英语人>词典>汉英 : 行为古怪的人 的英文翻译,例句
行为古怪的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

mad dog
更多网络例句与行为古怪的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you are a recent Mac adopter and are frustrated by the weird tab behavior in OS X, you aren't alone.

如果您是最近推出的Mac收养人与被OS X操作系统中的行为古怪的标签沮丧,你并不孤单。

She put him down as an eccentric person.


He was photographed in compromising situations(ie ones that showed him behaving immorally )with a call-girl.


Damon takes a trip to Georgia, where he surprises an old flame, Bree (guest star GINA TORRES - Standoff, Firefly, Alias, 24, Gossip Girl), and enlists her help to figure out how to open the tomb. In the process, Damon comes face to face with someone who is determined to make him pay for past wrongs. Stefan opens up to Grams (recurring guest star JASMINE GUY) in his effort to help Bonnie overcome her fears and accept her powers. While researching his history paper in the public library, Jeremy meets a cute but geeky girl named Anna (recurring guest star MALESE JOW - Unfabulous, Hannah Montana) who has her own theories on the folklore of Mystic Falls. When Damon returns from Georgia, Stefan is waiting with news that will change their world.

Damon去到乔治亚州,想给他的旧情人Bree (Gina Torres饰)一个惊喜,及请她协助,务求找出打开墓穴的方法,期间,Damon与一个决心要令他为过去的错误付出代价的人正面交锋;Stefan为了帮助Bonnie克服内心的恐惧和接受她自己的神奇力量,向Grams (Jasmine Guy饰)说出了真相;Jeremy在公共图书馆为历史研究论文做资料搜集时,遇上一个可爱但行为古怪的女子Anna (Malese Jow饰),她对Mystic Falls的民间传说有自己的一套见解;Damon从乔治亚州回来时,Stefan正等待著他,要告诉他一个足以改变世界的消息。

Extreme tonus; muscular rigidity; a common symptom in catatonic schizophrenia .


A whimsically eccentric person.


Ovary obliquely gibbous, style eccentric; fruit with basal disciform fleshy appendage.


True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.


It is not ordinarily even cumulative: dishoarding, as eccentric recluses die and their hoards are discovered and dissipated, probably offsets new hoarding.


These strange behaviours, reported by Lhermitte (1983) and others, are partly caused by an inability to inhibit automatic behaviours, it's like the old comedy standby of a distracted person continuing to spoon sugar into their coffee, except much more extreme.

在 Lhermitte (1983)中描述了的等等这些古怪的行为部分是因为无法抑制做出自动行为而引起;就好像一个分心的人不断将糖放入自己的咖啡中这样的古老喜剧,只不过此时要极端地多。

更多网络解释与行为古怪的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Keith David:基恩.大卫

泰瑞.海切尔(Teri Hatcher)是最精彩的部分,以优雅和爱好在善恶之间徘徊,还有卡罗兰真正的妈妈,和她的噩梦般的表现. 知道一切的猫基恩.大卫(Keith David),和住在卡罗兰隔壁的精神错乱的俄罗斯人伊恩.麦柯肖恩(Ian McShane)也是行为古怪.


Grog 烈性酒 | Grouse 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦 | Hard case 脾气倔犟,但不招人讨厌的人,行为古怪的人

a nutcase:思想行为古怪的人

86. nurse a grudge 怀恨在心 | 87. a nutcase 思想行为古怪的人 | 88. on pins and needles 如坐针毡


这个古怪书名中的"橙"(orange),和马来语中的 "人"(orang)读音类似. 所以"发条橙"实际上就是"发条人",指称被象机械那样控制和操纵的人. 除了充当大背景外,行为科学心理学也出现在一些科幻作品的细节里. 科幻电影>(Dark Planet)中,


reference'refrons 证明文件;介绍信;推荐信;证明人 | punctuality,pAraktjuaeliti 准时,严守时刻 | erratici'raetik adj (人、行为等)古怪的,偏执的;反复无常的


Walking timebomb 行为古怪的人 | *Wallflower 局外人 | *War chest 战争基金


该文中谈到一个普遍的现象,在新加坡的学校里,敢于大声表达(speak up)的学生被认为是爱出风头的(pushy)和古怪的(weird),而在美国,人们为这样的人喝彩,并且美国的文化鼓励这样的行为.


该文中谈到一个普遍的现象,在新加坡的学校里,敢于大声表达(speak up)的学生被认为是爱出风头的(pushy)和古怪的(weird),而在美国,人们为这样的人喝彩,并且美国的文化鼓励这样的行为.


这个古怪书名中的"橙"(orange),和马来语中的 "人"(orang)读音类似. 所以"发条橙"实际上就是"发条人",指称被象机械那样控制和操纵的人. 除了充当大背景外,行为科学心理学也出现在一些科幻作品的细节里. 科幻电影<<黑色撞击>>(Dark Planet)中,