英语人>词典>汉英 : 谈何容易 的英文翻译,例句
谈何容易 的英文翻译、例句


easier said than done · by no means easy · not so easy as it sounds · not so easy as you thought it to be
更多网络例句与谈何容易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you are after the best advice concerning tents, it will be easier said than done unscrambling quality information from amateurish tents suggestions and support so it's best to know how to judge the information you are presented with.


Yes, I myself also want to express my feelings in good manners. But, it is unavoidable not to stay calm when somebody smears you so dirtily. While getting angry, one will surely say some angry words. At this point, even if I wanted to say it 'in good manners', it is not easy to do so.


Unfortunately, for many people, this is easier said than done.


But that is easier said than done.


It would be hard not to fall victim to some sharpeyed policeman.


Or stem from freewill, or be by force of bread, many people threw the cavalcade that does poineering work independently, but easier said than done that does poineering work independently, be full of hardships everywhere, fall in the macroclimate of economic depression especially, the block that enterprise and individual get is very large.


What it takes to practice like a tour pro - it's easy!


It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years.


Though men have seen women swoon over the rippling biceps and washboard stomachs of the superstars, but it is really a hard task for most men to achieve this kind of physique.


This is unfortunately easier said than done, since more and more cities are banning dogs from wider areas.


更多网络解释与谈何容易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can't come between a man and his beer money:想让男人把酒钱掏出来谈何容易

I can't believe you just said that.|真不敢相信你会这么说 | Can't come between a man and his beer money.|想让男人把酒钱掏出来谈何容易 | See the big,heavy machinery?|看到那架巨大的重型机械吗?

each trying to cheat or outwit the other:尔虞我诈

Each is trying to outdo the other. 各不相让. | Each trying to cheat or outwit the other. 尔虞我诈. | Easier said than done. 谈何容易.

count sheep:数羊

困了便易睡. 另有频频张口导致哈欠的办法,两眼流泪便易合眼入睡. 郭利便学了这一招,每每用上. 美国人讲"数羊"(count sheep)也是催眠之术,可以试试. 想事或担忧自然是睡眠之敌,不去乱想又谈何容易.

Mammoths don't go down easy:要杀毛象谈何容易

- I told you to knock it off.- Save your energy.|- 警告过你了,别再说了! - 省点力气吧! | Mammoths don't go down easy.|要杀毛象谈何容易 | There's only one way to do it.|只有一个办法