英语人>词典>汉英 : 规范地 的英文翻译,例句
规范地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与规范地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The language using in Internet has some characters such as expressing directly, be remarkable for both voice and expression, creative language, informal language, etc.


They provide an unified planning platform, which makes every planning group not work independently but also cooperate and share planning fruit on net.At the same time tools solidify the criterion and standard of Planning, which make system analysts and operation users work more canonically and help them to do complex data-processing with computer and consistent understand them.


Is the deposit of guests valuables left in the hotel safe as well as the remittance of keys of individual safe located at the front desk formalised on a counterfoil book?


Current, the academic research that the country manages to electronic file already experienced more than 20 years, file of plasticity of of all kinds compasses from draft, pilot, arrive again the time that applied also be passed nearly 10 years, but its application still is in experiment phase, electronic file management still is run in non-standard ground.


To ensure the Educational Course of Psychological Health effectively, enduringly and normally, besides the high attention of the whole society, at present, one of the most urgent tasks is to strengthen the study of theory in the Educational Course of Psychological Health, and the systematic self-examination and summary.


It is very significant in our more scientific, systematic and regular piano teaching to analyze these factors, find where the hard-shell is, therefore discovering the effective methods and perfecting the theories and methods concerned.


In NBS business surveys, the tradition has been to use forms that are closer to report tables than actual questionnaires and that the current pilot survey is a first in questionnaire design and testing .


Nevertheless, they still raised their hand high above their head, with their palms supinating irregularly, trying their best to raise their head to see the climbing national flag.


You should write your paper in a standard way.


"We had not done what had wanted to want to appear on the market, so we studied the pattern of blue Nile carefully, will do from very normative at the beginning ground."


更多网络解释与规范地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

building code:建筑守则;建筑规范

building basic rate 屋地基本率 | building code 建筑守则;建筑规范 | building component 建筑组件;大厦组件


canonical 规范的 | canonically 照宗规地 | canonicals 礼服


" 2.西方经济学对"制度"的阐述 (1)康芒斯(Commons)认为,制度是"限制、解放和扩张个人行动的集体行动",即制度是集体行动控制个体行动. (2)诺斯(North)对制度的解释是"制度是一个社会里的游戏规则,更规范地说,

normative jurisprudence:规范法学

第一,除社会学法学外还有一种独立的研究--规范法学(normative jurisprudence),它(所研究)的主题是不同的. 规范法学研究法律的规范,也就是研究人们应当如何依照法律行事. 它不是研究他们实际上如何行事的一种研究. 第二,既然排他地关注实证法(positive law),


国内学术界又将其译成道德危险或道德公害. 较规范地说,它指的是引起或增大既定危险(peril)损失的条件或因素. 例如,生产火药会增加火灾和爆炸



regulative principle:规范原则

也即是说,他们要把伦理性的期望带入学术史的研究之中,使学术的批判非得光荣地充当伦理和意识形态的批判角色不可,把韦伯竭力分开的"信念伦理"和"责任伦理",价值的"规范原则"(regulative principle)和"构成原则"(constitutive principle)等重



Stamp Booklet:小本票

发行部门的当务之急是做好邮票册(Stamp Booklets)、小本票(Stamp Booklet)、邮票本册(Prestige Stamp Booklet)的系列规划,力求均衡发行、合理定位定价. 下一品种不管照旧依附于常规套票或单独发行,必须规范地把所有详细信息载入新邮预报,

TBS"residential buildings. saving of the land. comfortable. economical:三进式"住宅、节地、舒适性、经济性

建筑抗震设计规范:code for seismic d... | "三进式"住宅、节地、舒适性、经济性:TBS"residential buildings. saving of the land. comfortable. economical | 底层带商店(场)的城市住宅:the urban residential Building...