英语人>词典>汉英 : 谷仓 的英文翻译,例句
谷仓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
barn  ·  garner  ·  granary  ·  garnered  ·  garnering  ·  garners  ·  granaries  ·  Garner  ·  elevators

更多网络例句与谷仓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

EDWARDSBURG -- Since The Barn Swallow Theatre Group lost its large converted dairy barn theater near Cassopolis to a fire in October 2004, its board has been looking for a new place to call home.


There was the barn and the barnyard full of cows.


Slim goes to the barn to do some work, and Curley, who is maniacally searching for his wife, heads to the barn to accost Slim.


DELTA PHI MU ALPHA OMICRON PI Barns Winter Barns Fall Barns Summer ...


Rain fell on the roof of the barn and dripped steadily from the eaves. Rain fell in the barnyard and ran in crooked courses down into the lane where thistles and pig weed grew. Rain spattered against Mrs. Zuckerman's kitchen windows and came gushing out of the downspouts . Rain fell on the backs of the sheep as they grazed in the meadow.


The barn had stall s on the main floor for the work horses, tie-up s on the main floor for the cows, a sheepfold down below for the sheep, a pigpen down below for Wilbur, and it was full of all sorts of things that you find in barns: ladders, grindstone s, pitch forks, monkey wrench es, scythe s, lawn mowers, snow shovels, ax handles, milk pail s, water buckets, empty grain sack s, and rusty rat traps.


A mother who has a new litter in a little-used barn will claim the barn as her territory.


Preservationists in Iowa reckon they are losing 1,000 barns each year.


Preservationists in Iowa reckon they are losing 1,000 barns each year.


This particular genocidal technique—forcing townspeople into barns and then setting the barns on fire—was revealed in the equally great 1985 Russian film "Come and See" by Elem Klimov.

那种特殊的屠杀手段---将村民赶入谷仓,然后再在谷仓上放火---在一部拍于1985年的伟大的苏联电影,由 Elem Klimov 导演的《自己去看》中有所表现)那是一次非常令人感动的参观。

更多网络解释与谷仓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

barn dance:谷仓舞

barmy | 发酵的, 发满泡沫的 | barn dance | 谷仓舞 | barn door | 挡光板 谷仓大门

Barn Owl:谷仓猫头鹰

Aragog阿拉格戈 | Barn owl谷仓猫头鹰 | Basilisk蛇怪


在一个谷仓(barn)里面,很空旷,用来堆放东西. 里面都可以投篮. 一个小孩可厉害了,大概半场左右的距离, 然后越过横梁,他还可以连续投篮命中. 先是吃饭,然后讲了一小点圣经. 主人是普渡毕业的,他说你们可以想象么,他老爸在农场干了43年,

corncrib:玉米谷仓 (名)

corncob 玉米的穗轴 (名) | corncrib 玉米谷仓 (名) | cornea 角膜 (名)


gardening 园艺 | garner 谷仓 | garnet paper 石榴石粉砂纸


garment 外衣;外观;饰面 | garner 谷仓;储备物;贮藏 | garnet zone 石榴石带

Grain elevator operator:谷仓操作员

Conservation,fishery officer 渔场资源保护官员 42,369 | Grain elevator operator 谷仓操作员 42,429 | Construction inspector 建筑检验师 42,780


随后在居民区旁建造一个集市(bazaar)、一个谷仓(granary)和一个猎人小屋(huntinglodg e),之后那些猎人们会猎杀那些在水边或平原上四处觅食的驼鸟--那些驼鸟将被猎人加工成食物放入谷仓,并通过集市向你的居民们分发食物,

grain silo:谷仓

近来由於全世界谷物加工业澎勃发展,并建设许多谷仓(Grain silo)以利储存谷物,确保其品质而提升其加工应用性,然而在谷物输送过程中,极易产生粉尘(Dust,包括砂粉尘及蛋白、淀粉等、细粉尘在内),经由它所引起的环境清洁及安全与卫生问题,

Hold like rich garners the full ripen'd grain:如同金灿灿的谷穗充满谷仓

Before high-piled books in charact'ry文字垒成了一堆堆... | Hold like rich garners the full ripen'd grain;如同金灿灿的谷穗充满谷仓 | When I behold upon the night's starr'd face我仰视夜空它那张星星闪烁的...