英语人>词典>汉英 : 财富税 的英文翻译,例句
财富税 的英文翻译、例句


wealth tax
更多网络例句与财富税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any tax on capital will tend to dissuade people from accumulating the wealth in the first place, but a death duty is arguably one of the better options .


You will get exemption from wealth tax.


He wants to lower France's wealth tax by broadening its base.


In this regard, said Pan Shiyi, the real estate industry is decentralized, wealth tax is not a giant giant is normal.


For property income and wealth tax.


Their weaknesses are seen as low creativity, poor promotional skillss and conservative traits with a focus on tax rather than wealth.


Perhaps, the real estate sector giants Forever wealth tax should not become a giant, but the Giants may have to pay taxes should not be simply to individual enterprises to measure the absolute number.


He has even told Congress that it should not repeal the estate tax because dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise.


Since good Mormons tithe—that is, they give a tenth of their income to the church—the church is colossally wealthy, though its finances are secret. A decade ago, the Ostlings estimated its assets at $25-30 billion, but who knows?


Since good Mormons tithe—that is, they give a tenth of their income to the church—the church is colossally wealthy, though its finances are secret. A decade ago,estimated its assets at $25-30 billion, but who knows?


更多网络解释与财富税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

national bank:国家银行

新理念、新产品,不需您的本金,只需个人信用好(驾照、SIN、作废支票)国家银行(NATIONAL BANK)既可提供每位10万加元额度的无抵押、无收入证明要求的低利率(3.50%)贷款,贷款利率可抵收入税 财富的积累,不用很多的钱,20年就能达百万以上资产

net worth tax:净财富税

经营租赁协议operating leases | 净财富税net worth tax | 净出资余额net investment outstanding


降低成色有两种形式,最为主要的就是通过征收"铸币税"(seignorage)从民间掠夺财富,这种情况一般是发生在统治者因为战争需要而获得财源的时候. 具体做法就是发行更多单位的货币,但铸币用的贵金属数量却不变.

Wealth Tax:财富税

财富税(wealth tax). 任何形式的净财富(市值减去贷款)包括房产净值都要征收财富税. 2005年,如果单个人的净财富超过150万,家庭超过300万,都要按照超过这个数值的差额的1.5%交税. 对于房产的价值认定也是采用税务价值,

Wealth Tax:财产税,财富税

wealth sharing policy 财富分享政策 | wealth tax 财产税,财富税 | wealth transfer taxation 财富转移课税


Water Conservation Tax 鼓励节省用水税 | Wealth Tax 财富税 | When-issued 发股后

Operating leases:经营租赁协议

经营租赁operating leasing | 经营租赁协议operating leases | 净财富税net worth tax