英语人>词典>汉英 : 贫穷国家 的英文翻译,例句
贫穷国家 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与贫穷国家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a situation that is fortunately known to millions of honest and brave people in the world, a battle to be waged with the masses and within social organizations and scientific, cultural and humanitarian institutions and other international outfits, but very especially in the United Nations where the US administration, its NATO allies and the richest countries tried to deal a fraudulent and antidemocratic blow in Denmark against the rest of the emerging and poor nations of the Third World.


A rapidly growing body of research by Barro and others strongly indicates that the inability of many poor nations to catch up more rapidly to the rich is largely attributable to atrociously bad economic policies of governments.


A rapidly growing body of research by Barro andothers strongly indicates that the inability of many poor nations to catch upmore rapidly to the rich is largely attributable to atrociously bad economicpolicies of governments.


WHO Professor Temet Avens says × the problem is × by rich nations and offer high paying jobs to doctors and nurses from poor countries.

世界卫生组织官员 Timothy Evans 宣称部分问题是富有国家为来自贫穷国家提供了高薪工作。

A lot of the provincial Chinese governments are active in Africa and they basically just want to grab the minerals and go, says Richard Dowden, director of the Royal Africa Society.


Inapposite regulation of business remains far more onerous in poor countries than in rich ones.


Although numerous online exchanges still act primarily as brokers between employers in rich countries and workers in poorer ones, the number of rich-world freelancers is growing. Gary Swart, the boss of oDesk, says the number of freelancers registered with the firm in America has risen from 28,000 at the end of 2008 to 247,000 at the end of April.

尽管还是有数不清的在线交易是在富强国家雇主和贫穷国家工人之间进行的,但是发达国家自由职业者数量也在增加。oDesk老板Gary Swart说从2008年底到今年4月份底来公司注册的自由职业者数量从28000上升到247000。

Raising living standards and promoting growth and development in the world's poorer countries not only helps them bult also expands trade ,jobs and incomes in the richer countries.


Majorities in almost every country said wealthier nations are not doing enough to help poorer ones.


The worst of all is that it was a meeting of the superrich countries to which some of the most important emerging nations were invited alongside two or three poor countries.


更多网络解释与贫穷国家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to become any less rich:降低富足的程度

the greediest and most muscular countries 最贪婪最强大的国家 | to become any less rich 降低富足的程度 | to be a lot less poor 大大减轻贫穷的现状


IRAC负责人博伊尔(Boyle)指出,1970年,仅15%的癌症发生在贫穷和中等资源国家. 今天,全球超过半数的癌症发生在发展中国家,全球约2/3的癌症死亡例数在发展中国家. 并且,发达国家与发展中国家的区别还将越来越大.

developed country:发达国家

看来发达国家(developed country)的确是"已经发展过了的国家",他们所谓的危机主要是生活质量的些许下降(例如度假和外出就餐的减少),资产缩水以及奢侈品消费的减少,跟贫穷国家里民众的"饥饿和衣不遮体"完全不是一回事.


hautboy /高音双簧箫/ | hauteur /傲慢/尊大/ | have-not /穷人/无恒产者/贫穷国家/


(法新社华盛顿 10日电) 前美国 总统柯林顿(BillClinton)与微软公司 创办人比尔.盖兹(Bill Gates),今天呼吁美国国会议员增加对外援助,协助世界最贫穷国家对抗爱滋病 毒(HIV)/爱滋病(AIDS)和疟疾.

impoverished nation:贫穷国家

南南合作 South-South cooperation | 贫穷国家 impoverished nation | 全方位外交 multi-faceted diplomacy

impoverished countries:贫穷的国家

15.take advantage of... 利用 | 16.impoverished countries 贫穷的国家 | 17.have to do... 不得不做......



purchasing power parity:购买力平价法

世界银行曾构建了一个"购买力平价法"(Purchasing Power Parity)来估算人均收入,按照这种方法计算,富裕国家的生活水平实际上比第三世界中最贫穷国家要高10至20倍.

Impoverished britons:贫穷的英国人

Impoverish v.使贫困 | Impoverished britons 贫穷的英国人 | Subsidy n.补贴金,津贴;(国家)财政援助