英语人>词典>汉英 : 誓言 的英文翻译,例句
誓言 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
asseveration  ·  oath  ·  parole  ·  pledge  ·  sacrament  ·  swear  ·  vow  ·  vowed  ·  oaths  ·  paroled  ·  paroles  ·  paroling  ·  pledged  ·  pledges  ·  swears  ·  vowing  ·  vows

更多网络例句与誓言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In preface, author discusses the meaning of this study and the actual state of research about culture of Tibetan oath at home and abroad. The first chapter analyzes two basic sources of oath culture. In the second chapter, by analyzing literature and actual examples, author explores the problem which the definition of "oath" is unclear in Tibetan dictionary. Combining with the definition of oath, in the third chapter ,the author differs the concept among promise, treaty, bargain and caution money. The fourth chapter is mainly about the element of oath; In the fifth chapter , author divides and explores the different content and meaning of Tibetan oath.


According to the same letter, the Visitandines with solemn vows must pass five years of simple vows before proceeding to solemn profession (Bizzarri,"Collectanea", 1st ed., 778-91). Except in the case of a pontifical indult placing them in subjection to a first order these nuns are bound by the following rules: The bishop has full jurisdiction over them; he may dispense from all constitutions not reserved to the Holy See, and from particular impediments to admission, but may not modify the constitutions.

教廷准许竖立一座修道院的visitandines与庄严的誓言在斯普林菲尔德,按同一封信中, visitandines与庄严的誓言一定要通过五年的简单的誓言,然后才开始严肃的专业( bizzarri "丛书",第1版, 778-91 ),除了在一个宗座indult置他们于她们遭受的第一个命令,这些尼姑都受下列规定办理:主教有充分的管辖权;他可免除由所有的宪法并没有预留给教廷,并从特定的障碍入学,但不得修改宪法。

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On its completion the novice makes the usual vows of religion, the simple vow of chastity in the Society having the force of a diriment impediment to matrimony.


For I have sworn before you, and Almighty God, the same solemn 2 oath 3 our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.


Now, if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain forever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.


Before the end of the world, whether we can Zheng Kaiyan So that we can move forward together is not afraid of the brave recovery If in the first, let me have you Look inside the world, we strongly enough In a transparent fish tank inside, to outbound travel to the Who is In low-temperature inside the love of love is not enough strong Who can love anyone, not to give up In the gentle bubbles inside, we still firmly enough Huamao miss that day, hidden inside a little bit Niunai Ping Free to smile lonely existence of the moment I am not going to have you in tears complained to melt all cold Gentle that you miss is my oath I have been sensible, as you disappear at the end of the world Do not want to think of you, you Taokong I will be good, you all remain in my heart first Deeply buried you, you moved That day will not miss the end of the century, the advent of whom have left Dangerous moment there do not want to give up I have you all are dim memories of sad tragedy Gentle that you miss is my oath Huamao miss that day, hidden inside a little bit Niunai Ping Free to smile lonely existence of the moment I am not going to have you in tears complained to melt all cold Gentle that you miss is my oath Gentle that you miss is my oath


The canonical novitiate lasts one year, at the end of which, if satisfactory, the novice may be admitted to simple vows, and at the conclusion of another three years, unless rejected for grave reasons, he makes his solemn vows of "Stability, Conversion of manners, and Obedience".


I was pray, i just don't know my reaction. one thing about shot like this, i know we always talk about, there's a lot of players in the team, we always say just swear. everything we do, we do with swear.


In the time before we are so powerless, the only left on just the eye springs, and we have no regrets of the oath誓言;誓约;宣誓, I hope day after day, year after year, when I re-turn to this page , people still.


更多网络解释与誓言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abjurer's Tunic:誓言外套 防護師外套

Abjurer's Sash 誓言腰帶 防護師束帶 | Abjurer's Tunic 誓言外套 防護師外套 | Chieftain's Boots 酋長戰靴 酋長的靴子

Abjurer's Cloak:誓言披風 防護師披風

Abjurer's Bands 誓言指環 防護師手環 | Abjurer's Cloak 誓言披風 防護師披風 | Abjurer's Gloves 誓言手套 防護師手套

Abjurer's Mantle:誓言襯肩 防護師披肩

Abjurer's Hood 誓言寶冠 防護師兜帽 | Abjurer's Mantle 誓言襯肩 防護師披肩 | Abjurer's Pants 誓言短褲 防護師便褲

Abjurer's Hood:誓言寶冠 防護師兜帽

Abjurer's Gloves 誓言手套 防護師手套 | Abjurer's Hood 誓言寶冠 防護師兜帽 | Abjurer's Mantle 誓言襯肩 防護師披肩

will never more break faith advisedly:将永远不会再 故意违反誓言

that your lord...|你的丈夫... | will never more break faith advisedly.|将永远不会再 故意违反誓言 | Then you shall be his surety.|那么你就做他的保证人吧

asseveration:断言, 誓言

asseverate | 郑重声言, 断言 | asseveration | 断言, 誓言 | asshead | 笨蛋, 傻瓜

hes konw avow unto his own:从没在今世患上知自己的一个誓言

the young man strugged on and on年轻的他斗争着斗争着 | hes konw avow unto his own从没在今世患上知自己的一个誓言 | that never from this day他的誓言也将永远夺不走


(1992年第33号法律公告)"个人申请人"(personal applicant) 指非信托法团且在不聘用律师的情况下寻求获取授予的人,而"个人申请"(personal application) 亦具有对应涵义;"誓言"(oath) 指第6条规定须由每名申请授予的人宣誓作出的誓言;


特殊:此专长作为若干其他专长的先决条件存在,例如后面的誓言(Vow)系列. 效果:你在对抗毒素与麻药(drugs)的坚韧豁免检定中获得+4完美奖励(perfecti假如你是非自愿地受到此种药品的毒害). 特殊:为了遵守你的誓言,

juration:誓言 监誓

oath 宣誓 誓言 誓约 | juration 誓言 监誓 | preach 宣扬 鼓吹 倡导 传教 宣讲 唠叨说教