英语人>词典>汉英 : 规范英语 的英文翻译,例句
规范英语 的英文翻译、例句


Queen's English
更多网络例句与规范英语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The English glibly that can use a standard organizes classroom education, this is main to a of English teacher demand.


Chinglish discussed here is influenced by the negative transfer from the native language,semantically ill-formed but syntactically well-formed in English compositions written by Chinese university students.


If the King's English is "English as it should be spoken," the claim is often mocked by the underlings, when they say with a jeer "English as it should be spoke."


In countries where English is a nonnative language, the major models for both writing and speech have generally been the standard varieties of British and American English.


However, due to the inevitable influence of the mother tongue, Chinglsh—nonnative English existing in people's speech and writing, is troubling Chinese learners of English in various ways.


Meanwhile, that American "doctor," who was supposed to proofread the book, is especially suspect, for the book is strewn with unorthodox or unidiomatic usage, indicating its proofreader's sloppy professionalism. What's more dangerous is that many Chinese test-takers would mistake them for the type sanctioned by native speakers, though nothing could be further from the fact.

同时,该书负责英文审校的美国"博士" Camille Hannah 也十分可疑,不知其为何方"高人",因为书中不符合规范地道英语用法的地方数不胜数,显示其职业精神和专业水准太低,也极易误导英语水平不高的中国考生,错以为这些语言是经过本族语专业人士认可的,其实完全不然。

It is a further object of this invention to providean apparatus which will have a proper weight tovolume displacement to allow the thermocouple tosink beneath the surface of molten ferrous bath in abasic oxygen furnace to thereby assure temperaturemeasurements thereof.


It is a further object of this invention to providean apparatus which will have a proper weight tovolume displacement to allow the thermocouple tosink beneath the surface of molten ferrous bath in abasic oxygen furnace to thereby assure temperaturemeasurements thereof.

科技英语的文体特点决定了科技英语用词必须规范、正式,以达到庄重精练、客观严谨的目的,为此科技英语多用专业术语;论文由无忧论文网 www.51lunwen.com 整理提供多用词形长的大词,而少用短语动词。

We must ensure that they can also counter-balance and rule-regulate the English-speaking and Anglicized people coming from all races.


There are many specific words with special legal meanings in legal English. Moreover, the legal documents which stipulate rights and obligations must be precise, objective and standard disallowing any amplification or emotional expression, so many particular features of syntax are formed.


更多网络解释与规范英语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但此介词在科技英语中,特别是用于"标准"(Standard)、"规范"(specification)和"图纸"(drawing)时,则常常含有"偏差(误差)不得超过规定范围"之意. 译时务必小心,否则就会差之毫厘,失之千里. 试看下面例句:


嗲(DEAR)、"瘪三"(BEGSIR)、"戆大"(GANDER)都是"洋泾浜"英语,英语原意分别是"亲爱的、可爱的"、"乞丐"和"呆鹅". 据说"洋泾浜"英语有700多个词汇(详细可搜索"百度"). 用"汉字注音法"学习英语尽管不太规范,欠科学,但是有一定的实


有学生student:学号(studentID),姓名(Name),年龄(Age),性别(Sex),年级(Grade) 有分数score:语文,数学,英语 现按照范式,规范的设计数据库表结构,要考虑学生的升级情况.并完成下列要求: 查询给定学生的学生成绩这样好像行啦,

Job description:工作描述

人力资源管理专业英语在实际应用中,涉及到具体的文书操作表格的设计和制作,例如,工作描述(job description),求职简历(resume),考核量表(appraisal forms)等都有一定的格式规范和表达习惯.


本句中into的内在语义是"看"(look)的结果,"看到"(see),相当于...he looked down and saw...,这里只有将英语介词"into"转换为汉语动词"看到",才能使意思明确,符合汉语规范.

mother tongue transfer:母语迁移

针对中介语,有人从母语迁移(mother tongue transfer)的角度对它进行解释. Corder指出,语言迁移是中介语中的一种"行为现象"(Performance Phenomena),是一种交际策略. 母语迁移是语言学家用于从心理学角度解释二语习得过程中英语学习者出现的不规范英语现象的术语.

Queen's English:规范英语

规定工时/straight time | 规范英语/Queen's English | 诡雷/trap mine


2、有银行数据大集中项目经验 3、 英语口语能力强职位描述 1、 大学本科(或以上)毕业,计算机、工商管理、金融、会计或相关专业 2、 在下列银行业务领域具有丰富的经验(至少精通其中一项业务,行业经验5年以上),熟悉银行相关业务流程及操作规范:存款(Savings)贷款(Loan)支


英语虽为新加坡通行的语言,但[[新加坡英语|新加坡式的英语]](Singlish)情况十分普遍. 因此,新加坡政府又发起了「讲正确英语运动」,鼓励国民学说、多说以英美英语为标准的规范英语. 英语虽为新加坡通行的语言,


如商标称"麦头"(mark),红苹果称"蛇果"(delicious),蛋馅饼称"蛋挞"(tart)等,皆为华侨多事餐饮业所致. 在台山,这种英语称"台山英语",多不合语法规范,但也反映老一辈华侨文化水准,且传承至今,具有明显地域性. 早在上世纪30年代,