英语人>词典>汉英 : 调用请求 的英文翻译,例句
调用请求 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

call request
更多网络例句与调用请求相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This renders the original table functionless, but maintains its integrity, enabling the Trojan table to direct system call requests to any handler you like.


For example, on the database you are using, it might be possible to send multiple queries to the database server in a single call.


Web service is used for user interface which is to respond the user query, and also it call the indexed database that was already done to return the query result.

而Web Service则是用于用户交互的网络服务,负责响应用户的查询请求,并调用已经建立好的索引数据库返回查询结果。

The system is composed of trust model, structure and function design, certificate database design, and implements the core functions of a standard CA system including signing, issuing and revoking certificates. The security communication modular of the system is based on the SSL Protocol to enhance the security of system communications. Besides, the kernel functions of the system are packed into DLL library, including symmetrical encryption algorithms, digest algorithms, digital signature algorithms and certificate operations such as certificate request, certificate building, certificate format conversion etc.


When you request a Uniform Resource Locator from Plone, an object in the environment is called.


At this point, we can call view_picture over the Web; we now need to make it populate the Maypole request with the appropriate data


There are several different types of messaging patterns in SOAP, but by far the most common is the Remote Procedure Call pattern, in which one network node sends a request message to another node and the server immediately sends a response message to the client.


Common object request broker architecture; object request broker; security service ; authentication ; secure invocation ; access control


This paper covered basic mechanism and implementation technology of Object Request Broker security service in CORBA system, of which the key components are authentication, secure invocation and access control.


This sample demonstrates the use of the Instancing and Texture Arrays to reduce the number of draw calls required to render a complex scene.

该 sample 示例了采用实例和纹理数组降低绘图调用请求次数以渲染复杂场景的用法。

更多网络解释与调用请求相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cd Candela:坎德拉(发光强度单位)

call 调用,调入;访问;请求;呼叫 | cd candela 坎德拉(发光强度单位) | candela 坎德拉(新烛光)

CR card reader:卡片阅读机,读卡机

CR Call Request 调用请求 | CR Card Reader 卡片阅读机,读卡机 | CR Code Receiver 代码接收器

CRS CallRedirectionServer:呼叫重定向服务器

CRN CallRedirectionNotification 呼叫重定向通知单 | CRS CallRedirectionServer 呼叫重定向服务器 | CR CallRequest 调用请求

device drivers:设备驱动程序

子系统动态链接库的作用就是将文档化函数(公开的调用接口)转换为适当的Windows 2000/XP内部系统调用. \④设备驱动程序(Device Drivers)包括文件系统和硬件设备驱动程序等,其中硬件设备驱动程序将用户的I/0函数调用转换为对特定硬件设备的I/0请求;


客户可通过代理返回的"期货"(future)获取方法执行的结果. 方法请求用于将代理上的特定方法调用的上下文信息,比如方法参数和代码,从代理传递给运行在分离线程中的调度者. 抽象方法请求类为执行主动对象方法定义接口.


ASP.NET HTTP 处理程序(Handler)是响应对 ASP.NET Web 应用程序的请求而运行的程序HTTP 模块(Module)是一个在每次针对应用程序发出请求时调用的程序集.

load on call:调用装入,请求装入

load on axle 轴上载荷 | load on call 调用装入,请求装入 | load on spring 簧上载荷

Remote Procedure Call:远程过程调用

RPC, 远程过程调用 (remote procedure call)是能使客户端执行其他系统中程序的一种机制. 由于使用 RPC 的程序不必了解支持通信的网络协议的情况,因此 RPC 提高了程序的互操作性. 常用于分布式客户端/服务器模型,发出请求的程序是客户程序,

Controlling request timeouts:控制调用请求超时

10. Avoiding dynamic connections 避免动态创建连接 | 11. Simplifying application scheduling 使应用程序调度工作简单化 | 12. Controlling request timeouts 控制调用请求超时

supervisions table:監督台

supervision plan system ==> 监工计划制度 | supervisions table ==> 監督台 | supervisor call ==> 管理程序调入,管理程序调用,请求管理程序