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观念 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
concept  ·  conception  ·  idea  ·  ideal  ·  notion  ·  sense  ·  conceptions  ·  concepts  ·  consciousnesses  ·  notions  ·  perceptions

更多网络例句与观念相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We can generalize the meanings of similarity and representation form that are based on historical review of similarity along with status and effect in Hume's philosophy .we think in Hume's philosophy the similarity is relation to ideas in memory and imagination, as well as the character that the idea unforced arouse another idea. Representation forms of the similarity include the correspondence of impression and idea, association of ideas and sympathy of sentiment.


The core of conventional values have three sides: 1 in the respect of handling the relations of human and natural world, there are the concept of human and nature getting along well , and human being enslaved by natural world;2in the respect of keeping the social system run effecting, there are the concept of worshiping emperor, and rigid rank;3in the respect of personal life-style .life-significance, there are the concept of :strong provincialism strong familism, active sprit of entering world , strong internal tendentiousnessand the doctrine of the mean .the concept above belongs to all Chinese .


3Change from just personality to benefitpersonality.Third,through unemployment adept,lay-off and unemployed workerschange from guardedness personality to initiative personality,and this include:(1)change from content personality to achievement personality.(2)change fromascribed personality to gained personality.(3)Change from dignity personality tomaterial personality.


New Feminie 男权制文化Male supremacy culture self-awareness自我意识角色失调role incongruence 伤逝harm to die 创作思想creative ideas 封建旧观念old feudalism 幻灭evanescence 女性主义feminism Abstract: In Xun Lu's novel "harm to die ",the imagine of Zi Jun is an advanced sign in the author's creative creative ideas. As a new feminie, Zi Jun took upon herself to pursue her free love in her ideality regardless of the shackles of old feudalism,but resulted in evanescence.


Based on the plan experiment of rural reforming example town s, some new ideas ofsmall town planning combining with theory and experiment have been systematically approached.


It is also the key to construing Locke"s philosophy correctly insofar as it bears and epitomizes the basic tenets of Locke"s philosophic ontology and epistemology. On the other hand, the new elements that Locke injects into the conventional theory of idea are virtually prefatory to the Enlightenment Movement and thereby occupy a significant position in the entire history of philosophical development.


Penances ought to be joined with the idea of labour, not with that of idleness; with the idea of good, not with that of supereminence; with the idea of frugality, not with that of avarice.


The main points considered are as follows:(1)an introduction leading to the origins of the theory;(2)empirical research on misconceptions of children;(3)philosophical basis undergirding conceptual change theory;(4)the mechanism that brings about conceptual change in science students;(5)a revision of conceptual change theory;(6)similarities and differences between conceptual change theory and constructivism;(7) conceptual change theory and science teaching and learning; and (8)a criticism of conceptual change theory.


Penances ought to be joined with the idea of labour, not with that of idleness; with the idea of good, not with that of supereminence; with the idea of frugality, not with that of avarice.


One thing is sure, is that they do not support or even oppose the idea of substituting art, and associated with this is that they recognize the value or the value added of the fine arts. They are not esthetes, but firmly believe that art must have an aesthetic quality--in their eyes all the so-called ideas, even the most valuable concepts of art must be achieved through the aesthetic of the intermediary, even though they may oppose the concept of contemporary art's tendency to suppress the technology, but they do not flaunt technological supremacy. They acknowledge and accept the meaning of art, but they also convey the concept of artistic value in way they try to select a relatively moderate path, neutral, and not too left or right, but also East and West, ancient and modern, not avant-garde nor stale, either extremes must be avoided. And to be able to do this, we've reached the limits of a teacher's role, going beyond these expectations is not very realistic, as the less moderate we get, the further we are from a teacher's identity.


更多网络解释与观念相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all-inclusive concept:全涵观念

"all financial resources concept",,,,,,"全部财务资源观念" | "all-inclusive concept",,,,,,"全涵观念" | "all-inclusive income concept",,,,,,"全含所得观念"

ideational apraxia:观念性失用

ideas of influence 受控观念 | ideational apraxia 观念性失用 | ideational replacement 观念置换

ideokinetic apraxia:观念性动作失用症

ideational apraxia 观念性失用症 | ideokinetic apraxia 观念性动作失用症 | ideomotor apraxia 观念性动作失用症

articulated concept:环接观念 articulated concept 环接观念

285 1 articulate 环接 articulate 环接 | 286 1 articulated concept 环接观念 articulated concept 环接观念 | 287 1 artificial intelligence 人工智能 artificial intelligence 人工智能


词汇学习观念(beliefs)是指学习者在学习词汇过程中通过自身的体验或外界的影响逐渐形成的一种看法:1)记忆观念;2)习得观念;3)操练观念. 持第一种观念的人认为单词必须死记硬背;持第二种观念的人认为通过广泛阅读可以习得大量词汇;

Selling concept:推销观念

20世纪30年代,参与市场竞争的厂商形成了一种以销售为中心的新的观念--推销观念(selling concept),从50年代开始终于形成了一种以消费者为中心的经营哲学--市场营销观念(marketing concept),近年来形成了几种要求超越于营销观念的经营哲学,


人们甚至不能说他已经颠倒了观念与实在之间的关系,因为他的"物质"不是黑格尔的实在,他的"观念"(ideal)也不是黑格尔的观念(idea). 有人把历史唯物主义庸俗地误解成这样一个洞见,即,人类有天赋才能去找到增进物质性的(经济和政治)利益的充分理由;

overvalued idea:超价观念

许又新(1993)认为,超价观念(overvalued idea)是一种直接涉及自我确信的价值信念,其特征是观念片面而偏激,以致不被同一文化或亚文化的大多数人接受. 超价观念与妄想不同,有相当的事实根据,并不明显地歪曲事实本身,推理也合逻辑.


思想有时与观念通用,在英文中都是idea,但有时又与观念(thought )不同,它指的是人的理性认识,反映的是人从感性认识到理性认识的转化过程. 在这一含义上,它与观念中所具有的"系统化、理论化了的观念形态"的含义相近,而又不完全相同.

ideational apraxia:观念性失用

ideas of influence 受控观念 | ideational apraxia 观念性失用 | ideational replacement 观念置换