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规则 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
byelaw  ·  codex  ·  formula  ·  formulae  ·  imperative  ·  order  ·  regulation  ·  rule  ·  ruled

更多网络例句与规则相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

paradox rule is no.201 item of wittgenstein's philosophical research which focuses on the relationship between the rule and the action. represented by bloor who takes paradox rules on the conduct of the suspected interpretation,ssk in a suspected interpretation thinks that the community assumpsit and benefits decide the consistency of action and rules. while represented by lynch who takes paradox rules on the conduct of the anti-interpretation of skepticism,post-ssk thinks that the rule is inherent of practice.

摘 要:规则悖论是维特根斯坦《哲学研究》的第二百零一条,主要讨论规则和行动的关系问题。ssk以布鲁尔为代表对规则悖论进行了怀疑式的解读,认为社会约定和利益决定了规则和行动的一致性;而后ssk以林奇为代表对规则悖论进行了反怀疑论的解读,认为规则内在于实践。

Decision rule chain and distance function of decision rule are proposed, by which the order of decision rules are explained. The group scale's effect on decision quality and the marginal contribution of decision-makers are analyzed. It's pointed out that the increase of the scale will enhance the decision quality with the optimal decision rule applied. Otherwise it is likely to weaken the decision quality. It's proved that for homogeneous group with simple majority rule applied the marginal contribution of decision-maker will decrease while the scale increases or the decisional competencies of other decision-makers increase; 3.We study the group decision-making with a leader in it. It's proved that the existence of the leader impairs the decision quality when the group applies the optimal decision rule.

研究了决策者的决策能力不确定情况下的群体决策,给出了最优决策规则,指出其仍然是广义加权多数规则;提出了决策规则链和决策规则距离函数的概念,利用这些概念解释了群体决策规则的序现象;分析了群体规模对决策质量的影响、决策者决策能力的边际贡献,指出当群体应用最优规则时,群体规模的增大会提高决策质量,否则群体规模的增大可能会削弱决策质量;证明了对于应用简单多数规则的同质群体,随着其规模的增大,决策者决策能力对决策质量的边际贡献会减小;随着其他决策者决策能力的提高,决策者决策能力对决策质量的边际贡献也会减小; 3。

For the first time, we propose the Ternary production rule and Ternary rule matrix , then use MVL to decompose the compound rules, which both realize lossless decomposition of the 4〓 type of compound rule and avoid rule matrix's dimension increase for introducing new proposition to substitute the compound recondition.


You can view rules for the selected cells, the current worksheet, the current Table, other worksheets in the book, other Tables in the workbook, or the entire workbook.


NP-Det N NP——Det Adj N PP S(the tall man with glasses that I met) The recursiveness of Phrase structure rules 短语结构规则的循环性 These rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentence with inf inite length, due to their recursive properties.

根据短语结构规则,短语和句子可以无限循环地组合起来。 X-bar theory X 标杆理论(X 标杆理论是将各种短语结构规则高度抽象地综合成单一的X 标杆规则的理论。)一定要结合书本!

After regular to faintness library matrix ω undertakes bizarre value is decomposed, the basis is given threshold value abandons bizarre value appropriately, express u σ what get matrix ω approximatelyv(kt, undertake to u and v the standard is mixed processing, use protruding to wrap a technology to undertake is not enjoying a sex and normal state sex processing, use the u after processing,σ and v generate new regular library before after subject function is mixed matrix, library of new and tectonic regulation, the function of new regular library and former regular library are approximate, but regular number decreases significantly.

本篇论文剩余部分,请联系九旭论文代写www.991lw.com网站客服qq:论文写作:1210196822 论文发表: 739878127 论文咨询:1210196822②qq.com,联系电话:013155803009。关键词:——模糊规则库;奇异值分解;凸包;约简;梗概:对模糊规则库后件矩阵ω进行奇异值分解,根据给定的阈值适当舍弃奇异值,得到矩阵ω的近似表示uσv(kt,对u和v进行标准和处理,并利用凸包技术进行非负性和正态性处理,利用处理后的u,σ和v生成新规则库的前件隶属函数和后件矩阵,重新构造规则库,新规则库的功能和原规则库近似,但规则总数显著减少。

RULES FOR BUYING AND SELLING 买卖规则 The first thing to remember before you start to apply any rules is that you must always use a STOP-LOSS order to protect your capital.


C deletion rules 省略规则 The rule tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented.


In the "name" for the rules to be added to enter a descriptive name;"category" in the categories of rules can be specified, we choose to "application"; in the "operation" select "Allow";" the direction of "rule is applied to the designated receiving or sending, or two-way transmission of data, we here select the" two-way "this value, so that the local data packets received or sent;" Data Link "and select" WAN ";" agreement "designated Rules of the communication protocol used, select "TCP"; in the "Description" column is filled to the rule description, click on the "Edit" button, pop-up "the rules of that edit box" to fill in the text box that can simply fill in the content of the rules will be set up interface in the "Rule Description" display.


Characterization of Reservoir Fluids Based on previous publications on this topic, a theoretically correct algorithm capable of predicting the phase behavior of reservoir fluids with much less number of pseudo-components had been developed, the new algorithm had been tested by experimental data, and the computation efficiency show reasonable improvement over previous publications 3 Mixing Rule for Non-Ideal Systems Previous publications on this topic had been reviewed, a new density independent mixing rule which can give a smooth transition from van der Waals rule to G〓 model had been developed, with this rule G〓 model could be directly incorporated into cubic equation of states, ad hoc treatment adopted and problems met by previous publications were avoided.


更多网络解释与规则相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acute Angle Constraint:(锐角限制规则)

Minimum Annular Ring(最小包环限制规则) | Acute Angle Constraint(锐角限制规则) | Hole Size(孔径大小设计规则)

ad hoc rule:特定规则, 局部性规则

BVMA British Valve Manufactures Association 英国阀门制造商协会 | ad hoc rule 特定规则, 局部性规则 | significance limit 显著性极限

regular astigmatism:规则散光,规则像散性

regular asteroid 正星形线,正则星形线 | regular astigmatism 规则散光,规则像散性 | regular band 有序谱带

byelaw:条例, 规则, 内部规则

bye-byes | 睡觉 | byelaw | 条例, 规则, 内部规则 | Byelorussia | 白俄罗斯



essentially complete class of decision rule:决策规则的本质完全类,决策规则的本质完全类

essential work of enterprise management 企业管理基础工作 | essentially complete class of decision rule 决策规则的本质完全类,决策规则的本质完全类 | essentially equivalent 实质等价



rewrite rule:重写规则

(原创)重写规则(Rewrite Rule)应用:隐藏文件名/文件后缀名(原创)重写规则(Rewrite Rule)应用:隐藏文件名/文件后缀名(原创)重写规则(Rewrite Rule)应用:隐藏文件名/文件后缀名(原创)重写规则(Rewrite Rule)应用:隐藏文件名/文件后缀

rule of inference:推演规则;推理规则

蕴涵规则 rule of implication | 推演规则;推理规则 rule of inference | 正负号规则 rule of sign

on side:(橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位]

off side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位] | on side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位] | on all sides 四面八方, 到处