英语人>词典>汉英 : 语言之外的 的英文翻译,例句
语言之外的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与语言之外的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, what the artist establishes is a supplementary relationship of endless play. Liu's practice discursively oscillates between the referent (i.e. the social frame or world of nature) and that which eludes language i.e.


And is there have any special examen at you university?


Both the linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts are necessary to determine the exact meaning of polysemous and homonymous words.


The role of language is so important for social integration that such abnormally reduces the opportunity for finding a partner, and if the deviation is market enough, the individual will become virtually incommunicado with great probability of exclusion from the gene-pool.


Nonverbal communication can be further divided into four groups, namely, kinesics, paralanguage, object language, and environmental language.


But we have heard rumors of your coming, for the messengers of Elrond passed by Lorien on their way home up the Dimril Stair. We had not


I like english is the first study ,of tis conditions,i think ,english,everyone,must be,in a language,it is a culture of their international,mark,from the point of view,as the mother of the child ,i can also promote learning english children's interest,learn their mother tangue other than english can,language is used,to exchange,therefore,the exchange oflearning a language,i cam be mote perfect logic, i mprove my lifestyle, and,i very much love this language


In common parlance and popular psychology, the term is most often applied to body language that is considered involuntary, even though the distinction between voluntary and involuntary body language is often controversial.


On the other hand,"Debutants' Social Talks" concerns about another type of artists who work in the pure world to explore a new art language - another world's language. It owns energy to shock the reality just because it has nothing to do, as only by virtue of a pivot beyond the world, we can prize up the earth.


Except that every period had individual expressions in its corresponding social subjects,reforms in contemporary sculpture were around how language acquires self-formation in line with Chinese contemporary spirits.


更多网络解释与语言之外的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agglutinative language:粘着语

全世界大约有3000多语言,可以分为3大类,除了日语这样的粘着语(agglutinative language)之外,还有印欧等地的曲折语及类似中文的孤立语. 粘着语的特征就是单词在句中由助词粘结在一起使用,确定单词在句子中的成分. 而对于初学日语的中国人来说,


)隐语(argot),是指社会上的某个行业或某个集团,所使用的内部语言,行业或集团之外的人,往往听不懂. 比如我们计算机业,把调制解调器(modem)叫做"猫",这就是一个隐语的例子. 在日本,不同的行业或集团,也有不同的隐语,






但不是相同的. 例如- 之外的所有句子为假,而仍然遵守在这个语言的语义合成(composition)的法则. 作为简写,在处理单元素集合(singleton)的时候,我们经常写 \Psi \models \phi\, 替代 \Psi \models \\,.

Social Studies:社会学科

该学会指出,加国大多数省份仅仅提供"社会学科"(social studies)课程,该课程内容包罗万象,涵盖了除语言之外的各种文科知识,唯独忽视了加拿大历史. 值得一提的是,卑诗省是一个例外. 据>(Vancouver Sun)报道,

target language:目标语

它不仅要求译者能够洞悉译出语/源语言(source language)与译入语/目标语(target language)之间的各种异同,还要求译者对语言之外的诸多方面,如宗教、信仰、风俗,乃至于巫术、迷信等,都要有深刻的了解.

one and the same:同一个

而是:思维活动的过程和语言活动的过程其实就是同一个(one and the same)过程,但是思维只是把这个过程向自己展现,而语言除了要把这个过程在内部自己展现之外,还要把这个过程向外部,向别人输出,这就形成了我们看待这同一个过程的两个不同角度:如果仅仅从内看,


extralimital 在某地区没有的 | extralinguistic 语言之外的 | extraliterary 文学之外的

extralinguistic:语言之外的, 语言学之外的

expectation 期待, 预料, 指望, 展望, [数]期望(值) | extralinguistic 语言之外的, 语言学之外的 | frustrate 挫败, 阻挠, 使感到灰心, 阻止