英语人>词典>汉英 : 谴责 的英文翻译,例句
谴责 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accusal  ·  accusation  ·  condemn  ·  damn  ·  damnation  ·  denounce  ·  denouncement  ·  denunciation  ·  dispraise  ·  lecture  ·  rebuke  ·  reprehend  ·  reprimand  ·  reproof  ·  twit  ·  upbraid  ·  upbraiding  ·  wite  ·  denunciate  ·  reprimanding  ·  condemns  ·  damns  ·  denounced  ·  denounces  ·  denouncing  ·  denunciated  ·  denunciating  ·  dispraised  ·  dispraises  ·  dispraising  ·  lectured  ·  lectures  ·  lecturing  ·  rebuked  ·  rebukes  ·  rebuking  ·  reprehended  ·  reprehending  ·  reprehends  ·  reprimanded  ·  reprimands  ·  reproving  ·  twits  ·  twitted  ·  twitting  ·  upbraided  ·  upbraids  ·  condemnations

dress down · tongue-lashing · bring an accusation against
更多网络例句与谴责相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A fortiori a person need not hold that no one is ever responsible or blameworthy—only that no criminal is responsible or blameworthy.


Pius X condemned it again in his allocution of 17 April, 1907, and in the Decree of the Congregation of the Inquisition of 3 July, 1907, in which the principal errors of Modernism were rejected and censured in sixty-five propositions.


" At the end of his work we find this protestation perfectly parallel with that of his testament:"All whatsoever I have affirmed on these various and difficult points, not according to my own sentiment, but according to that of the holy Doctor, I submit to the judgment and sentence of the Apostolic See and the Roman Church, my mother, to be henceforth adhered to if she judges that it must be adhered to, to retract if she so wishes, to condemn and anathematize it if she decrees that it should be condemned and anathematized.

"在结束他的工作(第三,第十, Epilogus Omnium公司),我们找到这个断言完全与他的遗嘱:"所有的内容我已经肯定这些不同和难点,而不是根据我自己的情绪,但据认为神圣的医生,我提交的判决和刑罚的教廷教廷和罗马教会,我的母亲,要坚持从今以后,如果她的法官,它必须遵守,收回,如果她愿意,谴责和诅咒如果她的法令,它应该受到谴责和anathematized 。

At the end of his work we find this protestation perfectly parallel with that of his testament: All whatsoever I have affirmed on these various and difficult points, not according to my own sentiment, but according to that of the holy Doctor, I submit to the judgment and sentence of the Apostolic See and the Roman Church, my mother, to be henceforth adhered to if she judges that it must be adhered to, to retract if she so wishes, to condemn and anathematize it if she decrees that it should be condemned and anathematized.

"在结束其工作(三,第十, epilogus omnium ),我们觉得这是完全平行的抗议与他的遗嘱:"所有的事,我肯定对这些不同和难点,而不是根据我自己的情绪,但据指出,罗马教廷的医生,我向判决和判刑的使徒见和罗马教会,我的母亲,从此坚持,如果她的法官认为,必须坚持,收回,如果她愿意,谴责和anathematize如果她的法令,它应该受到谴责和anathematized 。

They were thrown for the moment into embarrassment and hesitation, from which Arnauld extricated them by a subtlety: they must, he said, accept the condemnation of the five propositions, and reject them, as did the pope, only, these propositions were not contained in the book of the Bishop of Ypres, or if they were found therein, it was in another sense than in the pontifical document; the idea of Jansenius was the same as that of St.

他们投掷为时刻到尴尬和犹豫,从哪个arnauld摆脱他们由一个微妙的:他们必须,他说,接受谴责五个主张,并拒绝他们,像教宗,只有,这些主张没有载在这本书中的主教伊普尔,或如果他们被发现的地方,这是从另一个意义上讲,比在宗座文件; jansenius的想法是一样的,即圣奥古斯丁,而教会也不能,也不希望,谴责

Synonyms : accuse, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, charge, charge with, criticize, damn, declaim, decry, denunciate, derogate, dress down, excoriate, expose, finger*, hang something on, impeach, implicate, impugn, incriminate, indict, inveigh against, knock, ostracize, proscribe, prosecute, rap, rat, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, revile, scold, show up, skin*, smear, stigmatize, take to task, threaten, upbraid, vilify, vituperate

