英语人>词典>汉英 : 被动语态 的英文翻译,例句
被动语态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与被动语态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The future tense is created, including a future passive, as well as an aorist passive.


After graduation/liberation; all night long; at dinner; at first; at last; at night; at noon; at once; at present; at war; at work; from time to time; for sale; in life; in need; in need of; in time; in time of; on duty; on sale; on show; on strike; on time; on watch at hand; in bed; in camp; in public; in space; in town; on top of; at/in peace with; beyond reach of; out of reach; within reach; in colour; in character; in debt; in fact; in half/into halves; in honour of; in line; in order; in price; in rags; in operation; in return; in search of; in use; for example; out of breath; out of danger; out of order; out of sight; on guard; on fire; without pride; under construction/ repair,etc.

第八章 动词与动词短语一,动词的分类从其含义来分,动词可分为行为动词,连系动词,情态动词和助动词四类:类别行为动词及物动词特点有完整的意义,能独立作谓语,可以有宾语,可以有被动语态有完整的意义,能独立作谓语,不带宾语,没有被动语态表示相对静止的状态表示短暂动作不能持续,不能同表示一段时间的状语连用动作可以持续,可以同表示一段时间的状语连用表示具有某种性质,特征和出于某种状态表示动词的动作和过程所产生的结果或状态表示某种持续的状态表示说话人对所说行为的看法,必须与其他动词一起构成谓语。

Onebitteropponentofthe passive voice says,Halfthe dilatoriness,thepassingofthe buck,the shirking ofresponsibility,the lazy-mindedness,andthewantofinitiative couldbeeradicatedovernightbythesimple expedient offorbiddingthe use ofthe passive voicein


Therefore, it promotes this comparative study rather instructively. This paper adopts the comparative method and studies the syntactic and semantic similarities and differences of passive voices among English, French and Chinese on the basis of the theory of Chomsky "principle parameters". This paper also analyzes the profound reason for the differences: cultural differences and finds that it is just the historical and cultural element that make the external differences into being.


The English passive voice can be divided into the actional passive and the stative passive.


Some prepositions, not only can collocate with the actional passive, but also with the stative passive. Some prepositions can only collocate with the stative passive.


As for the translation of passive voice in EST, the passive structure can remain unchanged. Passive sentences in English are translated into active voice in Chinese by changing original objects or subjects, adding subjects, and being converted into subjectless sentences or other structures for a good translation.


Passive sentences in English are translated into active voice in Chinese by changing original objects or subjects, adding subjects, and being converted into subjectless sentences or other structures for a good translation.Key Words: English for science and technology; features; passive voice; objectivity; translation; general principles


Obviously, the active form has no such meaning and the statement that for the English verb there are some expressions active in form but passive in meaning is ill-grounded theoretically, does not bear analyzing essentially and causes a lot of confusion in language practice.

一 主动形式表被动意义,理论上有悖于语言学关于语法范畴的基本原则英语动词有一个以be +-en为形态区分标记的(a代表auxiliary)由被动语态和主动语态组成的语态语法范畴。

Chinese passives are mainly restricted to convey the meaning of "being unfortunate" or "being inflicted".


更多网络解释与被动语态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

is attributed to to attribute...to:的被动语态,将...归因于

the deep-seated traditions 根深蒂固... | is attributed to to attribute...to 的被动语态,将...归因于... | China is endowed with a variety of tourism resources-to endow ...with 赋予,此处为被动语态,意为:中...

Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses:(被动语态的完成和进行时态)

11.1 Passive voice in simple tense (被动语态的一般时态) | 11.2 Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses (被动语态的完成和进行时态) | 11.3 Passive voice of phrasal verbs (短语动词的被动语态)

Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses:(被动语态的完成式和进行式)

Passive voice in simple tenses(被动语态的一般式) | Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses(被动语态的完成式和进行式) | Passive voice of Phrasal verbs(短语动词的被动语态)

Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses:(一般时态的被动语态)

11.Passive voice (被动语态) | 11.1 Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses (一般时态的被动语态) | 11.2 Passive voice of phrasal verbs (完成时态和进行时态的被动语态)

Passive voice in perfect and progressive tense:(被动语态的完成式和进行式)

11.1 Passive voice in simple tense(被动语态的一般式 ) | 11.2 Passive voice in perfect and progressive tense(被动语态的完成式和进行式) | 11.3 Passive voice of phrasal verbs(短语动词的被动语态 )

passive voice:被动语态

不少中五学生对"被动语态"(passive voice)的运用仍然感到陌生. 在这种情况下,我建议他们尽量避免使用被动语态,以免给阅卷者留下坏印象. 绝大部分以被动语态来陈述的句子,都可以改用"主动语态"(active voice)来陈述. 请看本单元的例子.


英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态 (the Active Voice) 被动语态(the Passive Voice) ( )1.当我们不知道或不必要提出动作的执行者时;( )2.强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者;( )3.

active and passive voice:主动语态与被动语态

action verbs动作动词 | active and passive voice 主动语态与被动语态 | adjective clauses形容词性分句

Passive voice of phrasal verbs:(短语动词的被动语态)

11.2 Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses (被动语态的完成和进行时态) | 11.3 Passive voice of phrasal verbs (短语动词的被动语态) | 12. Subjunctive mood (虚拟语气)

Passive voice of phrasal verbs:(完成时态和进行时态的被动语态)

11.1 Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses (一般时态的被动语态) | 11.2 Passive voice of phrasal verbs (完成时态和进行时态的被动语态) | 11.3 Passive voice of modal verbs (短语动词的被动语态...