英语人>词典>汉英 : 说明字幕 的英文翻译,例句
说明字幕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

side title · tell-tale title
更多网络例句与说明字幕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A 30-second video available on YouTube shows an actual video of the bearded Al-Qaida leader with garble dubbed over his real voice and subtitles stating why he is right for the job.


Based on the four unique characteristics of subtitled films, namely multiplicity of channels, comprehensiveness, instantaneousness and popularization, this thesis brings forward three practical sub-principles, that is, accuracy of rendering, legibility and intelligibility as well as audience-friendliness under the general principle of dynamic equivalence.


Program startup screen, with subtitles, and have a certain reference value, is very suitable for beginners.


This is the image of the subtitles superimposed source, you can add your own code designed to edit images surface treatment.


Chapter Four applies contextual analysis in a case study to show how it may help in the practice of subtitling.


The official release also need to pre-publication ethics through the movie review of the management committee stage, in such works of the contents of the AV movie must have closed-captioning,"This does not happen in the real thing."


更多网络解释与说明字幕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Drebins Shop 购买武器与弹药,遇到Drebin后开启 | Briefing 操作的参照说明 | Options 可以变更游戏默认操作按键、视角、字幕开关等


无障碍设计元素包括视频的说明字幕(caption)和音频文件的文字副本(text transcription). 它们被用作原始内容必需的替代品. 另一方面,结构化标记(structural markup)则是一个实现通用设计的有力技巧. 使用h1和h2这样的实义标签来按照逻辑关系组织内容,

captious:吹毛求疵的, 挑剔的

caption 标题,说明, 字幕 | captious 吹毛求疵的, 挑剔的 | imperial 皇帝的


propitiate ; 谋求...的好感 | propitious 吉利的 | caption 标题,说明, 字幕

spoken title:对白字幕

side title 说明字幕,幻灯字幕 | spoken title 对白字幕 | Titles 电影字幕与标题

English captions:英文字幕

descriptive title 叙述字幕 | English captions 英文字幕 | explanatory title 说明字幕

side timber purline:檩条

side tilt car ==> 侧卸式送锭车 | side timber purline ==> 檩条 | side title ==> 说明字幕