Notes: denounce 着重公开谴责,指责。 condemn 正式用词,与 condemn 意义最接近,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上进行坚决、毫不留情的谴责。 accuse 语气比 blame 强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。 blame 普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难,强调对过错等应负责任。 rebuke 多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。 reproach 指因他人粗心,自私等引起不满而去指责,找岔。 scold 普通用词,多指上级对下级,长辈对晚辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴,言词激烈的数落。

Although, therefore, it was decreed at the sacred general council recently held at Rome [35 ] that the teaching of John Wyclif, of cursed memory, should be condemned and the books of his containing this teaching should be burnt as heretical; although his teaching was in fact condemned and his books burnt as containing false and dangerous doctrine; and although a decree of this kind was approved by the authority of this present sacred council [36 ] ; nevertheless a certain John Hus , here present in person at this sacred council, who is a disciple not of Christ but rather of the heresiarch John Wyclif, boldly and rashly contravening the condemnation and the decree after their enactment, has taught, asserted and preached many errors and heresies of John Wyclif which have been condemned both by God's church and by other reverend fathers in Christ, lord archbishops and bishops of various kingdoms, and masters in theology at many places of study.

虽然,因此,这是命令,在神圣的总理事会最近在罗马举行的〔 35 〕认为,教学的约翰wyclif ,受诅咒的记忆,应该受到谴责和书籍,他含有这种教学应被烧为异端,虽然他的教学应该是在谴责和他的书被烧了,因为载有虚假和危险的教义虽然一项法令,这一类被当局认可的,这本神圣会〔 36 〕,但一定约翰溶血尿毒综合症,在这里亲自出席,在这片神圣的会一位弟子没有基督的,而是该heresiarch约翰wyclif ,大胆贸然违反谴责和法令后,他们制定了教,断言和鼓吹的许多错误和异端邪说的约翰wyclif已谴责了这两个上帝的教会和其他牧师的父亲在基督里,主大主教和主教的各种演义,主人在神学上,许多地方的研究。

Merely reasserted the principle which had been followed by the fathers of Nicaea in condemning the "Thalia" of Arius, by the fathers of Ephesus in condemning the writings of Nestorius, and by the Second Council of Constantinople in condemning the Three Chapters.

,只是重申的原则,已其次是父亲尼西亚在谴责"塔莉亚" arius ,由父亲以弗所在谴责著作涅斯的,由第二届理事会君士坦丁堡在谴责的3个章节。

Is it not to be feared that, beginning with the wickedness of the cinema, we should be led step by step to condemn the opposite political party, dagoes, wops, Asiatics, and, in short, everybody except the fellow members of our club?


Our conscience condemns us, our sins condemn us, and ultimately God's justice will condemn us.


更多网络解释与谴责相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


n of license)、禁止在券商处供职(Bar from association with a broker-dealer)、中止许可、限制从业人员或机构的行为和业务种类、谴责(Censure);对与证券有关的行业(律师业、会计师业)从业人员进行谴责或取消其在SEC前执业的资格;

public censure:公开谴责

如对受惩戒之律师不得公开谴责(private reprimand),相对来说,法官拥有较大的惩戒权(major discipline),如撤销律师资格(disbarment)、命令受惩戒律师暂停执业一定期间(suspension)或公开谴责(public censure)受惩戒律师.


covert 偷偷摸摸的,暗地里的 | criminate 指控...犯罪,谴责 | crimination 指控......犯罪,谴责


criminate 指控...犯罪,谴责 | crimination 指控......犯罪,谴责 | crisis 危机,转折点


以外国学生为对象并且使用英语授课的外国人学校,将于明年8月在首尔上岩洞数码媒体城市(DMC)开校. 联合国人权理事会25日就朝鲜境内进行的严重、广范围并且有组织的人权打压,表示谴责(deplore)并通过了谴责案.




upbraid /谴责/责骂/申斥/吒/ | upbraiding /叱责的/谴责的/叱责/谴责/ | upbraidingly /叱责地/谴责地/

condemnatory:谴责的,定罪的 形容词

condemnation 谴责 名词 | condemnatory 谴责的,定罪的 形容词 | condemned 被判罪的,受谴责的 形容词

condemning the violence:谴责暴行

谴责是次暴力事件 condemned the violence | 谴责暴行 condemning the violence | 谴责中国违反人权 condemns China's human rights abuses

Frederick denounced slavery in his speeches:谴责,指责(公开进行谴责),告发

condemn vt.谴责(道德上的谴责),判刑 He was condemned t... | denounce vt.谴责,指责(公开进行谴责),告发 Frederick denounced slavery in his speeches. | scold vt. 责骂,训斥 The teacher scolded Tome for runni...