英语人>词典>汉英 : 言过其实 的英文翻译,例句
言过其实 的英文翻译、例句


overshoot the mark · a statement surpassing the fact · over state · paint the devil blacker than he is
更多网络例句与言过其实相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ballyhoo is the use of sensational or over the top means to draw attention to something undeserving of such attention.

ballyhoo 」是使用耸动或言过其实的方式来引人注意某样不起眼的东西。

This book is really good and successful.But if you say it has been the most popular book in the past ten years, that is to paint the devil blacker than he is.


This novel was good in faith, and also is a success, but it was said that is the most popular novel during last ten years will be paint the devil blacker than he is.


This novel really wonderful and successful.But if it is said the most popular novel in the past 10 years,it paint the devil blacker than he is.


This novel is indeed well and in a great sucess,but people paint devils blacker than he is to say that the novel is the most popular one in past ten years.


Full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic .


Instantly, all the rest fell to dancing, and the court-yard overflowed with the Carmagnole.


People are slow to give admiration for fear it should be misplaced; they are slow to bestow affection for fear that they should be made to suffer either by the person upon whom they bestow it or by a censorious world.


On the other hand, critics, both advanced as Cheyne and moderate as Driver, do not hold the deductions drawn by these archaeologists from the evidence of the monuments in very high esteem, but regard them as exaggerations.


When building a company Citron does not pay attention to nay-sayers, hype, or the competitive landscape.


更多网络解释与言过其实相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bombastic:夸大的, 言过其实的

almond paste 杏仁酥[膏] | bombastic 夸大的, 言过其实的 | diketene 双烯酮


得楞:对物品的修理. 对人的惩治. Repair or punishment | 大梨:吹嘘,言过其实. Exaggerator | 德性:指人品低劣或模样丑陋. Immoral person


exaggerated 言过其实的 | exaggerator 言过其实者 | exaggerator 夸张者


vociferator 大声叫唤的人,大声说话者 | exaggerator 爱夸张的人,言过其实的人 | numerator 计算者

Or, being hated, don't give away to hating:不强颜欢笑、不言过其实

Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, 不卷入仇恨的漩... | Or, being hated, don't give away to hating, 不强颜欢笑、不言过其实, | And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; 你耐心的等待着,无倦的等...

bombastic overbearing, pretentious, long-winded:(夸大的, 言过其实的, 夸夸其谈的)

despise hate, loath (厌恶,蔑视) | bombastic overbearing, pretentious, long-winded (夸大的, 言过其实的, 夸夸其谈的) | malicious solely to harm others (怀恶意的, 恶毒的)

You're exaggerating:你言过其实了

33)It's better he doesn't know. 他还是不知道的好. | 34) You're exaggerating . 你言过其实了. | 35)Twice the police protection. 警力加倍.


exaggerator 夸张者 | exaggeratory 言过其实的 | exalt 晋升

It is not a good thing to be overpraised:言过其实的夸奖不是件好事

To be called a coward is an insult. 被人称为懦夫是侮辱 | It is not a good thing to be overpraised. 言过其实的夸奖不是件好事. | Those shoes are only fit to be thrown away. 那些鞋只有仍掉.


18.cats,dogs倾盆大雨 | 19.swans言过其实 | 20.goose蠢得像头猪