性细胞大量出现于十二指肠,在食管、贲门腺区和盲肠未见;除个别器官未见VIP阳性细胞外,在消化道的其余各段均有分布。

The synergies between MTHFR variated genotype and low level of folates intake, high alcohol drinking increase the risk of cardia cancer. The variated genotype is a risk factor of non-cardia gastric cancer. The synergies between genotype and low level of folates intake increase the risk of non-cardia gastric cancer.


Results Mdm2 amplifications were found in 7 of 38 case(18.42%).

目的 检测贲门癌组织中mdm2基因扩增及蛋白表达,探讨其在贲门癌发生发展中的作用,分析其临床病理意义。

SLC5A8 gene expression level in 42 cases of GCA was detected with RT-PCR method.


更多网络解释与贲门的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


贲门失弛缓症(achalasia)是一种较常见的食管神经肌肉运动紊乱、功能失调性疾病. 由于食管生理、病理生理研究的不断深入,尤其是食管内测压的研究,对阐明食管下括约肌功能及贲门失弛缓症的发病机制有了新的发展. 本病属神经源性疾病,


中文摘要:目的从解剖学的角度来说,贲门(cardia)属于胃的一部分. (Adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia,AGC)即来源于贲门粘膜的癌. 但目前的证据表明,贲门癌与其它部位的胃癌,在流行病学、生物学行为和临床特点上有着显著的不同. 这也提示贲门癌可能是一种相对...


cardia 心脏的 | cardiac 贲门 | cardiac glycoside 强心甙

cardiac incisure:贲门切迹

胃大弯(greater curvature of stomach)始于贲门切迹(cardiac incisure),此切迹为食左缘与胃大弯起始处所构成的锐角. 胃大弯从起始处呈弧形凸向左上方,形成胃底的上界,此后胃大弯弧形凸向左,继而凸向前下方,直至第10肋软骨平面.


cardiagra 心痛风 | cardial 贲门的 | cardialgia 心口痛


\\"心囊血块填塞\\",\\"cardiac tamponade\\" | \\"心脏的,贲门的\\",\\"cardial\\" | \\"心脏痛,胃部痛\\",\\"cardialgia\\"


cardial 贲门的 | cardiameter 贲门位置测量器 | cardiette 小型心电图描记器(商品名),小型心电图机


cardial 贲门的 | cardiameter 贲门位置丈量器 | cardiette 小规模心电图描记器(商物品名称),小规模心电图机


\\"心脏穿刺\\",\\"cardiopuncture\\" | \\"贲门与幽门的\\",\\"cardiopyloric\\" | \\"心肾性\\",\\"cardiorenal\\"


\\"心脂素\\",\\"cardiotipin\\" | \\"贲门切开术,心切开术\\",\\"cardiotomy\\" | \\"强心的,强心药\\",\\"cardiotonic\\"