英语人>词典>汉英 : 购买品 的英文翻译,例句
购买品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
purchase  ·  purchased  ·  purchases

更多网络例句与购买品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The company's CEO says the economy is making people wary about big-ticket discretionary purchases.


The finance reform bill emerging from Senate Democrats takes a hard line in many respects requiring that most derivatives be traded on open exchanges where buyers can see what they are getting and sellers have adequate capital, establishing an agency to protect unwary consumers from predatory lending, and giving the government authority to wind down the activities of banks that get themselves into trouble.


Market basket analysis is one of the typical applications in mining association rules. It can find out the relationship of items form a large amount of transaction data, and can help marketing analysts to learn the purchasing behaviors of customers. The valuable information discovered from data mining could be used to support decision making such as marketing promotions, shelf space management, bundle selling, cross-selling, etc.


The research has results that the customers of the open-shelf cosmetics can be effectively segmented by lifestyle variables. Between the three groups, endorser does to rise the advertisement recalls, advertisement attitude, product attitude, and consumption intention.


It would authorise him to purchase any "residential or commercial mortgages and any securities, obligations, or other instruments that are based on or related to such mortgages," implying the right to take over derivative positions.


The selling contest is becoming incandescent in the consumable field. For the market researching and diffusing in the consumable field, made the marketing strategies graduated into clarity; But for organizing purchase, owing to it's different about trading, corporation, production and object of sales. So each company has it's own marketing strategies,"Unclarity" and absence of reference.


Discovered from time to time in relation to products,攒机 the 劣品 market, consumers purchase brand 买到假货 almost zero probability of being cheated.


When the promotion has limitary conditions, there will be lower effect of price discount on the quality perceptions.


The commentary said China's government can choose whether it will purchase Airbuses or Boeings, but it cannot make consumers buy French brand names such as Louis Vuitton or goods at Carrefour.


In addition, the private fund of SamSung group is used at be in not only political circles and journalism deal with, still be used to the madams that it is broadness purchase costly artwork, include to regard Mrs.


更多网络解释与购买品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


保护财产购买力的一个方法是继续将一部分财产投资在成长型的投资品上面(如股票或股票基金)这使您财产的长期增殖成为可能,同时提供一定保护相对于生活成本的上升. 这个策略可以用于RSP,RIF或您的非注册投资帐户,但是,它无法被用于那里用来购买年薪(Annuity)的财产.


秉承为人类创造"健康"(Health)、"美丽"(Beauty)的宗旨,专注于尖端、时尚的外用和口服美容品的研发、制造、策划、推广、服务. (一)海斯比婷的研发后盾"科技是第一生产力",我们相信好的策划可以打动人心,实现首次快速购买,



convenience goods:便利品

1、便利品(Convenience goods)指消费者要经常购买、反复购买、即时购买、就近购买、惯性购买,且购买时不用花时间比较和选择的商品. 2、选购品(Shopping goods)指消费者在购买过程中对功效、质量、款式、色彩、风格、品牌、价格等花较多时间进行比较的商品.


另外本公司还可以提供其他规格的纯品型和溶液型的葡萄糖,右旋糖(Dextrose). 仪器信息网上的葡萄糖,右旋糖(Dextrose)报价和型号规格为参考报价和型号规格,如需购买葡萄糖,右旋糖(Dextrose)请来信来电咨询,葡萄糖,

Louis Vuitton:路易威登

但根据法国一家法院2005年的一项判决,谷歌不得把法国奢华品"路易.威登"(Louis Vuitton)商标作为关键词出售给第三方企业. 此外,谷歌已在加拿大、英国和爱尔兰等国建立了商标反馈系统,以方便商标持有人发现他人购买了自己商标关键词后,

half pint:半品脱

21d英国酒吧里购买桶装啤酒是以品脱 (pint) 作单位,大杯的为1 品脱 (1 pint),小半的为半品脱 (half pint). 初到异国,还真不知道呢! Can I have a small glass of beer? 多尴尬呢 ......


另外本公司还可以提供其他规格的纯品型和溶液型的胡椒醛(Piperonal). 仪器信息网上的胡椒醛(Piperonal)报价和型号规格为参考报价和型号规格,如需购买胡椒醛(Piperonal)请来信来电咨询,胡椒醛(Piperonal)的报价以相关业务员给您提供的报价和型号规格为准.

Unsought Goods:非渴求品

4、非渴求品(Unsought goods)指消费者不熟悉,或虽然熟悉,但不敢兴趣,不主动寻求购买的商品. 如环保产品、人寿保险以及专业性很强的书籍等. 新的非渴求品是指那些的确提供潜在客户所不知的新的理念的产品. 信息含量大的促销活动能帮助说服顾接客受产品,

Shopping Goods:选购品

2、选购品(Shopping goods)指消费者在购买过程中对功效、质量、款式、色彩、风格、品牌、价格等花较多时间进行比较的商品. 3、特殊品(Specialty goods)指具有特定品牌或独具特色的商品,或对消费者具有特殊意义、特别价值的商品,