英语人>词典>汉英 : 质问 的英文翻译,例句
质问 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assail  ·  interrogate  ·  interrogating  ·  interrogatory  ·  query  ·  questioning  ·  interrogated  ·  assailed  ·  assailing  ·  assails  ·  interrogates  ·  interrogatories  ·  queried  ·  queries

bring to account
更多网络例句与质问相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABSTRACT Complex fluid flow and heat/mass transfer problems encountered in engineering are characterized by geometric and/or dynamic complexity.


He hauled Hillary's staff and friends before the committee for bullying questioning and ad hominem attacks.


But his speech was interrupted a number of times by anti-abortion hecklers, with most graduating students drowning out the hecklers in support of Mr.


Bethany, it is not anti-semitic to question Israel's politics.


Jiang artist's love life has been hidden, he and his wife for his life, Zhou Yun calm, asked for the outside world, he has also been tight-lipped.


Luther's teaching that every human being at every moment of life stands absolutely coram deo—before God, confronted face-to-face by God—led him to confront the major misunderstanding in the church of his day that grace and forgiveness of sins could be bought and sold like wares in the market.


Then there were her questions: as many as 200 of them a year, asked in Parliament and recorded in Hansard, on any subject that might embarrass South Africa's white rulers.


If the heckler continues to be disruptive, chances are the group will take care of it, since the heckler is now heckling them.


Since Tsang began his electioneering, Alan Leong has kept asking him whether he supports the idea of Hong Kong people electing their CE by universal suffrage in 2012. He has prevaricated. Only when he is pressed would he say he would not rule out the possibility. Yesterday, some pro-democracy Election Committee members pressed him for an answer. He said,"Life is short. If I can settle this issue in my new term, I'll regard it as a big achievement in my life."


This is a thesis about some objections to knowledge argument, which are made by physicalists to solve the problem of qualia. Through the discussion of these responses, we can see how the contemporary physicalists deal with this thorny problem.


更多网络解释与质问相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a battery of questions:一连串的质问

a battery of questions.一连串的质问. | a battery of specialists.一群专家. | He was guilty of assault and battery.他犯了殴打罪.

assail: v.1:袭击,攻击 2.质问,责骂

blaze: v.1.熊熊燃烧,闪耀 2.迸发 3.炫耀 | assail: v.1.袭击,攻击 2.质问,责骂 | appease: v.1.平息抚慰 2.缓解,使...得以满足

call...to account:责问, 质问, 要求说明

bring to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明 | call to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明 | bring sb. to account 责问, 质问, 要求说明


heckle 诘问 | heckle 激烈质问 | heckle 集中质问


incrementalinductancetuner 增量电感调谐器 | heckler 激烈质问者 | make play 行动有效


heckle 梳理 | heckler 质问者 | hectare 公顷

call in doubt:质问,对...怀疑

call for help 呼喊求救 | call in doubt 质问,对...怀疑 | call in question 认为(某事)有问题,怀疑

She innocently questioned why:无辜的质问苍天

From one more violent crime 她为这又一桩暴行所害 | She innocently questioned why 无辜的质问苍天 | Why her father had to die 为什么她要承受丧父的悲哀


inquire 调查 | inquiring 质问 | inquiry about market information 市场信息调查


interpage 插入书间 | interpellate 质问 | interpellation 质询