英语人>词典>汉英 : 行政区划 的英文翻译,例句
行政区划 的英文翻译、例句


administrative division
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The counties'economy between macro-economy and micro-economy with the quality of administrational divisions is an important foundation and support of the national economy.


However, compared with Beijing and Shanghai, Guangzhou' s population suburbanization has emerged more lately and the main reasons are the limitation of natural condition, the restriction of administrational region and the effect of urban development strategy.


By analysis the evolution of ancient administrative regionization in china, This article tries to reveal the basic characteristic of central government's controlling of the local government through different methods such as anomalistic division of the territory, specified administrative levels of Regionalization Units and official systems compatible to the centralization of state's power system.


At the same time, the division system exists a lot of castigation what can't meet the requirements of the urbanization and the economic development.


At the same time, the division system exists a lot of castigation what cant meet the requirements of the urbanization and the economic development.


Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the CPC and the people's government under its leadership, according to the needs of the development of the form of China's state structure, the relationship between the central and the regional and the distribution of the administrative areas, so as to promote the development and perfection of the form of state structure, also accumulation a series of characteristic historic experience.


Haikou City administrative divisions adjusted amenity Haikou Haikou City regulation will enable the more perfect living environment, a number of foreigners working in Haikou have the confidence to stay long in Haikou.


This dissertation views administration regionalization as an institutive arrangement which exerts great influence on the regional economy.


But most of existing research on the population in suburb which depend on the censuses data of 2000 is macroscopical and unitary. And the space scope of research is based on the administrator unit. So there is devoid of the research about individual and microcosmic condition because of less of data.


It holds that there are two perspectives in the present discussion of the administrative districting reform: first one is the perspective of administrative range and administrative levels;the other one is the perspective of the relation between administrative areas and economic area s.


更多网络解释与行政区划相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英格兰这个名字源自"盎格鲁人"(Angles),其原名"Engla-lond"意为". 英格兰的行政区划分级示意表,可以看出各个行政区划等级的差别与分区的不同. 今日的英格兰共有四种不同等级的行政区划,分别是区域(Region)等级,郡(County)等级,


行政区划 整个大伦敦地区一共被分为伦敦市(City of London)与32个自治市(Borough). 伦敦市(City of London)拥有独立的行政与立法权限,位阶较高;而西敏市(City of Westminster)虽称为市,但仍属于伦敦自治市之一. 伦敦市和众自治市属于标准一级行政区--单


行政区划:全国分为3个省(Province)和1个区(Area),即北方省、南方省、东方省和弗里敦所在的西部区. 3个省之下设有12个行政区(District),行政区以下设150个酋长领地(Chiefdom).


美国行政区划中的"郡"(county)是州的一个下属区划,经常(但不是绝对)涵盖两个以上的城镇和一些乡村. 纽约市是个明显的例外,因地域太大,下属又划分了5个独立的郡. 另一个相反的例外是弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿郡(Arlington),


阿伯丁也是苏格兰原有行政区划中格兰扁(Grampian)地区的主要城镇. 虽然1996年以后格兰扁区被拆分,但是至今为止包括格兰扁警区、消防队等的总部都在阿伯丁.




阿富汗的乌兹别克人是穆斯林逊尼派,主要讲两种语言--乌兹别克语和达里语. 马背上的"叼羊"比赛 首都: 喀布尔(Kabul) ,人口约215万(2003年). 气候温和,四季分明,全年平均气温13℃左右. 行政区划:全国划分为33个省,省下设县、区、乡、村.

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