英语人>词典>汉英 : 血缘关系 的英文翻译,例句
血缘关系 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kin  ·  kinship  ·  sibship  ·  relationships

更多网络例句与血缘关系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The wife can't act for a lover, because she has no lovers to have sentimental appeal;The lover can't replace a wife, because she has no cuckoldry natural affection;Wife and lovers all can't replace beauty bosom friend, that is the woman whom the wife is 1 to have no some blood relationship to relate to with you, but doesn't go home but cause extreme worry and distress for your dead hour;The lover is to the utmost the woman whom 1 has no some family to relate to with you, but lets you taste to be man's taste to eliminate a soul heartily;The beauty bosom friend is a woman who hasn't pulled a last relation with you, but cans share your happiness and worry the demand of mind.


Based on this theory and taking into consideration of the specific circumstances of the S district of Wenzhou area, I classified the ideal ego into the following two types:(1) Traditional type, represented by special trusts among individuals that have mutual blood, emotional and regional ties, and an "inborn" repulsion towards people outside their circle;(2) Modern type, kinship is not used as the only or main criteria for judging people's trustworthiness, they're more willing to see if others are trustworthy through long term cooperation and they don't keep their doors shut to strangers.


Patriarchal culture is a small fedual group one that have a criterion to associate with others by close or distant blood relationship or not ,which emphasize the high and low grade , value boys but despise girls ,act arbitrarily ,has strong cohesion ,identification and exclusionism,reject easily the national law.


It was at one time decided out of a certain necessity, but contrary to the normal practice, that hearsay evidence should be valid in reckoning the degrees of consanguinity and affinity, because on account of the shortness of human life witnesses would not be able to testify from first-hand knowledge in a reckoning as far as the seventh degree.


The paper subsumes scale study into modes relation, reveals the relation between the sympathetic tone of the two scales and framework interval as well as allocation of modes, and holds that there are close relation between pentatonic Slendro and heptatonic .


In this way 'the overrating of blood relations is to the underrating of the blood relations as the attempt to eacape autochthony is to the impossibility to succeed in it.


The first column is made up of units referring to overvaluing of the blood relations(Oedipus marries his mother, Jocasta, for example); column two expresses the undervaluing of such relations(Oedipus kills his father, Laius); column three referring to the salying of the monster; and the forth column comprises names referring to some general order of human disability('Oedipus'translates as 'swollen foot')or, more specially, to 'difficulties in walking straight or standing up-right'.


They might not tell you that they are fed up with you because of the blood. Blood does bond. Please, examine your demands on them. Have you felt any attitude they exhibit each time you ask for School fees, money for shopping, pocket money and any other thing on your list?


The relationship between father and son in Confucianism refers to filial piety that a child should show to his parents rather than their blood tie or social bond.


According to the Shi'as' belief — the inheritance by the blood relationship was legitimate; the blood relationship between the Imams and the old Persian royal family; the idea of "legitimacy" of ancient Iran and the nationalist feeling showed by the ordinary Iranians who anticipated for the resurrection of Mehdi — the Twelfth Imam who was supposed to be legitimate, the announcement of the Twelver Shi'ism as the official religion by the Safavids met the requirements and needs of the main social classes of Iran at a certain historical period. So at last, the pool efforts of the social classes in the Iranian society set up the establishment of the Twelver Shi'ism as the official religion in Iran.


更多网络解释与血缘关系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blood relation:血统关系

blood relation 血亲 | blood relation 血统关系 | blood relationship 血缘关系

blood relation:血缘关系, 嫡亲

blood pressure 血压 | blood relation 血缘关系, 嫡亲 | blood sport 流血运动

consanguinity study:血缘关系研究

生态学方法 ecological approach | 血缘关系研究 consanguinity study | 双生子研究 twin study

your half-sister:她是 和你有一半血缘关系的妹妹 对吧

and then go to homecoming with the hottest girl at St. Donovan's the next.|第二天却和圣东诺范斯 最火辣的... | She's, like, your half-sister, right?|她是 和你有一半血缘关系的妹妹 对吧? | Step-sister.|继...

She's, like, your half-sister, right:她是 和你有一半血缘关系的妹妹 对吧

and then go to homecoming with the hottest girl at St. Donovan's the next.|第二天却和圣东诺范斯 最火辣的... | She's, like, your half-sister, right?|她是 和你有一半血缘关系的妹妹 对吧? | Step-sister.|继...

blood relationship:血缘关系

这样说来,你可能会明白些,也就是说现在这头牛跟原先我家卖的那头牛--那时惹了我爷爷发了大火(to hit the ceiling)--有血缘关系(blood relationship),论起辈分(position in the family hierarchy)叫老娘.


siblings /同科/ | sibship /血缘关系/ | sibyl /女巫/女算命师/女预言家/

male parent:父亲,尤指没有血缘关系的继父、养父等

Legislation 立法 | Male parent 父亲,尤指没有血缘关系的继父、养父等 | Marijuana 大麻

female parent:母亲,尤指没有血缘关系的继母、养母等

Economic law 经济法 | Female parent 母亲,尤指没有血缘关系的继母、养母等 | Forms of law 法律形式

Not in blood, but in bond:没有血缘关系 不过关系很铁

Even if it's to do with Mary?|即使关于 Mary 的事也不吗? | I see two men. Brothers.|我看到两个男人, 两兄弟 | Not in blood, but in bond.|没有血缘关系 不过关系很铁