英语人>词典>汉英 : 败德的 的英文翻译,例句
败德的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
corrupt  ·  corrupted  ·  corrupting  ·  corrupts

更多网络例句与败德的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A topic of this discussion is a kind of collective demoralization when a group of citizens evade their social responsibility.


With the pig breed and breath ask for virus integratedly (the cause of disease that prrsv) happening mixes or afterwards hair contracts is microbial, include a pig streptococcic, deputy pig is bloodsucking bacillus, pig is pneumonic a former put oneself in another's position, haemorrhage defeats courage and uprightness pleural and pausteur bacterium, pneumonic bloodsucking bacili and pig grippe virus.


The unbeaten Armenian-German super middleweight has an awkward style. He's not a beautiful stylist.


One group includes Bordetella bronchiseptica, B.pertussis and B.parapertussis, and other four species including B.avium belong to another group. They are members of gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci section of uncertain affiliation, Bordetella genus. With the development of rabbitry in our country, B.bronchiseptica infection and co-infections with Pasteurella multocida and Staphylococcus et.al are increased notably.

支气管败血波氏杆菌与百日咳波氏杆菌(B.pertussis)、副百日咳波氏杆菌(B.parapertussis)列为一群,将包括禽波氏杆菌在内的其余四种归为另一群,列于革兰氏阴性好氧杆菌和球菌,博德特氏菌属(Bordetella Moreno-Lopez,1952)。

Milan lost 3-2 against Sao Paolo in 1993 and fell 2-0 to Argentines Velez Sarsfield a year later, but only capitulated to Boca Juniors in 2003 on penalties after a 1-1 draw.


Everything seemed to be going according to script when Federer won the opening set but the first hint of a boilover came when Safin won the second.


Some of that frustration was taken out on poor Ruiz, but he probably saved some for his next opponent Daud Yordan, an undefeated prospect from Indonesia that Guerrero will face in the opening bout of Saturday's 'Boxing After Dark' from the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California.


For they are criminals in Israel, committing adultery with their neighbors' wives, and alleging in my name things I did not command. I know, I am witness, says the LORD.


We know we're always expected to go through to the knockout stage, but after they beat us at Anfield and we lost in Turkey, we weren't favourites to qualify.


With her, a simple American girl of German extraction, he had removed to Youngstown, and thence to Columbus, each time following a glass manufacturer by the name of Hammond, whose business prospered and waned by turns.


更多网络解释与败德的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Napolon Bonaparte:拿破仑.波拿巴 (即使兵败滑铁卢,也是英雄)

Ludwig van Beethoven路德维希.凡.贝多芬 (著名音乐家) | Napolon Bonaparte拿破仑.波拿巴 (即使兵败滑铁卢,也是英雄) | Michelangelo Buonarroti米开朗琪罗(意大利文艺复兴时代的大师)


在驱逐公司首席执行官埃克哈德•法伊夫(Eckhard Pfeiffer)的过程中,康柏公司(Compaq)的董事会采取了先发制人的行动,为的是使公...以其新型的数字式复印机和提高经营效益的新举措,施乐显然在表明它在同惠普和柯达等公司的竞争中立于不败之地.

Jamal Crawford:贾马尔-克劳福德

替补出战的"金牌板凳"贾马尔-克劳福德(Jamal Crawford)在30分钟的上场时间轰下29分3助攻的亮丽战绩,力助做客Verizon中心的亚特兰大老鹰以105-99战胜华盛顿奇才,送给对手五连败.

The Damned:納粹狂魔

一切都是从意大利导演威斯康提的电影>(The Damned)掀起的这场风波,片中以一个德国家族的兴衰与主角心境的改变,带出整个德意志帝国当时在希特勒政权统治下,一股暗红的败德气氛宣染了社会人心,使得种种禁忌,最后跃然脱出,

full disclosure:充分披露

正是从这个意义上说,"充分披露"(full disclosure)是会计对减少不利选择所作出的积极反映. 会计通过"刚性的净收益"'(真实与公允的净收益报告,而不是将许多损失或风险递延确认或报告假数字)能有效地控制败德行为. 因为,第一,

Peter O'Toole:彼德.奥图

彼德.奥图(Peter O'Toole)老爷爷,截至2008年,一共获得过8次奥斯卡提名,而且全是最佳主角提名. 但可怜的老爷爷一次奖也没得过,这与他8次遇到的强劲对手有一定关系,请问他没有败给过以下哪个角色?

Michael Redd:(里德)

不过后卫毕勒斯普(Chauncey Billups)却在比赛第3节扭伤脚踝,而必须一拐一拐离场. 毕勒斯普表示,他踩到了公鹿队中锋博格特(Andrew Bogut)的脚. 公鹿队则是拿下4连败,瓦伦纽维亚(Charlie Villanueva)攻下全队最高的26分,里德(Michael Redd)拿下17分.

Dennis Rodman:罗德曼

1994年 "大虫"罗德曼(Dennis Rodman)加盟马刺队 他的强力篮板支持使球队真正具备了问鼎总冠军的实力. 次年 马刺队以62胜20负的常规赛战绩笑傲江湖 "海军上将"荣膺得分王和常规赛MVP 遗憾的是在西部决赛中败给了当年的总冠军火箭队.


巴斯德氏菌病 内容 巴斯德氏菌病(Pasteurellosis)由巴斯德氏菌引起的疾病. 巴斯德氏菌属包括出血败血性巴斯德氏菌、溶血性巴斯德氏菌、亲肺性巴斯德氏菌及尿素酶巴斯德氏菌,主要是动物的致病菌,但也可通过动物咬伤、与动物密切接触等途径引起人类疾病.

Prosperity discovers vice, adversity virtue:发达令人败德,逆境带来美德

Industry need not wish.勤奋毋需盼望. (... | Prosperity discovers vice, adversity virtue.发达令人败德,逆境带来美德. (2008-03-06) | Wherever true valor is found, true modesty will there abound.真正的勇敢...