英语人>词典>汉英 : 被迫辞职 的英文翻译,例句
被迫辞职 的英文翻译、例句


walk the plank
更多网络例句与被迫辞职相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I do think that he'll be forced to resign.


The prime minister was forced to bow out.


On April 22, li Jianxi of SamSung group chairman is forced to resign because of dodge a tax and false-hearted accusation, plum in also resign subsequently SamSung electron is presiding client officer post, but withheld senior vice president one duty, work to abroad agency.


If convicted, Kilpatrick could also be removed from office.


In May the government of Miler had lost the confidence of parliament and even of his own party and had to resign.


The overhigh salary managers are obliged to resign.


How Patricia come to be forced out after less than two years is a complex story.

Patricia Dunn 是如何在不到两年就被迫辞职,这还是一个复杂的故事。

He was made a scapegoat of the ruling circles and compelled to resign.


Spector, had just been forced out in the wake of the collapse last month of two of the firm's hedge funds.


"Eliot Spitzer, one of the nation's most gifted and dedicated politicians, was hounded into resignation by a Puritanism and mean-spiritedness that are quintessentially American," Martha Nussbaum, the fearsomely distinguished philosopher, ethicist, and professor at the University of Chicago Law School, wrote in an Atlanta Journal-Constitution op-ed after the Governor threw in the towel.

就在斯皮策州长缴械投降、宣布辞职以后,Martha Nussbaum在《亚特兰大日报》的&宪法&专栏里写道,&艾略特。斯皮策是美国最具天赋和奉献精神的政治家之一,却在美国占据主导地位的清教徒主义和狭小器量的压力下被迫辞职&。Martha Nussbaum是芝加哥大学法学院的教授,同时也是特立独行的哲学家和伦理学家。

更多网络解释与被迫辞职相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be forced to resign:被迫辞职

29. 丢脸 lose face | 30. 被迫辞职 be forced to resign | 31. 进行调查 carry out / conduct a survey

Constructive Discharge:推定解雇

所谓"推定解雇"(Constructive Discharge)制度,是指劳动成文法或者判例法确立的由雇员被迫或者被引诱辞职的行为推导认定雇主有解雇雇员的故意,因而让雇主承担复职或经济补偿责任的法定的行为准则.


不过,美林前首席执行官也是被迫辞职,走时拿的钱远比普林斯拿的要多,却没有遇到什么麻烦. 尽管美国的公司法有"浪费"规则,但法官很少依据该规则推翻薪酬合同. 法官推翻薪酬合同的前提是,薪酬"过度"(excessive)或"不合理"(unreasonable).

share option:股票期权

因此,在美国几乎从来没有人反对企业高层主管薪酬过高或反对公司经常性地调整股票期权(share option)的价值,同样,渎职的首席执行官(CEO)因直接受到压力而被迫辞职的情况也很少见.

Wolfgang Schneiderhan:沃尔夫冈.施奈德汉

事情遭到后,德国联邦国防军总监沃尔夫冈.施奈德汉(Wolfgang Schneiderhan)与国防部国务秘书彼德.维歇特(Peter Wichert)于本周四被迫辞职. 德国媒体揭露这一事件称,一段视频与一份军方秘密报告清楚地指明德军在阿富汗的空袭行动中造成平民伤亡,

Wolfgang Schneiderhan:施奈德汉

人民网军事在线北京11月27日电 据路透社报道,德国联邦国防军总监施奈德汉(Wolfgang Schneiderhan)及国防部国务秘书彼德.维歇特(Peter Wichert)周四被迫辞职,因有报告称德军方隐瞒9月4日阿富汗空袭行动中的平民伤亡细节.

Adelphi University:阿德菲大学

其中比较有影响的主要有新世纪慈善基金会创建人兼主席John Bennett因诈骗被判刑;阿德菲大学(Adelphi University)主席Peter Diamandation因奢侈浪费被迫辞职;俄克拉何马州儿童福利院的主席因滥用资金而被迫辞职[5].