英语人>词典>汉英 : 补偿差额 的英文翻译,例句
补偿差额 的英文翻译、例句


make up a deficiency
更多网络例句与补偿差额相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Third, public housing price wards refers to the lease of public housing tenants in their own right and others use the public housing tenants the right to use exchange for appropriate compensation in exchange for unequal by the wards, or the public housing tenant to lease the right to use their own prices and pay the price difference between commercial housing or private housing, purchase new ownership.


Specific as follows: GM-breaking Housing Opportunity redevelopment projects, according to the original owners of the area per square meter back-breaking Housing Opportunity residuals and a new house for the difference between the construction cost; break room erection danger of living people cocklofts meet high standards, appropriate to consider some area of computing, from the general high standard of 2.2 meters to 1.5 meters above the lower; increase the area of assessment of property owners by purchasing a new house; the owner's consent to change the Housing Authority property in different places, according to the same period in the Housing Market Assessment given the value of housing prices, such as compensation; owners without the economic means to pay the房价款, hosted by the Government, according to the monthly rent of public housing rent deduction房价款; still difficult, in line with the standards of destitute families, according to the standard low-cost rent rent dollars.


更多网络解释与补偿差额相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deposit taker:存款接受者

某个存款接受者(deposit taker)同意以与应该对这些专设实体证券支付的利息相同的利率对此种第三者资金支付利息,由该航空公司向该存款接受者补偿此种利率同在该存款上的真实利得之差额.

g. meaning: To compensate for:补偿

ex. made up the difference in the bill. 弥补了帐单上的差额 | g. meaning: To compensate for/补偿: | ex. make up the lost time. 补足失去的时间