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计算不出 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与计算不出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter three, we prove that there exist solutions to the Ky Fan variation inequality, as the set-valued mappings are defined on spheres in infinite dimensional Banach spaces or odd dimensional Euclidean spaces, following from these theorems, we obtain some fixed point theorems for set-valued mappings defined on a sphere. When G is an approximate compact convex subset of E, or G is a almost quasi-convex set-valued mapping, we prove that there exist solutions to and type generalized Ky Fan variation inequality, following these theorems, we prove several best approximation theorems and coincidence theorems involving two set-valued mappings and two different spaces. In chapter four, we first present a new Simplicial algorithm for computing the Leray - Schauder fixed points, the algorithm can solve the set-valued nonlinear complementarily problem. We give a condition to guarantee the computation proceeding in a bounded region. We present integer-labeling algorithms for computing fixed points of some set-valued mappings, the best approximation points and solutions to a kind of set-valued variation inequalities.

第四章给出了计算定义在非凸集上的非自映射的Leray-Schauder不动点的算法,而现有的不动点算法都是计算凸集的上半连续集值自映射的不动点;给出了保证计算有界的一个充分条件,我们的条件大大弱于Mdrrill条件,我们的算法也可用来计算Eaves不动点;给出了集值非线性互补问题存在解的一个充分条件,此时可利用Leray-Schauder不动点算法来求解;向量标号算法以往是计算集值映射不动点的唯一有效算法,我们给出用整数标号算法计算一类集值映射的Kakutani 不动点的算法;定义在紧凸集上的连续映射不一定有不动点,但一定有最近点,最近点是不动点概念的推广,我们给出了计算最近点的算法;集值映射变分不等式尚无有效的求解算法,我们给出求解一类集值映射变分不等式的算法。

Theorem factor calculated using the same order of 200% for all types of groups. and the non-abelian group of 15 bands within the structure.


For the ill conditioned load flow caused by the error produced in the transformation from electricity quantities to average power, direct current load flow and sensitivity vector are presented to find out the ill node, then by adjusting the load curve and generation curve in a certain principle, which is shown in detail with several flow charts, a new operation mode is reestablished to ensure the convergence of the calculation. Optimal multiplier method is proposed to work out the least square solution according to ill conditioned structural power network. The electricity quantities flow method enhances the reliability and accuracy of the calculation of the power transmission losses.


precise calculating formula is derivated to determine magnification ratio of voltage,input resistance and output resistance in amplifying circuits based on th feedback circuit model with cascade voltage.with th new calculating methods put forward by the author,it is possible to solve the problems in terms of calculation in amplifying circuits,the key problem being low level of exactness.the research shows the influence of components′ parameters of basic amplifying circuits and feedback circuits on feedback amplifying circuits.the results of the research may contribute to design amplifying circuits and electronic instrument with higher performance,due to the simpler calculation in the design of feedback circuit with cascade voltage.

摘 要:在建立电压串联反馈电路模型基础上,推导出放大电路中的电压放大倍数、输入电阻、输出电阻的精确计算公式。提出新的计算方法,从而解决了放大电路计算不方便,精确度不高、准确性不够的问题。同时进一步揭示了基本放大电路、反馈电路元件参数对反馈放大电路的影响关系。为设计出高性能放大电路及电子设备指明了方向,更加方便于电压串联反馈电路的计算。

The Imaging wing of General Electricals has announced the launch of water proof cameras for extreme sport lovers....


The result shows that in the amorphous material along with the increasing of the interatomic distance to the chosen origin, and the correlation will weaken rapidly. When they apart several interatomic distances, there is no correlation, the relatively position approaches completely disorder.


Furthermore, the instability problem existed in torques optimization is analyzed, on this basis a method for improving stability is presented.


However,in the past-developed software-package about foundry technique,the calculation methods of casting weight and module were not very correct and the weights of many complex castings were calculated not through the theory calculation,but through the experience of foundry men.


Cheated a little here - this is the Golden Gate Bridge again, this time as seen from the lovely Marin Headlands. We couldn't figure out how to get the Marin Headlands as a backdrop so we tried this instead.


Thirdly, geometry and mechanics equation on arbitrary point of the mooring line is deduced based on the catenary's theory . By using B-Spline functions the relationship curve between excursion and mooring force can be obtained, so the mooring force on buoy during the motion is known.


更多网络解释与计算不出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstract Algebra:抽象代数

那你要用那种理论去解, 例如:有N个矩阵相乘,找出最有效的乘法计算方式来计算,很显然不同的排法,所用得乘法也不一样,这种可以用动态规划(Dynamic Programming)如何利用数论(Number Theory) 与 抽象代数 (Abstract Algebra) 建立安全的密码应

necessary bandwidth:必要带宽

新划分的频段范围和分辨带宽存在下式关系: :分辨带宽(resolution bandwidth) :形状因子(shape factor) :带外带宽(Out-of-band boundary) :必要带宽(necessary bandwidth)由上式可知:如果分辨带宽不变,可计算出带外带宽的范围,反之亦然.

boundary element method:边界元素法

在计算过程中,吾人以边界元素法(Boundary Element Method)为基础[10]. 在使用拉凡格氏法求解本逆向问题后,以数值实验为基础,可得以下结论:拉凡格氏法仅需少量之量测点数、非常短之计算时间及不甚精确的外形起始猜值,即可正确的预测出结霜过程中霜之热扩散系数及厚度.



congruence class:同余类

观念并藉此得同余类(congruence class)即被一个数除之后的余数.无穷多个数不可能每个都要.数学家自然的选择了质数.所以这个问题与黎曼猜想之Zeta 函数有关.经由长时间大量的计算与资料收集.他们观察出一些规律与模式.因而提出这个猜测.他们从电脑计算之结果断言:椭圆曲线会有无穷多个有理点.若且唯若附於曲线上面的 Zeta 函

cough up:勉强说出某话;不情愿地提供某物

275costlya. 昂贵的 | 276cough up勉强说出某话;不情愿地提供某物 | 277countv. 计算,视为,依赖; n. 计数

invariant set:不变集

而许多动态系统中的不变集(invariant set)与 Brownian motions 均呈现为碎形. 点集拓朴理论虽然抽象,但它构造出实变函数论之基础﹔从这些观念衍生出的一些定理如极值定理?B中间值定理,更提供了许多数学理论与应用问题的计算基础. 此外,

work out a math problem:算出一道数学题

6) work out算出,计算 | work out a math problem算出一道数学题 | 7) work用作名词是不可数名词,其同义词是job是可数名词



Wave front:波锋

4.3 心房也参与折返 根据折返波长的计算公式,可计算出折返波锋(wave front)与折返波尾(wave tail)之间的长度,该值等于传导速度和不应期的乘积. 根据实验结果推论折返发生的范围约1~2 mm之间,如果传导速度2.5 mm/s时,