英语人>词典>汉英 : 西班牙美洲 的英文翻译,例句
西班牙美洲 的英文翻译、例句


Spanish America
更多网络例句与西班牙美洲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Duke of Medina Sidonia now sent a message to the Duke of Parma in Dunkirk:"I am anchored here two leagues from Calais with the enemy's fleet on my flank. They can cannonade me whenever they like, and I shall be unable to do them much harm in return." He asked Parma to send fifty ships to help him break out of Calais. Parma was unable to help as he had less than twenty ships and most of those were not yet ready to sail.That night Medina Sidonia sent out a warning to his captains that he expected a fire-ship attack. This tactic had been successfully used by Francis Drake in Cadiz in 1587 and the fresh breeze blowing steadily from the English fleet towards Calais, meant the conditions were ideal for such an attack. He warned his captains not to panic and not to head out to the open sea. Medina Sidonia confidently told them that his patrol boats would be able to protect them from any fire-ship attack that took place.Medina Sidonia had rightly calculated what would happen.


It was the centrepiece of the 1929 Spanish-Americas Fair and is an arc of tiled glory and historic handwork .


Alteration of Spanish tomate 西班牙语 tomate的变化 from Nahuatl tomatl 源自那瓦特语 tomatl It has been said that the real contributions to world civilization were made by the unknown inhabitants of the Americas who domesticated plants such as the potato and squash and not by the great pre-Columbian civilizations, including that of the Aztecs.


The late Baroque style is often referred to as Rococo or, in Spain and Spanish America, as Churrigueresque


The expenditures of the imperial wars were so great that they eventually caused the bankruptcy of both the Spanish American colonies and of the monarchy itself.


That this would justify the conduct the Spaniards in all their barbarities practis'd in America, and where they destroy'd millions of these people


That this would justify the Conduct the Spaniards in all their Barbarities practis'd in America, and where they destroy'd Millions of these People, who however they were Idolaters and Barbarians, and had several bloody and barbarous Rites in their Customs, such as sacrificing human Bodies to their Idols, were yet, as to the Spaniards, very innocent People; and that the rooting them out of the Country, is spoken of with the utmost Abhorrence and Detestation, by even the Spaniards themselves, at this Time; and by all other Christian Nations of Europe, as a meer Butchery, a bloody and unnatural Piece of Cruelty, unjustifiable either to God or Man; and such, as for which the very Name of a Spaniard is reckon'd to be frightful and terrible to all People of Humanity, or of Christian Compassion: As if the Kingdom of Spain were particularly Eminent for the Product of a Race of Men, who were without Principles of Tenderness, or the common Bowels of Pity to the Miserable, which is reckon'd to be a Mark of generous Temper in the Mind.


16Th century Spanish chroniclers record their fascination with the profusion of gold jewellery worn by indigenous chiefs and priests.


The War of Jenkins's Ear arose out of Britain's illicit trade in Spanish America.


Fifty years after Columbus first landed in San Salvador, Spain claimed a huge area of America.


更多网络解释与西班牙美洲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


西班牙马曾经是欧洲主要的马,为许多君王和领袖所喜爱. 在16世纪初西班牙马被征服者带到美洲,当时所建立的品种一值繁衍到现在. 另外像西班牙的安达卢西亚马(Andalusian)、葡萄牙的卢西塔诺马(Lusitano)以及维也纳西班牙马术学校的利皮札马(Lipizzaner)也都是它的后代.

hispanic America:西班牙美洲

Hindustan印度斯坦, 印度 | Hispanic America西班牙美洲 | Historical Atlas and Guide>

Parry Sound:帕里桑德","加拿大","美洲","加拿大东岸

Parrsboro 帕尔斯博罗 加拿大 美洲 加拿大东岸 | Parry Sound 帕里桑德 加拿大 美洲 加拿大东岸 | Pasajes 帕萨黑斯 西班牙 欧洲 西北欧


Pasajes 帕萨黑斯 西班牙 欧洲 西北欧 | Pascagoula 帕斯卡古拉 美国 美洲 美国东岸 | Pasir Gudang 帕西古当 马来西亚 亚洲 新马

Spanish American Poetry:美洲西班牙语诗歌

South African Poetry 南非诗歌 (383) | Spanish American Poetry 美洲西班牙语诗歌 (349) | Spanish Poetry 西班牙诗歌 (669)


[48]但事实上,全西属美洲的人都认为自己是"美洲人"(Americans),因为这个名称精确地象征了在西班牙本土以外出生的共同宿命. [49]与此同时,我们在前面已经注意到报纸这个概念本身就隐然意味着,即使是"世界性的事件"也都会被折射到一个方言读者群的特定的想象之中;

El Ferrol del Caudillo:埃尔费罗尔","西班牙","欧洲","西北欧

El Bluff 埃尔布鲁夫 尼加拉瓜 美洲 中南美 | El Ferrol del Caudillo 埃尔费罗尔 西班牙 欧洲 西北欧 | El Guamache 埃尔瓜马切 委内瑞拉 美洲 中南美


Deadlights 眼睛. | Doubloons 西班牙及其原美洲殖民地的旧金币名. | Grog 一种酒,尤指用水稀释的朗姆酒.

hispanic America:西班牙美洲

Hindustan印度斯坦, 印度 | Hispanic America西班牙美洲 | Historical Atlas and Guide<<历史地图集及导读>>

Spanish Main:西班牙大陆美洲

他们心想何必打猎、种田、每天熏肉,乾脆专门干抢劫西班牙船只和西班牙村落的行当,以此为生好了. 所以他们开始在加勒比海岛屿之间巡航,甚至到南美洲的北部海岸,叫做西班牙大陆美洲(Spanish Main)的地方,以打家劫舍为生.