英语人>词典>汉英 : 语言和语法 的英文翻译,例句
语言和语法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与语言和语法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under the frame of the language of the host country, the writers try to mix the vocabulary and grammar of their national language into the dominant language of the host country. By doing so, they more or less weaken the dominancy of the host country language and make their ethnic voice heard.


Speech, vocabulary and phrasing are three main factors of language knowledge, but the language knowledge is the foundation of speech.


The paper probed into the grammaticalized process of the prefix A- and some related problems on typology and gained several breakthroughs such as putting forward a new conception of "historical levels" on grammaticaliztion and the "unidirectionality", discussing some generant universals on the language's origin and change, recognizing the roles of the unique small contexts acted on the grammaticalization and the broadening process of grammatical rules, realizing the necessity of combination of researches on historical grammar and on Chinese etymology.


After a systematical analysis from graphological, lexical, grammar and ...


Basing on my own experimental results and that of theSLA researcher (Takayuki Nakamori 2001), I come to this tentative conclusion: UGPrinciples are accessible to all L2 learners, no matter whether the principles are instantiatedin the L1 or not; with respect to the parameters, the parametric values instantiated in the L1are initially available; while the two languages differ in parameter settings, someparameters can be resettable but to some other parameters, such as the Spec-parameter that isassociated with functional categories, become difficult even closed to the resetting; otherwiseevery L2 learner can acquire the target language successfully as well as the native speakerdoes.

根据自己的实验结果及第二语言研究者(Takayuki Nakamori 2001)的实验结果得出了这样一个结论:普遍语法中的原则对所有的第二语言习得者来说仍然可及,不管这些原则是否体现在第一语言中;但在参数方面,体现在第一语言里的参数值在第二语言习得中是可以首先习得的,但当第一语言和第二语言的参数值不同时,某些参数可以重新设定而对某些参数例如与功能管辖范围相关的具体参数就很难甚至不能重新设定;否则每一个第二语言习得者都能像母语习得者习得母语那样成功地习得目标语。

In this article the author analyses the regularity and transcendentality of language communication community, and elucidates the transformation of philosophical paradigm which is based on the debates in the transcendentality language communication community.


Is sometimes castigated for the syntax of its declarations, particularly ones that involve pointers to functions.


Horf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.


With the aid of the parser tree of L, the authors analyse some characteristics of words belonging to Adh, and prove iteration theorems for adherences of regular languages and context-free languages, thus solving the problem on syntactic structure for the adherence of corresponding languages.


In recent years, many studies on deixis have been conducted from the linguistic point of view.


更多网络解释与语言和语法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dependency grammar:依存语法

代表词汇主义思想的语法理论有依存语法(Dependency Grammar)、范畴语法(Categorial Grammar)、词语法(Word Grammar)和链语法(Link Grammar)等. (2)在语言单位的描写上以复杂特征集取代早先的单一标记(即原子).

English Grammar:英语语法

英语语法(English Grammar)是英语语言的组织规律,它赋予语言以结构体系,而词汇则是语言的建筑材料,它通过语法而赋予语言以意义内容. 英语的语法结构具有层次性,它可以分为五个不同的层次,即句子、分句、词组、词和词素. 作为一门外语学科,


语法是语言的架构或运行机制,它限定了语言的组合范围,即什么是合语法的(grammatical);词汇则是语言的表征手段,更确切地说是意义创生的手段. 算法是深层表征,意指是表层表征. 在算法层面,符号和运算严格遵守结构依赖原则和投射原则,


(按: 挖坟不是形容词, 去曲阜看孔林吧, 大多数墓碑都打碎了) 中国人认为, 中文本身是不科学的, 如洪水猛兽, 人家欧洲语言文字, 语法(grammer)理性而逻辑, 中国要开化, 有利祟洋和抄袭西洋, 文字障碍就要铲除.


>一书的作者Michael Lewis挑战了传统的将教学分为语法教学和词汇教学的观念,他认为语言是语法化的词汇(Grammaticalized Lexis)而不是词汇化的语法(Lexicalized Grammar),词汇(Lexis)是语言学习的核心,而语法结构应

prescriptive grammar:规定语法

实际的语法研究通常可分成传统语法、规定语法(prescriptive grammar)和描写语法. 名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、代词、连词等词性概念来自传统语法. 此外,传统语法还研究时态、语态、性、人称、数等特征. 描写语法以收集的语言运用实例为基础,

language proficiency:语言水平

英语交际能力包括语言能力和语用能力,语言交际既可以是口头,也可以是书面;既可以是信息接受,也可以是信息输出,或者两者并行. 不管怎样,语言交际的前提是掌握语言知识(语音、语法、词汇)和语言技能(听、说、读、写). 换言之,语言水平(language proficiency)是语言交际得以发生和进行的必

Scripting Language:脚本语言

其函数与编程语言比较相像一些,也涉及到变量,与编程语言之间最大的区别是编程语言的语法和规则更为严格和复杂一些. (3)与程序代码的关系:脚本也是一种语言,其同样由程序代码组成. 1.1 脚本语言(Scripting Language)的概念

Systemic Grammar:系统语法

一、系统语法的兴起和对语用学的影响系统语法 (systemic grammar) ,又称系统功能语法、功能解释语法、认知语法等 ,是由功能主义流派中的伦敦学派创始人弗斯 (Firth)的语言理论发展而来的一种结构主义语法.

he ran into New Age ideologues who made insipid claims about black and white magic:他陷入了新世纪意识形态中,其关于 嵌入该种语言语法中的白魔法和

To make a complicate... | he ran into New Age ideologues who made insipid claims about black and white magic|他陷入了新世纪意识形态中,其关于 嵌入该种语言语法中的白魔法和... | embedded in the grammar of...