英语人>词典>汉英 : 语言上的 的英文翻译,例句
语言上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与语言上的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on recursive functions defined on context-free language, LFC (language for context free recursive function) is a formal specification language and fits for dealing with phrase structure.

以上下文无关语言上的递归函数为基础的语言LFC(1anguage for context free recursive function)是一种形式规约语言,适于处理短语结构。

It coincided, moreover, with the increasing interest of academic linguists in speech as opposed to writing, in the natural free flow of dialectally various language as opposed to the traditionally recognized standard form of language associated with the official organs of state.


According to the problems that are encountered in designing the mathematical knowledge representation language in NKI (national knowledge infrastructure) and after the discussion of ontological assumptions for mathematical objects, two kinds of formalisms for the representation of mathematical knowledge are provided. One is a description logic in which the range of an attribute can be a formula in some logical language; and another is a first order logic in which an ontology represented by the description logic is a part of the logical language.

根据在设计NKI(national knowledge infrastructure)的数学知识表示语言中遇到的问题,并在讨论了数学对象的本体论假设的基础上提出了两种数学知识的表示方法:一种是以一个逻辑语言上的公式为属性值域的描述逻辑;另一种是以描述逻辑描述的本体为逻辑语言的一部分的一阶逻辑。

Discussed From the artistic angle, Nineteen Ancient Poems use unique language manifestation to achieved Gentleman social stratum unique In language inelegance, and use the diversification expressing ways to form a neat form.


And so you see that inflection is a powerful speech tool. Always use it to your advantage in speech.


And so you see that inflection is apowerful speech tool.Always use it to your advantage in speech.


In the past hundred years, western feminist movement has already severely criticized this sex inequality in language and feminists have been advocating nonsexist words, or gender-neutral words.


The main resul ts show that any pair of pure finite epistemic states are quasi skep tically equivalent if and only if their par-images are similar.

利用有限子语言在原语言上的归约,得到如下的表示定理:任两个纯的有限认知态是拟怀疑等价的,当且仅当它们作用算子 par后结构相似。

More explicitly, there must be connections between words and the world that are direct in the sense that they are unmediated by linguistic-descriptive content—and which, nonetheless, provide the modes of presentation that the satisfaction of Frege's constraint requires.

更明白点说,在语词和世界之间必有关联,这个关联是在'它们通过语言上的描述性内容而无中介的'这个意义上直接的,但是这里的语言上的描述性内容提供的是'满足Frege的约束性必要条件'的the modes of presentation。

Human newborns have the same problem, although tamarins can easily tell languages apart even when spoken by different people, the researchers said.


更多网络解释与语言上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP):认知、学业上的语言精熟能力

263,"coeducational residence hall","男女学生共住之宿舍" | 264,"cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)","认知、学业上的语言精熟能力" | 266,"cognitive development","认知发展"

Connor:对比修辞:第二语言写作的跨文化层面 上海外教

1776 隐喻的研究与应用 上海外教 Low 2001 | 1777 对比修辞:第二语言写作的跨文化层面 上海外教 Connor 2001 | 1778 第二语言教与学的文化因素 上海外教 Hinkel 2001

legal incapacity:无法律上的行为能力;无法定身份/资格

legal force 法律效力 | legal incapacity 无法律上的行为能力;无法定身份/资格 | legal language 法律语言;法律用语


impromptu 即席的 | kaleidoscopic 五花八门的 | linguistic 语言上的

linguistic lateralization:语言侧化

语言侧化(linguistic lateralization)指语言能力在大脑神经系统中的分工. 一般认为,语言功能的侧化主要在大脑的左半球. 对于多数人而言,大脑左半球有着语言上的优势,这种优势与与惯用右手之间没有直接和必然的联系.


kaleidoscopic 五花八门的 | linguistic 语言上的 | mannerism 怪癖


linguistic 语言上的 | linguistical 语言上的 | linguistician 语言学家

Reid:英语课堂上的学习风格 外研社

第二语言课堂反思性教学 外研社 Richards 2001 | ESL/EFL英语课堂上的学习风格 外研社 Reid 2001 | 语言学习与教学的原则 外研社 Brown 2001


当这个语言从原先的口述(Oral)发展到书写(Written),成为了一种有固定体系的语言后,这个语言的本身可以说经历了一种语言上的进展和进步. 这种进展意味著: 1) 这个语言有了它相对完善的体系,因此很多之前要依靠语言的沟通和表达来完成的事,

Yule:论以语言学习者为中心 上海外教

1767 第二语言学习的条件 上海外教 Spolsky 2000 | 1768 论以语言学习者为中心 上海外教 Yule 2000 | 1769 英语会话 上海外教 Tzri 2000