英语人>词典>汉英 : 诗才 的英文翻译,例句
诗才 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
muse  ·  poesy  ·  mused  ·  muses  ·  poesies

更多网络例句与诗才相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have listened too long to the courtly muses of europe.


I have to Wang Qing Han-ting of Gough, I was surprised by Li Bai and Du Fu's poetry before, I have to hang around Music and lyrics of the Song and Yuan Dynasties; but now I know how shallow I am!


I have been immersed in the Han-ting, Gough, I have surprised Li Du's poem before, I have to linger in the lyrics of Song and Yuan Dynasties; but now I know how shallow I am!


I have been thankful to the Han-ting, Gough, I have surprised Mrs Lee's poetry before, I have to hang around the music and lyrics in the Song and Yuan Dynasties; but now that I know how shallow I am!


for in these days men are slow to believe that a captain can be wise and learned in the scrolls of lore and song, as he is, and yet a man of hardihood and swift judgement in the field.


You evidently possess, and in no inconsiderable degree, what Wordsworth calls "the faculty of verse".


As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.


And therefore when any one of these pantomimic gentlemen, who are so clever that they can imitate anything, comes to us, and makes a proposal to exhibit himself and his poetry, we will fall down and worship him as a sweet and holy and wonderful being; but we must also inform him that in our State such as he are not permitted to exist; the law will not allow them.


3William is better poet than polemist.


The third quatrain, with its drowsy, dream-like line:"Of easy wind and downy flake," opposes the horse's instinctive urge for home with the man's subconscious desire for death in the dark, snowy woods.

直到四十岁,他的诗才得公众的认可。从1914年到他去世,Robert Frost不仅确立了他的文学地位,而且成为美国最负盛名的诗人。

更多网络解释与诗才相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


asthma--"阿诗玛"--气管炎 | bauble--"抱吧"--不值钱的珠宝(才让你随便拿) | scrooge--"死固执"--吝啬的

how long:多久

诗人拉桑才仁在英文诗作>(How Long) 一诗的注释中表示:这首诗直接受到迪兰的>(Blowing in the Wind)一诗的灵感的启迪. 迪兰的这首歌采用问答体,歌手提出的每一个问题,都是对正义、良心的一次次诘问和自我拷问,

Estee Lauder:雅诗兰戴

我从一本书里看到,世界化妆品女神雅诗.兰戴(Estee Lauder)说:"世上没有丑女人,只有不关心自己或者不相信自己魅力的女人". 不能说雅诗.兰戴(Estee Lauder)说的是完全对,但是她说的确实很好. 漂亮不是女人永远的追求,魅力才是女人永远的追求.

Milky Way:银河系

";林语堂会给你翻一个口语版的"独立宣言"; 鲁迅听到有人把"银河系"(milky way)翻译成了"牛奶路",赋诗一首"调侃"译者的"译才". 那首诗我还记得,是这么写的:可怜织女星,化做马郎妇,燕雀疑不来,迢迢牛奶路.


"炭"(charbon)是波旁的字谜,同样,"黑"(Noir)指的是国王. 此外"白"是波旁家族的象征. 在波旁家族的国王当中,只有法兰西大革命时期的路易十六才是被绑住双脚拖人死囚车里的,第一行诗的意思是波旁家族的基业被路易十六毁掉了.

periodic sentence:圆周句

译注我们从这首诗的"入场处"开始讨论,这里连续扩展的"圆周句"(periodic sentence)在这个诗节结束以前出现了质变. 圆周句指使用较多平行结构,句子意义到结尾才会完整的长句. 译注它轻捷地,而且令人难以觉察地从圆周句的状态转变为不容喘息的急促感,一种质问和感叹的交叠的状态:


poempoetryversepoesy 诗 | poesy 诗才 | poetasterrhymerrhymesterrimester 打油诗人

Robert Frost:罗伯特.弗洛斯特

美国现代诗人罗伯特-弗洛斯特(Robert Frost)曾有一句诗:有了好篱笆才有好邻家(Good fences make good neighbors). 这有一定的道理,因为"好篱笆"可以把互相之间的界限弄得很明确:你的、我的,里头的、外边的,而邻居之间的不和常常是由于这些鸡毛蒜皮的事情引起的.

Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene:还有真挚激荡的诗才灵性

O for a beaker full of the warm South, 啊,杯中盛满南国的甘醇, | 鶩ull of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, 还有真挚激荡的诗才灵性; | 鶺ith beaded bubbles winking at the brim, 杯口旁,紫唇边,


只有在这个地域内生产的白兰地才可称为干邑(Cognac),其他地区的产品只能称白兰地,但不得称干邑干邑白兰地的名品有轩尼诗(Hennessy)人马头(Remy Martin)马爹利(Martell)卡慕(Camus)等岩马纳白兰地(Armagnac)岩马纳又称雅文邑,