英语人>词典>汉英 : 角膜疼痛 的英文翻译,例句
角膜疼痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与角膜疼痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is effect that amniotic membrane combined with keratolimbal epithelium allograft transplantation in chemical or thermal injury with severe limbal ischemia in acute phase. It might facilitate rapid epithelization and pain relief, which could prevent and reduce the complications, and improve the prognosis of the patients.


Corneal sensory nerve-rich, once injured, the symptoms are obvious, intense pain, photophobia, tearing, decreased vision.


After the eye splashes into, may have the chemosis and the cornea damage, the eye ache, bursts into tears, fears the light, if therefore is not careful splashes into the eye, must flush the ocular region 15 minutes promptly with the percolating water.


Results: A 24-year-old woman suffered from acute painful sensation of both eyes after putting on contact lenses soaked in hydrogen peroxide care solution. Bilateral punctate corneal epithelial erosions were diagnosed. To relieve pain, she, by herself, applied topical 0.5% proparacaine eye drops to both eyes with increasing frequency to almost hourly. However, the pain was aggravated. On examination 2 days later, a large central disciform epithelial defect and diffuse edema of the residual epithelium were noted in both corneas. With the treatment using non-preserved artificial tears, the epithelial defects started to heal the next day and ring-shaped stromal cellular infiltrates were observed at the border of previous epithelial defects.


更多网络解释与角膜疼痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nodular episcleritis:結節性表層鞏膜炎

2.结节性表层巩膜炎(nodular episcleritis)结节性表层巩膜炎以限局性结节为特征的一种表层巩膜炎. 常为急性发病,有眼红、疼痛、羞明、流泪、触痛等症状. 在角膜缘处表层巩膜上很快出现水肿浸润,形成淡红色到火红色局限性结节. 结节由小及大直径数毫米不等.


引起眼泪集中在眼睑形成的袋内,使角膜变得干燥. 狗的睫毛可向错误方向长出,因而睫毛会摩擦眼睛,引起眼睛疼痛和发红. 这种情况称为倒睫毛(trichiasis). 所谓双行睫毛(Distichiasis)也是类似的问题,眼睑缘上的额外睫毛会摩擦眼睛.

herpes zoster ophthalmicus:眼带状疱疹

(一)眼带状疱疹(herpes zoster ophthalmicus)多见于老年人,症状严重,疼痛剧烈,可累及角膜,水疱可迅速破溃而形成溃疡性角膜炎,以后可因疤痕形成而失明,严重者可发生于全眼球炎、脑炎、甚至死亡.

