英语人>词典>汉英 : 裂叶 的英文翻译,例句
裂叶 的英文翻译、例句


cleft leaf
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The results indicated the following: 1 All of the root, stem, leaf and bud of Ambrosia trifida have higher biosorption capability for Cu~(2+).

本论文获得的主要结论为: 1三裂叶豚草的根、茎、叶、花蕾四个部位对Cu~(2+)具有较强的吸附作用,且吸附能力的顺序为叶>花蕾>茎>根。

Any of various spectacular orchids of the genus Angraecum having 2-ranked dark green leathery leaves and usually nocturnally scented white or ivory flowers.


The plant height is 35 cm and the plant spread is 48 cm. The plume-like leaf cluster is semi-uprush with small tassel. The leaf color is deep green, but the leafstalk is light green and leave numbers per single plant are 10-12. Its fleshy root is of long column shape with rootlet, little fibre and deep green peel. The length is 26-32 cm, the diameter is 8-12 cm and the weight could reach 2-3 kg. The flesh is light green, with delicate and slight pungent taste. And its dry matter content is 7.0%, VC 209 mgkg^(-1), soluble sugar 3.27 % coarse fibre 0.65%. Besides,'Weiluobo No. 1' had high resistance to virus, resistance to downy mildew, stronger resistance to bacterial soft rot than 'Luluobo No.


The main results were showed as follows:Through screen and identification of morphology in M_2 and M_3, respectively, the mutants with mutative traits of plant were found. In which, 11 mutations were leaf variations, including light-green leaf, deep-green leaf, durative yellowish leaf, temporary yellowish leaf, inlaid yellowish leaf, wrinkly leaf, smooth-edged curly leaf, splitting-shaped curly leaf, peduncular-shaped leaf, round leaf and larger leaf, 12 were mutations on plant type, including excessive branches, lacking branches, highness, dwarf-like, erect posture, reclinate posture, strong stalk, slender stalk, tufty branches, wrinkled plant, purple stalk and hair-covered plant, 14 were flower variations, including dense flowers, light-yellow petals, white petals, white-mosaic petals, wrinkled petales, back-rolled petals, narrow petals, larger petals, smaller petals, apetalous flowers, variable-numbered petals, fertile pistil protraction, sterile pistil protraction and multi-anther, and 5 were physiologic mutants, including genic male sterile, cytoplasmic male sterile, bud-dead, and early and later bloom.


Two examples of bilacunar nodes and 21 examples of bilobed leaves from 500 individuals and 3500 leaves of Circaeaster was reported in this paper.


Results11 separated constituents were identified, the contents of 3 compounds were over 20%. The main constituents in extracts were Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (21.51%), Nonacosane (25.73%), Stigmastan-3,5-dien (25.73%).

结果从海南裂叶山龙眼叶超临界二氧化碳20 MPa压力提取物中共分离出11个组分,全部进行了鉴定,其中含量高于20%的有3个,为邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(21.51%);二十九碳烷(25.73%);3,5-二烯豆甾烷(25.73%)。

It was reported an cDNA encoding HMG protein was cloned from Pharbitis nil.


Fruiting pedicels erect or ascending, often subappressed to rachis, densely pubescent; racemes bracteate at least basally; stems prostrate or rarely ascending; uppermost leaves 1-pinnatisect or pinnatifid; fruit terete; ovules 10-16 per ovary

果梗直立或上升,通常近贴伏于轴,密被短柔毛;具苞片的总状花序至少基部;茎匍匐或很少上升;最上部的叶1羽状全裂的或羽状半裂;果圆柱状;每子房胚珠10-16 1 S。 annua 中亚羽裂叶

Effect of Urtica Plants on Bone Formation;2. Objective:To study the effects of 20% ethanol extracts of aerial and underground parts of 5 Urtica plants Urtica fissa E.


These bloom in masses to smother the spreading gold-green, deeply-divided foliage.


更多网络解释与裂叶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Begonia caciniata:裂叶 秋海棠

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var. lanciniata Wood Lanceolate-leaf Staghorn Sumac:细裂叶火炬树

毛果漆 r. trichocarpa Miq. Hairyfruit Sumac | 火炬树 R. typhina L. Staghorn Sumac | 细裂叶火炬树 var. lanciniata Wood Lanceolate-leaf Staghorn Sumac

cataclastic fluidal texture:碎裂流动结构

cataclastic fluidal texture 碎裂流动结构 | cataclastic foliation 碎裂叶理 | cataclastic lineation 碎裂线理

interlobar effusion:叶间积液,叶间渗出物

interlobar duct 叶间导管 | interlobar effusion 叶间积液,叶间渗出物 | interlobar fissure 叶间裂,叶间隙

interlobar fissure:叶间裂,叶间隙

interlobar effusion 叶间积液,叶间渗出物 | interlobar fissure 叶间裂,叶间隙 | interlobar part 叶内部

Pharbitis nil:裂叶牵牛

杠柳 Periploca sepium | 裂叶牵牛Pharbitis nil | 紫草 Lithospermum erthrorhion

Pharbitis hederacea:裂叶牵牛

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片理褶曲 schistosity fold | 裂叶蕨 Schizaea | 类裂叶蕨 Schizaeopsis

trilobated leaf:三裂叶

trilinear point coordinates 三线点素坐标 | trilobated leaf 三裂叶 | trilobed wheel 三叶轮

Triosteum pinnatifidum Maxim:羽裂叶莛子

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