英语人>词典>汉英 : 警告卡 的英文翻译,例句
警告卡 的英文翻译、例句


caution card
更多网络例句与警告卡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now we hate to do this to close the alert box: Right-click on the desktop "My Computer", select "Properties" command to open "System Properties" dialog box, switch to the "hardware" tab.


Brazilian artist, Marcos Zacariades flies more than 30 hours to come to Taipei and got his visa in San Paulo stated,"AVISO: DEACORDO COM ASLBS DA REPBUCA DA CHINA O TRFICO DE DROGAS PUNIDO COM A PBNA DEMORITE".


"We really need to articulate a moral code that governs all this," warns Arthur Caplan, a University of Pennsylvania bioethicist.

"我们真的需要阐明的道德准则指出,执政的这一切,"警告阿瑟卡普兰,宾夕法尼亚大学的bioethicist 。

In addition to the new design we offer a panoramic view of the dazzling Bosphorus and the historic town of Istanbul, all rooms have electronic key-card systems, individually controlled air conditioning, smoke detectors and sprinkler systems.

加了新的设计后,Plaza Hotel Istanbul提供旅客令人惊羡的Bosphorus和具有历史性的伊斯坦堡。所有的客房都有著电子卡锁系统、独立空调系统、烟热警告器、自重喷水系统。

Mr Callaghan warned that if we sold our assets in the North Sea, we would be eating the seedcorn.


She wink ed at me,but it was humorless;a wink of warningTruman Capote


She winked at me,but it was humorless;a wink of warningTruman Capote


These were an old childless couple,kind and faithful and contented with life.the man was called deucalion and his wife pyrrha.son of prometheus,deucalion had been warned beforehand by his father of the coming flood and made himself a hugechest.when the roaring flood came the couple hid themselves init and floated for nine days until it touched land again on mt parnassus.


Mr Museveni's aides told the kabaka he would be held responsible for further bloodshed.


Lucas masterfully defies the bull and leaves the arena in a fanfare of victory. Carmen throws herself into his arms, and Dorotea warns her of the danger of letting herself be discovered by Don Jose. But Carmen is happy with her torero, and throws her caution to the wind.


更多网络解释与警告卡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rachel Carson:雷切尔.卡逊

美国女科学家 雷切尔.卡逊(Rachel Carson)出书>,警告化学杀虫剂对环境造成的污染. 联合国人类居住会议(HABITAT)在加拿大温哥华召开.

Cassandra warnings:最初不见信于人而后来证实为真的警告

cassamine | 围涎皮胺 | Cassandra warnings | 最初不见信于人而后来证实为真的警告 | Cassandra | 卡珊德拉, 凶事预言家, 不为人所信的预言家






man),为继绍卡斯提里欧尼(Castiglione)>(courtier)传统之作. 多年来葛拉西安再三受到警告,戒其未获允许,不得出版作品. 他违令如故,那稣会不堪甚扰,等他讽刺人生的巨卷杰作>第三卷(未卷)问世,就解除他在萨拉戈拉的圣经教席,

Dominique Strauss-Kahn:总裁多米尼克.斯特劳斯-卡恩

IMF总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯卡恩(Dominique Strauss Kahn)警告称,由於粮食和石油价格持续上涨的双重冲击,一些国家正处於"危险关头". IMF估计,从2007年1月至2008年4月期间,粮食和石油价格上涨对贫穷进口国国际收支的负面影响可能超过371亿美元,

卡桑德拉 Priam女预言家:Cassandra

Polyxena 波利希娜 Priam女阿基里斯老婆 | Cassandra 卡桑德拉 Priam女预言家 | Cassandra warnings 最初不见信于人而后来证实为真的警告


智利11个城镇受海啸袭击,塔尔卡瓦诺(Talcahuano)市测到海啸高达2.34米,而复活岛则要局部疏散. 夏威夷的太平洋海啸预警中心向夏威夷、澳洲、新西兰、日本、菲律宾及多个太平洋岛国发出海啸警告.

Rachel Carson:雷切尔.卡逊

美国女科学家 雷切尔.卡逊(Rachel Carson)出书<<寂静的春天>>,警告化学杀虫剂对环境造成的污染. 联合国人类居住会议(HABITAT)在加拿大温哥华召开.

caution card:(发给司机、车长的)警告卡

caution aspect || 注意示象 | caution card || (发给司机、车长的)警告卡 | caution light || 警示灯