英语人>词典>汉英 : 血管活性的 的英文翻译,例句
血管活性的 的英文翻译、例句


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The new structure compounds (4, 54, 56) possessing vasodilatation were found. These compounds may be as lead compounds of developing antihypertension drugs. The synthesis method of peptidemimetics containing β-tetrahydro -carbolic acid was established for the first time.


The variation of plasma vasoactive peptide concentration was not only related to UAP attack but also significant to the maintance coronary diastole and corculation.


The degradating and redistributing of ECM were migration of VSMC and vascular remodeling through inhibiting the production of PDGF-BB and the activation of MMPs so to prevent the vascular stenosis.⑤Orthotopic hybridism in situ: The expression of MMP-3 increased after operation, the tendency and intensity were parallel to the expression of NF-κB. Tongxinluo could decrease the expression of MMP-3 and NF-κB. The study showed that the producting and activating of MMP-3 were modulated by NF-κB. The inhibition to the producting and activating of MMp-3 of Tongxinluo was mediated by inhibiting the activating of NF-κB. Conclusion ①The rabbit vascular stenosis model could be established successfully by plain balloon damage, the operation process was easy, economical and practical.


Constituting a tube; having hollow tubes同义词:tubular, cannular, tubelike, tube-shaped vasoactive

a。 血管活性的,(尤指在血管的舒张或收缩方面)作用于血管的,影响血管的 vasoconstriction

Although the catalytic activity of angiogenin is rather weak, it is critical for its angiogenic properties.


In physiolgoical state,the action of traditional RAAS on blood pressure might be decreased with age in aged people,and the vasoactive peptides might contribute more to the cardiovascular action to keep blood pressure stable. Activity of vasoconstrictive peptides were incresaed and activity of vasodilative peptide was decreased.


Between women with or without endometriosis, the expression of VEGFmRNA of eutopic endometrium in the secretoiy phase was significantly higher than that in the proliferative phase(P.05). eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis both in the proliferative phase and secretoiy phase expressed higher level VEGFmRNA than that in control group(P.05). Conclusion:①The expression of VEGF is adjusted by female'hormone.②VEGF is a very important factor that may contribute to the pathegenesis of endometriosis by promoting neovascularization,explanting of ectopic endometrium , increasing activity of angiopoiesis in eutopic endometrium③VEGF is a efficient organism maker to reflect invading growth, prognosis and metastasis potency of EMs.④VEGF may paly an important role in both pathogenesis and progress of endometriosis.

EM 患者VEGF 水平受女性性激素周期性调节;VEGF 是导致EM 发生特别是在位内膜血管活性增强、异位内膜种植、新生血管形成的重要机制,提示血管生成是EMs 发生中的一个重要因素;VEGF 可能不仅参与EM 的形成,并与进一步发展存在关系,提示血管生成在异位子宫内膜的种植、浸润中可能起着重要的病理生理作用,是EM 发病的必要环节;VEGF 是反映EM 侵袭生长、转移潜能、预后的有效生物指标,提示通过使用抗血管生成药物或抗血管生长因子抗体,来阻断血管生成,极有可能成为EM 在现有药物和手术治疗基础上的一种有效治疗策略和靶点。

Abstract] Objective To assess the endothelium-dependent relaxation in patients with essential hypertension or hypertension smokers by color Doppler flow imaging.Methods With intermittent ultrasound imaging and power Doppler imaging,we measured endothelium-dependent relaxing function in 72 subjects 24 of whom with essential hypertension,24 of whom with both hypertension and smokingand the others as normal control.We measured the diameter of the superficial femoral and brachial arteries at rest,during reactive hyperaemia,re-test and after sublingual glyceryl trinitrate for evaluating the endothelium-independent dilatation in subjects.The level of plasma NO,ET,PGI2,and TXB2 were determined.

