英语人>词典>汉英 : 贫弱 的英文翻译,例句
贫弱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

poor and weak
更多网络例句与贫弱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, for the then ages background and academic background, hethinks one of the roads of change Chinas present condition of beggarliness, fallingbehind and being humiliated is to initiate theories to save the country.


The relationship between patrons and client s originated from the King Age,and it had close relations with clanship and family.


Another less common form of defect are buffer trails, which are lines of swirl marks inflicted by poor machine polishing technique.

另一种损害的形式则是缓冲器的痕迹(buffer trails??),这是一种贫弱机器的抛光技术所造成的。

In Yilan, Taiwan, 76-year-old Xiao Zantian spent his childhood in poverty. Back when he was only 11, he once took an offertory cake from a temple because he was half-starved. The young Xiao made an oath to the gods that he would help the poor and needy when he had the ability to do so.


If you calculate the ratio of rewards to spending, it's meager.


I know I constitute only a meager voice and mind.


And render to the kindred their due rights, as to those in want,and to the wayfarer: But squander not in the manner of a spendthrift.


We start today's show on the topic of education. Tzu Chi volunteers in Coquitlam, Canada recently held a scholarship ceremony for students from low income families. Thanks to Tzu Chi's bursaries, disadvantaged children are able to keep up with their school classes, and learn new skills like piano, dance and karate.


Chapter Three: Geostrategic environments lead to the different views on the history of World War II between Germany and Japan Germany, locating in the centre of Europe, formulated the new geostrategic diplomatic policy because of vigilant attention and threat of powerful neighbors, and wished to be forgiven and recognized by neighboring countries; However, Japan, with the help of America which is dominant for Far East countries after the war, despised the poor and victimized countries in Asia, and failed to introspect.


It's familiar to the circles in the field of China's comparative education that Japan has successfully caught up with western industrialized countries since modern times, keeping Japanesque"Eastern"characteristics.


更多网络解释与贫弱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drop shot:短球

而经常被对手利用近网短球(drop shot)引诱到网前也是比较头痛的事情. 同时作为底线强攻型style,贫弱的发球也很让人烦恼. 一旦没有发出max server且被对手洞悉发球角度,随时有被return Ace的危险,从而容易对往后的发球局保发信心造成严重影响.




leanness 贫瘠 | leanness 无脂肪 | leannessmeagernessmeagreness 贫弱


leaning /倾斜/倾向/性癖/ | leanness /贫瘠/无脂肪/贫弱/ | leastone /层状砂岩/


meager 清瘦 | meagerly 贫弱地 | meagerly 瘦地


mate 配偶,同伴 v.交配 | meagre 瘦的,贫弱的 | mostdistinctive最最杰出的,典型的

meagre meagre:瘦的,贫弱的

manifest manifest a.明显的 v.表明,出现 | meagre meagre 瘦的,贫弱的 | narcotic narcotic麻醉药


首先,强化戏剧的物质外壳,以舞台装饰的华丽"奇观"(spectacle)掩盖戏剧精神内涵的贫弱,此曰"奇观化". 此风先在戏曲舞台兴起,后波及话剧.


cutch 儿茶 | cutcha 贫弱的 | cutdown 缩小的

meagrely:瘦地, 贫弱地

needle pickup 针式拾音器 | meagrely 瘦地, 贫弱地 | enclosed phase 被围相