英语人>词典>汉英 : 警察 的英文翻译,例句
警察 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bluecoat  ·  bobby  ·  constabulary  ·  copper  ·  finest  ·  flatfoot  ·  flattie  ·  flic  ·  lawman  ·  P.C.  ·  paddy  ·  peeler  ·  peon  ·  police  ·  policeman  ·  policemen  ·  alguacil  ·  nuthook  ·  policed  ·  bobbies  ·  constabularies  ·  coppered  ·  coppers  ·  flatfooted  ·  flatfooting  ·  flatfoots  ·  paddies  ·  polices  ·  policing  ·  tipstaves  ·  badges  ·  bluebottles  ·  carabiniere  ·  constables  ·  flics  ·  lawmen  ·  rozzer  ·  sbirro  ·  shamus

police constable · John law · military grard · police agent
更多网络例句与警察相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Also on the agenda for next year: a proposal, backed by some influential lawlaw-makers, to split the INS into two agencies -- a good cop that would tend to service functions like processing citizenship papers and a bad deportation cop that would concentrate on border inspections, deportation and other CETfunctions.

CET-6, 2004.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 5 列入明年的议程的也会还有:列入明年的议程的也会还有:有影响的立法者所支持把移民归化局划分为两个机构的建议:一个好警察,他们的职责侧重于服务,审核公民证件等;机构的建议:一个好警察,他们的职责侧重于服务,如:审核公民证件等;另一个是坏警察,他们集中精力执行边境视察,驱逐出境和其他职责。

This is unworthy of the Conciergerie of a great civilization.


Crisis management meet an emergency as discussion, sum up and is it discuss and make conclusion and suggestion to analyse, is it make in the future dealing with similar masses activity resist crisis, conflict of incident manage reference that meet an emergency to support.


The different explorations in police education, such as the enlargement of police training content and variety, the establishment of police training institution, especially the foundation of London police college in Hendon, are also the important part of police professionalism. The third chapter describes the process of changing of police administration in Britain from local to national.


For example, provide the pension to the police martyr's family, carry out preferential policy on the policemen in western underdeveloped areas, directly transfer police equipments to the police sector in underdeveloped areas, put into practice the vocation system with salary for all the policemen, practice "5 small projects"(i.e. small canteen, small library, small gymnasium, small bathroom, and small washhouse) for the police stations at the grass-roots level, care about the work and life of the policemen. Thus, the cohesion of the policemen is strengthened and the policemen can devote themselves whole-heartedly to the tense work free of worries.


It's the necessary part of the security work because of its leading function, encouraging function and cohering function. Creating new excellent Police culture is asked exactly in the new history period for the security department and security work.


If police officers use excessive force in the course of an arrest, arrestees are entitled to use self-defense to protect themselves.


Grounded on the variables of the draftees' personal attributes, the research probes into their relations to organizational culture, leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the effects upon them.


This paper selects this point the police public service as an entry point, from New Harmony about the connotation of public relations, search, police found that the current problems in public services, from community police, the windows of police and police response alarm 110, the three public service put forward a corresponding response and improvement measures, to promote harmonious community relations.


Because the big cities, wired『装有报警器的』and well-policed『警察戒备严的』, have become difficult for criminals to work in, they have moved to more modest-sized『不太大的』cities in areas that were once relatively crime-free.


更多网络解释与警察相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


PlayaHata -- 被外人憎恨 | Anarchist -- 去除这个地区的所有警察和军队(使该地区没有警察) | GonrrheaChaChaCha -- 给你淋病. 如果你已经有了淋病, 你会治愈它

Force Armoury:警察枪械库

Force Armourer 警察枪械主任 | Force Armoury 警察枪械库 | Force Armoury Inventory Control System 警察枪械库记录控制系统

Cop Land:警察帝国/地头龙/警察乐园

|- Constantine (地狱神探/康斯坦丁) | |- Cop.Land (警察帝国/地头龙/警察乐园) | |- Corpse.Bride (僵尸新娘)

The Cover Girl and the Cop:封面女郎和警察

警察也移民 The Immigrant Policeman(1989) | 封面女郎和警察 The Cover Girl and the Cop(1989) | 警察故事续集 Police Story Sequel(1988)

Flic Story:警察故事

警察对暴徒 Kenkei tai soshiki boryoku(1975) | 警察故事 Flic Story(1975) | 女警察 Police Woman(1974)

flying squad:警察机动队

警察部门/police force | 警察机动队/flying squad | 警察机关/police force

Police Reservist:警察后备队;后备警察

police post;派出所;; | Police Reservist;警察后备队;后备警察;; | police self defence action;警察自卫行动;;

International and State Security Police:国际和国家安全警察(安全警察),PIDE,安全警察

International and Satellite Communications Unit,国... | International and State Security Police,国际和国家安全警察(安全警察),PIDE,安全警察 | International Animal Health Code,国际动物健康准则(动物健康准...

Police Academy 3:警察学校3-初为人师

Police Academy 2 警察学校2-初露锋芒 | Police Academy 3 警察学校3-初为人师 | Police Academy 4 警察学校4-全民警察

Police Academy 4:警察学校4-全民警察

Police Academy 3 警察学校3-初为人师 | Police Academy 4 警察学校4-全民警察 | Police Academy 5 警察学校5-迈阿密之旅