英语人>词典>汉英 : 规范化函数 的英文翻译,例句
规范化函数 的英文翻译、例句


normalized function
更多网络例句与规范化函数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then, combined with the implementation of Arc Tangent function, FFT algorithm, Differential Positioning algorithm, and telecommunication module, the general proposal of algorithm module implementation is presented, and the design methods of practical algorithm module implementation is proposed, together with instances illustrating the advantage of standard algorithm modules.


On the basis of constructing normalization vector space with single d irection, defined and induced six TOPSIS functions, proved that these six functi ons are valuation functions.

在构建单向规范化向量空间的基础上,定义并归纳了6种TOP SIS函数,证明了这6种函数都是价值函数。

A systematic method using the Karnaugh map to simplify multi-output combinational logic functions is introduced.


This function satisfies the homogeneous boundary condition of Poisson's equation.


Next, the boundary value problem is changed into an integral equation by applying a Green function. Then, by establishing a normalized boundary equation, the irregularity of the kernel of integral equation is overcome.

弹性扭转问题可看成是Poisson方程的边值问题,R 函数理论保证了对于任何复杂的区域,总可以找到一个规范化方程,从而可以将弹性扭转问题化为一个无奇异性的第二类Fredholm积分方程。

For the joint density function of 2-D continuous random variables, a new function can be obtained by upper limit-variable integral, and then, by normalization of the new function according to the property of density functions, a general marginal density function was constructed.


The calculation results show that the normalized polynomial-match for non-linear function and neural network can match experimental data more accurate than other arithmetic methods for compensating the offset thermal drift of pressure sensor.


This paper proposed a modified Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to solve the mixed model assembly line sequencing problem in discrete space with two objectives:total production rate variation and total idle-overload time.


The bending problem of simple-supported parallelogrammic plates on Winkler foundation is reduced to two simultaneous Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by applying Green quasifunction method. The Green quasifunction is set up by using the fundamental solution of Poisson equation and the normalized boundary equation.


更多网络解释与规范化函数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

normalized function:规范化函数

normalized frequency 标准化频率=>規格化周波数 | normalized function 规范化函数 | normalized impedance 归一化阻抗,标准化阻抗=>正規化インピーダンス

normalized function:规范化函数=>正規化関数

normalized frequency 标准化频率=>規格化周波数,正規化周波数 | normalized function 规范化函数=>正規化関数 | normalized geodesic 正规化测地线

normalized variate:正规化变量

normalized function 规范化函数 | normalized variate 正规化变量 | normalized vector 正规化向量


对HTML文档进行简单规范化(canonicalization)输入原始文档,输出正规化(normalized)文档. 参照W3C XML标准对文档良好格式和正规化(normalization)的定义,对HTML文档作如下的处理,为进一步的内容解析提供方便* tag对象属性(attribute)格式 name="value" , 属性之间用一个空格符(#0x20)分隔函数对输入的HTML文本没有

normalized impedance:归一化阻抗,标准化阻抗=>正規化

normalized function ==> 规范化函数 | normalized impedance ==> 归一化阻抗,标准化阻抗=>正規化インピーダンス | normalized inverse derivative ==> 正规反导数