英语人>词典>汉英 : 责备 的英文翻译,例句
责备 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
animadvert  ·  blame  ·  blaming  ·  censure  ·  condemn  ·  criminate  ·  crimination  ·  remonstrate  ·  reprehend  ·  reproach  ·  reprove  ·  wigging  ·  remonstrating  ·  animadverted  ·  animadverting  ·  animadverts  ·  blames  ·  censured  ·  censures  ·  censuring  ·  condemns  ·  criminated  ·  criminates  ·  criminating  ·  remonstrated  ·  remonstrates  ·  reprehended  ·  reprehending  ·  reprehends  ·  reproached  ·  reproaches  ·  reproaching  ·  reproved  ·  reproves  ·  admonitions  ·  reproofs

speak to · take to task · talk to · talking-to · tell off · tell someone off · what for · give sb. what for · talking-tos · thumbs-down
更多网络例句与责备相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The last time you warned your child for being disorderly, you might have had to blame yourself.


To reprove or express warning in a gentle, earnest (类peccadillosin 小罪罪不确定:admonishmentcastigation =告诫苛责 admonishdenounce=punishpillory pretensedeceive=admonitionreprove alibi exculpate=warningadmonish参考:monitor 班长,监视器reprove, chide, monish;rebuke, reprimand, reproachHe admonished those frantic football fans to change their wicked ways.

最新更新和更多下载请到寄托蓝宝书在线::::::: http://www.gter.net/bible 告诫公开责备=惩罚示众伪装是一种欺骗=告诫是一种责备用托词的方式来辩解=用警告的方式来告诫蓝宝 GRE 最新笔考词汇突破他告诫那些疯狂的足球迷们改变那种捣蛋的做法。

People blame me and call me heedless; I doubt not they are right in their blame.


People blame me call me heedless; I doubt not they are right in their blame.


Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you.


NIV Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you.

箴 9:8 不要责备亵慢人、恐怕他恨你要责备智慧人、他必爱你。

But what does this reproving from you reprove ?


It is quite natural that they should put the saddle on the right horse .


Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you: rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.


Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

9:8 不要责备亵慢人,恐怕他恨你。要责备智慧人,他必爱你。

更多网络解释与责备相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blamable:可责备的, 有过失的

Blake bottle | 布来克培养瓶 | blamable | 可责备的, 有过失的 | blamablely | 该责备地, 有过失地

blameable:可责备的, 有过失的

blame | 过失, 责备 责备, 谴责 | blameable | 可责备的, 有过失的 | blamed | 该死的, 混蛋的

blameable:该责备的; 有过失的 (形)

blame 责备, 归咎于 (动) | blameable 该责备的; 有过失的 (形) | blameful 应受责备的, 该受谴责的; 苛责他人的 (形)

reproachable:应责备的 (形)

reproach 责备, 使丢脸, 申斥 (动) | reproachable 应责备的 (形) | reproacher 责难者; 谴责者; 责备者; 污辱者 (名)

reproacher:责难者; 谴责者; 责备者; 污辱者 (名)

reproachable 应责备的 (形) | reproacher 责难者; 谴责者; 责备者; 污辱者 (名) | reproachful 申斥的, 责备似的, 非难的 (形)

reproachful:申斥的, 责备似的, 非难的 (形)

reproacher 责难者; 谴责者; 责备者; 污辱者 (名) | reproachful 申斥的, 责备似的, 非难的 (形) | reproachfully 责备地 (副)


reproachful 责备的 | reproachfully 责备地 | reproachingly 责备似地

reproachfully:责备地 (副)

reproachful 申斥的, 责备似的, 非难的 (形) | reproachfully 责备地 (副) | reproachingly 责备似地; 非难似地 (副)

reproof: n.1:责备;指摘;申斥 2.责备之词

intrigue: n.1.阴谋,诡计,密谋,谋划 2.私通 3.复杂的情节,吸引力 | reproof: n.1.责备;指摘;申斥 2.责备之词 | remorse: n.痛恨,悔恨;自责


censorability /有瑕疵的/应予责备的/ | censorable /有瑕疵的/应予责备的/ | censorably /有瑕疵的/应予责备的/