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贝塔分布 的英文翻译、例句


beta distribution
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Making full use of knowledge in manufacturing tolerance analysis combined with the beta distribution model is introduced and applied.


In order to avoid that a small amount of field test information would be obliterated by a large amount of prior information,a Bayesian method with mixed Beta distribution was used.


Common types include the distribution of uniform distribution, distribution, distribution of 30 cents, and the distribution of beta log-normal distribution.


In probability theory and statistics, the beta distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the interval [0, 1] parameterized by two positive shape parameters, typically denoted by α and β.

在概率论与统计,贝塔分布是一个连续概率分布上定义的区间[ 0 , 1 ]参数由两个积极的形状参数,通常是指由α和β。

The 8087 s instructions are estimated with beta distribution and normal distribution separately, the whole program s execution time is approximated with normal distribution after adding instruction.


Methods According to the Bayesian conjugate prior distribution principle, the estimating methods of prior parameters of the conjugate beta distribution Be of the binomial distribution was given by writing the SAS programs.


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This paper has also done the following work to mend the bugs in the former version: Breaking through the size limit of screen, therefore, it took only one time to form the reliability block diagram of a complex system consisting of many components.;Three kinds of life distributions have been applied: Gamma,Beta,Weibull; Interborough estimate has been done to system MTTF; Optimizing the calculation method of complex system consisting of several sub-systems; Improving calculation speed greatly.


I have calculated the species diversity for 3 layers (i.e. tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer) by means of various biodiversity index formulas and analyzed the relative species abundance using 9 models of the probability density distribution functions, such as, 3 Distribution (or Beta Distribution, Weibull Distribution, Lognormal Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Binomial Distribution, Negative Binomial Distribution ,Geometric Distribution, etc.. chi-square analyses were conducted on species distribution by using the chi-square test formulated by Pearson to test which distribution function is better, the result of chi square test made it possible to reject the other 8 distribution functions, theβdistribution function performs better than other probability density functions, it has a very close approximation, which can be used for the description of relative abundances of species in forest communities in this data set.


It is the key for engineering process control to settle the process time, but the PERT assumes the process time obeysβdistribution or two point equal probability distribution, and this assumption affects the accuracy of project plan.


更多网络解释与贝塔分布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


茅利塔尼亚西南部阿克茹特(Ajoujt)附近埋有相当数量的铜矿石,阿尔及利亚贝沙尔(Bechar)南面有大量的锰矿. 铀则广泛分布在撒哈拉沙漠,尤其尼日的极为重要. 摩洛哥和西撒哈拉沙漠有极丰富的磷酸盐. 燃料资源包括煤、石油和天然气.

Beta probability distribution:贝塔概率分布

expected time期望时间 | Beta probability distribution贝塔概率分布 | crashing紧缩