摘要] 目的探讨原发性高血压及高血压合并吸烟患者血管内皮依赖性舒张功能的改变方法采用彩色普勒高频超声的间歇成像和能量多普勒成像,对24例原发性高血压患者、24例高血压合并吸烟患者及24例正常血压无吸烟史者的血管内皮依赖性舒张功能,包括静息时血管内径、增加流量引起的血管舒张、硝酸甘油引起的血管舒张等,以及对血浆氧化氮、内皮素、血栓素B2(TXB2)和列腺环素(PGI2)等血管活性物质进行检测并比较分析。

The laboratory research and chinical trials to prove.courage lcecontains active material that it can quickly penetrate through body's cell.so to directly provides for the cell,fill the skin intercellular space the crevice which is senile withered because of the cell stays benind supply the active elements necessary for the body cells metabolism,to activate the function of endothelium cells of blood vessels,promote the blood vessels balance, compose and secrete various blood vessels active elements,contains abundantsulfuric cartilage element,sulfuric amido etc.,all of fatty acid in human body.and it can accelerete the re-generation of blood cells,add the quantity of the hemoglobin and red blood corpuscle so to improve the blood parameter,and fundamentally improve the body cells metabolism and nutrition supply for all the organs,as a result,you will thoroughly refresh yourself and bloom vitality of youth.


The laboratory research and chinical trials to prove.courage lcecontains active material that it can quickly penetrate through body's cell.so to directly provides for the cell,fill the skin intercellular space the crevice which is senile withered because of the cell stays benind supply the active elements necessary for the body cells metabolism,to activate the function of endothelium cells of blood vessels,promote the blood vessels balance, compose and secrete various blood vessels active elements,contains abundantsulfuric cartilage element,sulfuric amido etc.,all of fatty acid in human body.and it can accelerete the re-generation of blood cells,add the quantity of the hemoglobin and red blood corpuscle so to improve the blood parameter,and fundamentally improve the body cells metabolism and nutrition supply for all the organs,as a result,you will thoroughly refresh yourself and bloom vitality of youth.


更多网络解释与血管活性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


VIP)而引起严重水泻(Watery diarrhea)、低钾血症(Hypopotassemia)、胃酸缺乏(Achlorhydria)或胃酸过少(Hypochlorh2.血清血管活性肠(VIP)测定3.血管活性肠肽瘤与生长抑素瘤(Somatostatinoma)的鉴别:后者腹泻的主要是脂肪痢,



watery diarrhea:嚴重水瀉

1.继发性胆汁性肝硬化 病因: 常见的原因为胆管系统的阻塞,如胆石、肿瘤(胰头癌、Vater壶腹癌...血管活性肠肽瘤(VIPoma)是胰岛D1细胞的良性或恶性肿瘤,由于D1细胞分泌大量血管活性肠肽(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide,VIP)而引起严重水泻(Watery diarrhea)、低钾血症(Hyp

watery diarrhea:水泻

结合实验室检查,血清血管活性肠肽(VIP)测定,B超,CT,选择性胰动脉造影和经皮肝穿刺门静脉系置管取血法(...的良性或恶性肿瘤由于D1细胞分泌大量血管活性肠肽(Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide,VIP)而引起严重水泻(Watery diarrhea)、低钾血症(Hyp

Fungal elicitor:的例句

抑制肿瘤新生血管生成活性:tumor angiogenesis inhibitor (TAI) anti-fungal bioactivity | Fungal elicitor的例句: | Fungal elicitor的全文例句:

heparin:肝素 肝素

二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)肝素 肝素(heparin) 是带大量负电荷的大分子,不易通过生物膜,口服不被吸收,常静脉给药. 通常将前列腺素、组胺、5-羟色胺、白三烯和血管活性肽类(P物质、激肽类、血管紧张素、利尿钠肽、血管活性肠肽、降钙素基因相关肽、神经肽Y和内皮素等)以及NO和腺苷等称之为自体活性物质(autocoi





angiogenesis inhibitor:血管生成抑制剂

肿瘤血管的生成必需依赖于瘤细胞分泌和间质细胞、巨噬细胞及周围宿主细胞分泌相关血管生成活性因子诱导刺激新生血管. Folkman提出肿瘤血管新生依赖于血管生成刺激剂与血管生成抑制剂(angiogenesis inhibitor)的协调平衡,如果增强血管生成抑制剂的水平 ......

inotropic agents:正性肌力药物

心衰治疗主要包括改善心脏功能和调整心脏的前、后负荷,常需应用加强心脏收缩功能的正性肌力药物(inotropic agents)和调整血管张力的血管活性药物. 正性肌力药物又称强心药(cardiotonic agents),