英语人>词典>汉英 : 诱捕 的英文翻译,例句
诱捕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ensnare  ·  entrap  ·  entrapment  ·  mousetrap  ·  stool  ·  trap  ·  traprock  ·  ensnaring  ·  ensnared  ·  ensnares  ·  entrapped  ·  entrapping  ·  entraps  ·  luring  ·  mousetrapped  ·  mousetrapping  ·  mousetraps  ·  stooled  ·  stools

更多网络例句与诱捕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, trapping season: during the night mosquito attractant for catfish catfish effective trapping season.


After 72 h,168 h to observe amount and species of the attracted flies by the six materials in the three fields.Results There is amount difference of flies among three fields( P ≤0.01).There is also species difference of flies among six materials;In six materials,"canker fish+bean draff"(3∶2) attracted the most flies.The following is "canker fish+bean draff(3∶2)+ 0.1% TH6040".

结果在3种环境下,不仅6种诱蝇材料72h、168h诱捕的蝇数有很大的差别( H =10.80,χ2≤0.01; H =10.80,χ2≤0.01),而且各诱蝇材料诱捕的蝇类种群构成亦有所不同;以腐鱼肚肠及豆渣(3∶2)诱蝇数量最多,其次为腐鱼肚肠及豆渣(3∶2)加0.1%灭幼脲;在同一环境,各诱蝇材料间差别亦很大。

The cross-shaped trap, the funnel trap, the slot trap and the glutinous trap together with the random plot group method are used for the research of attraction effect on Dendroctonus valens in the forest.


A comparative study on the field attraction effects of different amounts on Chlorophorus diadema showed that fourteen test attractants had a certain trapping ability to Chlorophorus diadema, among which, D was the strongest, with a mean trappability of 0.82%; H took the second place, with a mean trappability of 0.64%; while G was the weakest, with a mean trappability of 0.11%.


Chilo suppressalis Chilo the suppressalis nature lure entraps the result to indicate that, the different information element allocated proportion entraps the existence obvious seasonal difference to the Chilo suppressalis male moth's field.

二化螟Chilo suppressalis性诱剂诱捕结果表明,不同信息素配比对二化螟雄蛾的田间诱捕存在明显的季节性差异。

Plant volatiles as allyl isothiocyanate , Z-3-hexen-1-ol , and Z-3-hexenyl acetate can attract DBM effectively and they have enhanced effect on captures of sex lure.

同时研究了植物挥发物异硫氰酸丙烯酯、青叶醇(Z-3-hexen-1-ol)、乙酸顺-3-己烯酯(Z-3-hexenyl acetate)对小菜蛾的诱捕作用及对性信息素诱捕作用的影响。

Delta-shaped traps baited with virgin females in the field attracted (233±16.3) males per day, whereas traps containing virgin males attracted 0 female and (1±0.6) male per day, indicating the presence of a female sex pheromone in R. longicauda.

活体雌蚊诱捕器田间诱捕雄蚊(233±16.3)头/24 h,活体雄蚊诱捕诱捕雌蚊0头/24 h、雄蚊(1±0.6)头/24 h,说明雌蚊对雄蚊有引诱作用,而雄蚊对雌蚊、雄蚊均无引诱作用,菊花瘿蚊由雌蚊释放性信息素吸引雄蚊交配。

Manual traps, where the cage door is released by the trapper, are recommended when a particular cat is sought.


In a honeynet, a network of honeypots is connected to imitate an actual or


A mixture of synthetic E9—and Z9—C12: OAC in 8: 2 ratio shovs as aitive as its virgin female moth in the field biossay, The synthetic lure is used in monitoring technique uhich is superior to the old monltoring method like black light, sugar—vinegar lure, and so on, The "communication disruption" and mas...


更多网络解释与诱捕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baiting method:食饵诱捕法 食餌引誘法

badlands 劣地,重蚀地 惡地 Y | baiting method 食饵诱捕法 食餌引誘法 Y | balance of nature 自然平衡 自然均衡 Y


诱捕(Ensnare)和潜水(Submerge),攻击力高,HP多,是最主要的战斗单位. 3天后,在洛丹伦大陆的西海岸,暗夜精灵们谨慎地进入了银松(Silverpine)森林. 玛尔法里奥暂时离开队伍,独自进入森林去尝试和这里的大地进行交流.

lobster pot:诱捕龙虾的笼

lobscouser 水手 | lobster pot 诱捕龙虾的笼 | lobster sauce 豆豉


polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的 | trapper 诱捕动物者 | rhinoceros 犀牛


这种中断如此命名的原因是因为CPU好像在诱捕(Trapping)一个事件的发生. CPU只有在某个事件发生后才会知道该事件的发生,因此它必须在发信号给中断之前诱捕到这个事件. 这样一来,Traps的ISR的返回地址是指向产生Trap的指令之后的那条指令.

wirer:以铁丝网诱捕鸟兽者; 打电报者 (名)

wirepulling 操纵傀儡; 幕后操纵 (名) | wirer 以铁丝网诱捕鸟兽者; 打电报者 (名) | wirespun 拉得长长的; 内容贫乏的; 过于微妙的 (形)


batfish 蝙蝠鱼 | batfowl 以灯火诱捕鸟 | bath gown 浴衣


batflying | 黄昏时的 | batfowl | 夜晚以灯火诱捕鸟 | bath analysis | 熔池分析

By ensnaring the insects that hatch in this cave:通过诱捕洞穴内羽化的昆虫

and slowly consuming the catch alive.|然后慢慢吃掉尚... | By ensnaring the insects that hatch in this cave,|通过诱捕洞穴内羽化的昆虫 | these glow-worms have solved the biggest challenge|这些萤火虫成功地...

Naga Siren-Ensnare:娜迦海妖的诱捕

Chen-Test of Faith, 圣骑士的忠诚考验 | Naga Siren-Ensnare, 娜迦海妖的诱捕 | Morh-adaptive strike, 变体精灵的变体攻击