英语人>词典>汉英 : 言语 的英文翻译,例句
言语 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diction  ·  lalia  ·  verba

更多网络例句与言语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beginning with the speech act theory, the intention and effect of speech act verbs are explored, and the corresponding classifications are put forward. From a further analysis of how to express"attempt"and"success"in conative functional semantic field, the expression means of how to express"success"in Chinese and Russian speech act verbs are induced and the differences of the two core expression means are pointed out by a comparative study.


It was found that structural models of a swearing discourse possess 3 parts: the swearing appellation, the contumelious special swearing expression, and the auxiliary statement of swearing cause. Then 30 odd pragmatic functions were reported in the study that strongly display their competences in helping people, as those in Dream of the Red Chamber, to express their subtle feelings to the full in intricate situations and under complex mentality. Meanwhile, 4 pragmatic parameters were discovered in this analysis of data: the sex character of swearing explaining how sex as a pragmatic factor influences the speech act of swearing; the socio-cultural character of swearing which demonstrates how 8 aspects of socio-cultural elements affect the realization of swearing in English and Chinese; the courtesy character of swearing, and the psycho-cognitive character of swearing. Finally in terms of the responding strategies of swearing and their effects, the study evidenced that many strategies were used and that 3 possible types of effects were produced when confronting swearing: no response, expectant moderate response, and excessive response.

本文发现:詈骂言语行为的话语结构模式主要包括三部分,即詈骂性称呼语、侮辱性专门詈骂语和辅助性詈骂原因陈述;詈骂言语行为的语用功能,具体表现为30 多种,因而能够表达人们的复杂情感,《红楼梦》也借以淋漓尽致地表现各种人物的性格、心理和喜怒哀乐;构成詈骂言语行为的语用参数主要有四种,即詈骂的性别特征、詈骂的社会文化特征、詈骂的礼貌特征、詈骂的心理认知特征;人们在应对詈骂言语行为的时候,通常采用若干策略,产生三种可能的作用力,即不给予反应、预期的适度反应和过度反应。

The feature of comprehension is based upon students, attempting to carry forward the spirit of main body of students in linguistic sense teaching. Feature of entireness is from the angle of literary works, demanding that the linguistic sense teaching is based on the macro-examination and systematic mastery of the entire modern essays. Feature of construction concerns the aim of Linguistic sense teaching, which on one hand is to realize students" individual construction of literary works, and on the other hand construct their language ability and spiritual personalities. Feature of dynamics mentions that students" cultivation of linguistic sense ability is a process of long-time fostering and practice.


According to the object of parol education, the content and the growing special feature of children, the material of parol education can be separated into two sorts. One is the special material of parol education, the other is the infiltrative.


Measurement of the hearing of speech signals; includes measurement of speech awareness, speech reception, word and sentence recognition, sensitized speech processing, and dichotic listening


G. speech perception and understanding. These stages are described and interpreted in terms of the findings from recorded corpus and questionnaires in education. As for speech production, students' speech motives are explored in detail. Speaker's speech intention is interpreted in connection with listener's reception of it. Findings are presented to show that, in the course of formulating speech plan, the previous sentences is often processed, the construction of sentence is a process of accumulative expansion of speech items through sequential or inversive appending or insertion, and the interaction between long-term and short-term speech plans often occurs.


The present study views the speech act performed with Presequence as a global speech act and assumes that Presequence functions both transactionally and interactionally in the accomplishment of the global speech act.


Following this analytical framework, we conducted an investigation into the explicit and conventionalized legal speech acts as used in English legislative discourses in terms of their functions, realization, distribution and frequency.


The cultural inheritance that this theory left to us was very huge and plentiful, To research this theory very clearly and overall is beyond the author"s ability , knowledge and .the article"s space , so in this paper , through elaborating on the following theories that composed the theory of speech acts -Attaching importance to the preferential status of the ordinary language philosophy A the distinction theory of language and speeclu the distinction theory of performative utterance and constative utterance , Three theories of speech acts, Three theoriesreplaced the distinction theory of performative utterance and constative utterance, the author introduced the contents, philosophy significance and contribution of this theory .


Methods 22 parients(35 ears)had been tested in three noises, including white noise,speech noiseand babble noise.BN was recorded when 8~12 persons were talking at same time.The monosyllabic phonetic balance word list was made by Shen Ye in 1983 and every list includs twenty-five words,Meantime ,the effect to speech discrimination score curve was tested in different signal to noise ratio.

目的 为了观察传导性聋患者在噪声竞争下言语清晰度曲线及不同噪声对清晰度曲线的不同影响;方法测试22名(35耳)传导性聋患者三种不同噪声竞争下测得的言语识别率结果,这三种噪声为①白噪声(white noise,WN),②言语噪声(speech noise,SN),③多人谈话声(babble noise,BN),即由8~12人同时讲话录制而成,其频谱与言语长时平均频谱接近。

更多网络解释与言语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

speech audiometry:言语测听[法]

4.言语测听法(speech audiometry):有些病人的纯音听力较好,却听不懂语意. 在这种情况时,纯音听力图并不足以反映病人的听功能状态,而需用言语测听法来判定. 言语测听法是用专门编制的测听词表来检查患耳的言语接受阈(speech reception threshold)和言语识别率(speechdiscrimination score).

speech audiometry:言语测

speech art 言语艺术 | speech articulation 言语清晰度 | speech audiometry 言语

Direct speech act:直接言语行为

言语行为理论认为人们以言行事,直接通过话语的字面意义来实现其交际意图的是直接言语行为(direct speech act);通过话语行为取得了话语本身之外的效果的是间接言语行为(indirect speech act).

Extol: ex:超过,tol言语,超过言语表达,赞美

Commend:表扬 | Extol: ex超过,tol言语,超过言语表达,赞美 | Exalt: ex超过,alt高音,高音之外. 晋升

speech impediment:言语障碍者

speech handicapped children 言语障碍儿 | speech impediment 言语障碍者 | speech intelligibility 言语可懂度

indirect speech act:间接言语行为

其中美国哲学家J.R.Searle的影响最大,他将言语系统化,阐述了言语行为的原则和分类标准,提出了间接言语行为(indirect speech act)这一特殊的言语行为类型.

IALP;International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics:国际言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会(言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会)

*IALI;International Association ... | *IALP;International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics; 国际言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会(言语矫正学和语音矫正学协会) | *IAMANEH;International Association for ...

method of verbal estimation:言语评量法 言语评量法

method of use 使用法 | method of verbal estimation 言语评量法 言语评量法 | method of verification 证实法

speech defect:言语缺陷

言语障碍也有人称之为"言语缺陷"(speech defect)或"言语失调"(speech disorder)等. 言语障碍是指:"说话时的反常现象,妨碍交际的进行,如失语症或口吃. "(>)如果一个人有一下特点中的任何一个,


"根据语言学的界定,运用语言的活动,称为"言语行为"(Speech act)或"言语活动"(Speech event);人说出来的话(口头语言)或写出来的文(书面语言)则称为"言语"(speech),也叫做"言语作品";作为言语活动的工具,才是"语言"(language).