英语人>词典>汉英 : 行矩阵 的英文翻译,例句
行矩阵 的英文翻译、例句


row matrix
更多网络例句与行矩阵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the linear algebraic the coefficient of polynomial and the corresponding relation of the farmnla of multi-line matrix could be built,thus seck the maximum common factor of the polynomial through making use of primary transformation of line.


Add row/column at beginning of matrix.


Add row/column at end of matrix.


Remove row/column at beginning of matrix.


Remove row/column at end of matrix.


Secondly, linear algebra, can create a polynomial coefficient and multiple lines between the matrix-style counterparts, so as to transform line for the primary use of the domain P polynomial the greatest common factor.


Column-major order means that each matrix column will be stored in a single constant register, and row-major order means that each row of the matrix will be stored in a single constant register.


S:The author applies row matrix to extend concept of exclusive or from the set of nonnegative integer to the set composed of nonnegative integer array.


The matrix =( xi, xjp having the e-th power of the greatest common P-divisorp of xi and xj as its-entry is called the e-th power GCD matrix on S. The matrix = having the e-th power of the least common P-multiple p of xi and xj as its-entry is called the e-th power LCM matrix on 5. We obtained the following results:(1) is nonsingular for any set S;(2) If S is an FC set, then the determined of has formula Det =Jpe(x1)...Jpe, where the function Jpe is the generalized Jordan totient function;(3) A formula of the inverse of is given when S is an FC set;(4) If S is an FC set, then |.


But a tow-column matix will waste all sorts of space printing, so it better be a two-row matrix.


更多网络解释与行矩阵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bordered matrix:增行(列)矩阵;增边矩阵

边缘集 border set | 升阶行列式 bordered determinant | 增行(列)矩阵;增边矩阵 bordered matrix

Column vector:行向量

变数也可用来存放向量或矩阵,并进行各种运算,如下例的列向量(Row vector)运算:将列向量转置(Transpose)后,即可得到行向量(Column vector):)的阵列(Array)因此对於矩阵元素的存取,我们可用一维或二维的索引(Index)来定若要检视现存於工作空间(Workspace)的变数,

row echelon matrix:行阶梯矩阵

row 行 | row echelon matrix 行阶梯矩阵 | row vector 行向量

Get Current Projection Matrix:计算当前投影矩阵

Transpose Matrix 矩阵的行和列对换. | Get Current Projection Matrix 计算当前投影矩阵 | Get Current World Matrix 创建当前世界矩阵

row matrix:行矩阵

row 行 | row matrix 行矩阵 | row operation 行运算

matrix row:矩阵的行

matrix reduction 矩阵简化 | matrix row 矩阵的行 | matrix switch 矩阵开关

row operation:行运算

row matrix 行矩阵 | row operation 行运算 | row rank 行秩

row rank:行秩

矩阵的秩(rank),行列式(determinant)与线性方程组的解(solution)的一些关系(理解)如果n*n矩阵A的行列式|A|不等于0,则称A为非退化的(non-degenerative).否则是退化的(generative)线性表示,线性等价,极大线性无关组;(行空间,列空间),行秩(row rank),列秩(column rank),

matrix, transpose:矩阵转置,矩阵换行,矩阵换列

matrix theorem 矩阵定理 | matrix transpose 矩阵转置,矩阵换行,矩阵换列 | matrix unit 矩阵单元

transpose matrix:矩阵的行和列对换

Shadow Matrix in XY 在xy平面上计算投影矩阵 | Transpose Matrix 矩阵的行和列对换. | Get Current Projection Matrix 计算当前投影矩阵