英语人>词典>汉英 : 调查对象 的英文翻译,例句
调查对象 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与调查对象相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bone mineral content and bone width at the one-third part of distal radius at non-superiority side were assessed by single-photon absorptiometer, height and body mass were measured at the same time.


We should be able to exploit its favourable conditions fully ,avoid unfavourable ones, combine the method of network survey and of traditional social survey and choose different methods according to different research objects.


About 20 percent were building event-driven architectures, and 20 percent were planning to do so in the next 12 months.


Colleges have experimented many different teaching environments, such as course on tape and kinescope, telecourse and distance leaning based on Internet.


Health workers in Health 8 areas have much rational change in concept, knowledge, and behavior on use of drugs. 76.88 percent of investigated people have rational concept, 85.95 percent of investigated have rational knowledge and 73.42 percent of investigated pay more attention to RUD.


ResultsThe threshold value of hearing for pure sound and air conduction at the frequency of 8KHz was significantly different(P﹤0.05 or P﹤0.01)from the re...


SETTING: Department of Psychiatry, West China Hospital, Sichuan UnivesityPARTICIPANTS: In May 2003, the nurse students of 2-4 grade doing clinical practice and probation in West China Nursing College of Sichuan University were selected as observative objects, all of whom had no record of mental illness or other severe disease , and volunteered to receive the investigation.


SETTING: Department of Psychiatry, West China Hospital, Sichuan Univesity PARTICIPANTS: In May 2003, the nurse students of 2-4 grade doing clinical practice and probation in West China Nursing College of Sichuan University were selected as observative objects, all of whom had no record of mental illness or other severe disease, and volunteered to receive the investigation.


Questionnaires regarding characteristics of opening gambling to certain people, changes in crime percentage after establishments of casino, subjects and objects of criminalities, allocations of police resources and budgets, extent of impacts on social customs, selection of casino's locations, values of such establishments, difficulties between finance and crime, and trend of local public opinions were sent out to the above-respondents people. As a result, one is able to explore out the relative conditions of establishing casino in Taiwan, and clarify connections between casinos and crime. Not only does this paper put forward conclusions of the research,but it also derives recommendations for those organizations concerned in this issue.


If the units to be investigated lie within the jurisdiction of the department that works out the item, the item shall be submitted to the NBS for filing; if the units to be investigated lie beyond the jurisdiction of the department that works out the item, the item shall be summated to the NBS for examination and approval.


更多网络解释与调查对象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


民族音乐学的研究不应只关注听觉(aural)层面,还应关注社会、文化、哲学、审美等. 1)定义:田野工作中数据资料收集的细节,如怎样正确地发挥报告人(informant)的作用,与被调查者关系的建立,休假时间对于研究者和被调查对象同样重要等.

field work:田野调查

除了汲取学术研究的工具之外,白鲁恂对研究对象的"田野调查"(field work)功夫也远非其他社会科学家所能比拟:他出生在中国并在华生活了将近20年,这使之可以直接感知和体察中国人的政治心理,从而获得了美国社会科学研究中并不多见的直觉洞察力.

Gallup Poll:盖洛普民意测验

调查法是通过问卷调查来研究调查对象对某个现象的看法态度等等,运用调查法进行研究的如美国民意调查机构--美国舆论研究所进行的调查项目之一盖洛普民意测验(Gallup poll)等.



interviewee, respondent, participant:调查对象

备忘录 memo | 调查对象 interviewee, respondent, participant | 比稿 competition, pitch

interviewer bias:调查者偏倚

差异性信息偏倚的两种常见类型是回忆偏倚(recall bias)和调查者偏倚(interviewer bias). 回忆偏倚产生于研究对象在记忆过去活动和暴露上的差异能力. 调查者偏倚产生于调查者对研究对象有差异性地收集信息. 采取盲法调查可以降低调查者偏倚.

Missing data:缺失数据

文章摘要:缺失数据(Missing Data)在调查研究中(特别是对大规模人群的调查)是一非常普遍的问题,并在一定程度上危害研究结果的有效性. 例如调查对象拒绝或忘记回答某个或某些调查问题,文件的遗失,数据不准确的记录等,都会造成数据的缺失或丢失.


供应链管理有很多技术,据CSC的调查,有73%的调查对象提出在未来三年里要引进的技术是CPFR,其含义是制造商与销售商相互协作(Collaborative),然后经过销售计划(Planning)和销售预测 (Forecasting),以此为依据进行商品补充(Replenishment).


未被凌驾的unsurpassed | 未被纳入调查对象的unpolled | 未被倾听的unheard


主要调查对象不仅是Gossau和图恩队成员,在挑战级别比赛的舞弊中,沙夫豪森(Schaffhausen)和Wil足球队和一级足球队-弗里堡队也卷进了丑闻. 在2008/09的赛季,17支挑战级足球队及两场热身赛受到了严重的舞弊现象的影响.