英语人>词典>汉英 : 货币供给 的英文翻译,例句
货币供给 的英文翻译、例句


money supply
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This paper investigates the variability in the effects of monetary policy on economic activity in China by using the method of rolling vector autoregression.


Interest rate is an important monetary policy tool.Market-led interest rate is determined by the monetary supply and the need under the premise of bench mark of central bank.


An analysis of the behavior of depositor is conductive for the authority to adjust the money supply.


Financial institutions connect money demand and supply. Chapter four studies the changer of money velocity from the perspective of financial institution's balance sheet.


The author takes the government expenditure and the currency supply as exogenous variables,and take the real GDP as explained variable to simulate to determine their corresponding dynamic multiplicator and the long-term total multiplicator.


In an overlapping generations model, there are two monetary regimes to be selected for the government:(1)"constant real deficit" regime, that is, the government decides a constant real deficit and maintain that real deficit by adjusting the supply of money;(2)"fixed growth rate of money" regime, that is, the government decides a fixed growth rate of money and maintain it by adjusting seignorage.


The result reveals the turnover of Chinese stock market has negative effect on the demand of money demand at all levels.


Funds operation affects the commodity supply. The economic operation studies the relation between total supply and total demand.


Through reviewing the theories of classical economic equilibrium and economic growth, development proportionally and macroeconomic equilibrium and non-equilibrium, the thesis introduces and comments the theories and viewpoints of the major schools and their reprehensive who have typically significance and have done great contributions in the studies of the coordinated operation among money, funds and economy.


Unlike Keynesians, monetarists insisted that money is neutral, meaning that in the long run, changes in the money supply will only change the price level and have no effect on output and employment.


更多网络解释与货币供给相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Broad money:广义货币

广义货币(Broad money)是一个经济学概念,和狭义货币相对应,货币供给的一种形式或口径,以M2来表示,其计算方法是交易货币M1(即社会流通货币总量)加上活期存款以及定期存款与储蓄存款.



High-powered money:强力货币

这将提高强力货币(high powered money)与货币供给的差异. 若政府以不增加货币供给的方式,来增加政府支出. 将对货币市场无任何影响,因为货币需求(money demand)与个人持有的现金(amount of money)都没有改变.

money supply:货币供给

货币供给(money supply)是指某一国或货币区的银行系统向经济体中投入、创造、扩张(或收缩)货币的金融过程. 货币供给指一个国家在某一特定时点上由家庭和厂商持有的政府和银行系统以外的货币总和.

money supply:货币供给量

所谓货币政策,就是指透过调整利率和控制货币供给量(money supply)等手段来影响经济景气的做法(如图二). 中央银行透过公开巿场操作,存款准备率政策以及重贴现率政策等三种货币政策工具来影响和控制银行体系的准备金数量,影响存款货币的供给,

domestic money supply:本地货币供给量;国内货币供给

domestic money supply 本地货币供给量;国内货币供给 | domestic property price index 住宅物业价格指数 | domestic rental index 住宅楼宇租金指数

Money supply controllability:貨幣供給可控制性

Money supply 货币供给 | Money supply controllability 货币供给可控制性 | Money veil 货币面纱

Endogenous money supply:内生货币供给

药品招标:Sale pattern with money | 内生货币供给:Endogenous money supply | 外生货币供给:Exogenous money supply

open market operations:公开市场操作

货币供给和需求中,联储能够左右的是货币供给,而其改变货币供给的最重要手段是"公开市场操作"(Open Market Operations),即在证券市场买进或卖出政府债券,例如一年期国库券(T-bills):联储买进时,向卖家支付货币,从而增加货币供应量,降低利率;

open market operations:公开市场业务

公开市场业务(Open Market Operations) 公开市场业务是货币政策工具之一,指的是 中央银行在金融市场上买卖政府债券来控制货币供给和利率的政策行为,是目前多数发达 ...路透华盛顿2月17日电---国际货币基金组织(IMF)周三宣布,将开始根据去年宣布的一项计划 ,