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购房者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The mortgage market remains closer to something out of the 1946 Frank Capra movie "It's a Wonderful Life" than to the home loans with no down payments and practically no credit checks that proliferated in the United States over the past few years.


To the survey, 35% of buyers think that in order to drop 20%-30% will be shot, while more than half buyers to drop more than 30% will be shot.


Now the housing estate from the initial concept to address basic living conditions, to the comfort of a gradual, personalized, human and cultural development, the purchase of housing in the course selection has become increasingly critical, real estate developers have tried to use various means to meet the preferences of property buyers,"the concept of the Housing" and "apartments","Townhouse" and "small Huxing" began doing all kinds of Fangxing on stage, but also for many property buyers in the selection of housing is what many people in the room, most of their energies offices, bedroom, Chuwei inspection, and often easy to somewhat overlooked.


These property buyers in the year 5000 -- 6,000 households, the proportion of the high-end market property buyers are not low; Two reasons : mainlander successful visit to Shanghai home is "instantaneous peatlands" phenomenon.


Also, the survey found that men and women in proportion to the 58:42, In the midrange residential section, female proportion of person more to 45%.


But each developer to develop the content of the provisional application is not the same book, and now the majority of property buyers were "temporary subscription book" too simple, easy to damage the legitimate rights and interests of property buyers.


One property buyers in mid-March to the author to tell : In a Garden District signed a "provisional subscription book," does not contain specific content to property buyers will be responsible.


New "subscription book", developers and property buyers can not reach agreement on contracts of sale, deposit refund property buyers; Another commercial housing developers to sell others, the return to double deposit.


An MOF official said:"Frankly, I don't think we can afford further tax cut in 2009 given our tight budget", thus experts argue that, local government may come up with tax cuts, not central government. 2 Shanghai is considering rebating paid personal income tax, and giving out Shanghai citizenship to non-local buyers. 3 Shenzhen: MOLR -local's yesterday guidance: to prevent big fluctuation in the 2009 market.


Whether to buy a house even though the soldiers are like flowing water,一茬crop stubble into一茬out, no big change, but because of the development of information and communication technologies, around the friends and relatives have been purchased The increase in room crowd, the new home buyers home buyers increasingly easier to learn the technical Shenzhen SouFun column frankly lawyers on the Yangtze River, the overall level of home buyers obviously in progress, now, there are many consumers, on a self-interest involved in the issue of information than mine, to understand is also very comprehensive.


更多网络解释与购房者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


请注意"差不多"(Almost)这个词,这六个字母的单词在投资行业意味着潜在的风险. 房地产是一位多变的主人,川普也提到了这点,房地产业的下跌最能打击到像多纳德这样的低收入者,使约翰多尔这样的普通购房者陷入困境,多尔斯卡德尔的一名会计师,

capital gains tax:资本增值税

澳大利亚政府很有可能应该对2001年左右本国的房价加速上涨负一定责任,因为当时该国政府为第一次购房者提供补助,同时调低了租赁房产资本增值税(capital gains tax)的有效税率.

real estate agent:房产中介

普通购房者 private homebuyer | 房产中介 real estate agent | 首付 down payment

herd instinct:羊群效应

"羊群效应"(herd instinct)是另一个常见的人类行为特点. 然而,人们不仅倾向于模仿别人的行为,在争论问题时,也往往附和别人,从而形成从众心理和思想传染. 房地产市场的投资与股市投资类似,购房者受到追涨杀跌的心理影响. 当看到别人都在买房的时,

lending rate:贷款利率

提高后,一年期贷款利率(lending rate)为7.29%, 一年期存款利率(deposit rate)为3.87%. 加息其实是提高购房者的贷款成本,打击投机(speculation). 遗憾的是,从今年实际效果来看,加息不仅没能减少人们的购房热度,反而加大了购房者的还款压力.


因此,准备购房者"重新转向出租房","致使房租飞涨":巴黎一年上涨6.6%,里摩日(Limoges)上涨8.7%. 里昂涨3.9%,土伦(Toulon)飚升9.8%. 住房电子公司指出,"几乎所有地方的房租涨幅都超过了通胀率. "


贷款续约(renewal)和再贷款(re-finance)的客户忠诚度比例较高,在原贷款机构续约和再贷款的比例分别为88%和70%. 第一次买房者的忠诚度较低,为46%,而非第一次买房者的忠诚度高达58%. 75%的购房者将自己的还款目标设定为短于还款期(Amortization)的时间.

Return on investment:回报

多伦多信息港(记者彭琳报道):周四,ReMax Ontario Atlantic Canada地产公司>(Return on Investment)报告显示,在多伦多市场,因寻找便宜独立住宅(single-detached homes)的购房者不断涌入郊区,市中心以外的房价在2009年飙升(与08年相比).


consumer spending 消费支出 | homebuyer 购房者 | fill their dwellings with furniture 为房子购置家具

private homebuyer:普通购房者

房地产市场过热 overheated property sector | 普通购房者 private homebuyer | 房产中介 real estate agent