英语人>词典>汉英 : 血族的 的英文翻译,例句
血族的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In order to explain the appearance of the form of capture among endogamous peoples, it was necessary that I should examine the systems of kinship which anciently prevailed, and their influence on the structure of the primitive groups, so as to obtain a true view of the rise of caste and of endogamy.


These systems was effected ; exhibiting the stages in the development of the family system, as based upon the patria-potestas , and of agnatic kinship as deduced therefrom.


We shall there endeavour to establish the following propositions:-1. That the most ancient system in which the idea of blood-relationship was embodied, was the system of kinship through females only. 2. That the primitive groups were, or were assumed to be, homogenous. 3. That the system of kinship through females only tended to render the exogamous groups heterogeneous, and thus to supersede the system of capturing wives. 4. That in the advance from savagery the system of kinship through females only was succeeded by a system which acknowledged kinship through males also; and which, in most cases passed into a system which acknowledged kinship through males only. 5. That the system of kinship through males tended to rear up homogeneous groups, and thus to restore the original condition of affairs- wher the exogamous prejudice survived- as regards both the practice of capturing wives and the evolution of the form of capture. 6. That a local tribe, under the combined influence of exogamy and the system of female kinship, might attain a balance of persons of different sexes regarded as being of different descent, and that thus its members might be able to intermarry with the principle of exogamy. 7. That a local tribe, having reached this stage and grown proud through success in war, might decline intermarriage with other local tribes and become a caste.


We shall there endeavour to establish the following propositions:-1. That the most ancient system in which the idea of blood-relationship was embodied, was the system of kinship through females only. 2. That the primitive groups were, or were assumed to be, homogenous. 3. That the system of kinship through females only tended to render the exogamous groups heterogeneous, and thus to supersede the system of capturing wives. 4. That in the advance from savagery the system of kinship through females only was succeeded by a system which acknowledged kinship through males also; and which, in most cases passed into a system which acknowledged kinship through males only. 5. That the system of kinship through males tended to rear up homogeneous groups, and thus to restore the original condition of affairs- where the exogamous prejudice survived- as regards both the practice of capturing wives and the evolution of the form of capture. 6. That a local tribe, under the combined influence of exogamy and the system of female kinship, might attain a balance of persons of different sexes regarded as being of different descent, and that thus its members might be able to intermarry with the principle of exogamy. 7. That a local tribe, having reached this stage and grown proud through success in war, might decline intermarriage with other local tribes and become a caste.


Temporis takes a portion of the energy that chains the vampire's soul to an undecaying animate corpse and uses it to generate similar effects on the surrounding area.


Here there is less autonomy and discretion with skills and personality traits more akin to those of the administrator.


Near the sea, not yet named for the blood of thousands killed upon it, the 逊恩海族 huddle on the shore, newly emerged from the sea, discomforted upon the land, but no longer able to abide in the deep.


The Blood are one of three tribes that make up the Blackfoot, a confederacy of Algonquian-speaking peoples.


They are obviously independent of any theory of kinships, its origin or consequences; they are distinct from the perception of the unity of blood upon which kinship depends; and they may have existed long before kinship became an object of thought.


Chieftains of the Kainai, or Blood, Indian tribe wear elaborate headdresses during a ceremony in Alberta, Canada.


更多网络解释与血族的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


strain 旋律,曲调 | akin 血族的,同族的,同种的 | get credit to 使-获得赞誉


伊恩多拉位于血族(bloodline)和雪狼(Vrykolakas)领地的交界处,常年处于战乱. 而德古拉的父亲塔古勒,正是奉血族长老会命令镇守于此的吸血鬼将军. 那时血族帝国还未稳定,帝国内部人类奴隶接连叛乱,外部其他魔族强敌环伺. 因此,


最有名、也是最珍贵的,是产于澳洲的绿色石髓,一般称作「澳洲玉」(Chrysoprase) ;土耳其曾经出有紫色的石髓,印度的血石(Bloodstone) ,也是石髓的一种. 另外,像是碧玉(Jasper,有称红砖石) 、蛋白石,也都是隐晶族的水晶晶家族成员;

Mask of Death:吸血攻击

5.Necklace of Immunity: 使你防护对方的大绝和兽族的手雷 | 6.Mask of Death:吸血攻击 | 7.Orb of Frost: 每一击减慢敌人速度


玩家使用一点意志点数,投魅力(Charisma)+ 恐吓(Intimidation)对抗目标投意志判定(难度都是7). 血族的成功数每超过受害者一个,受害者就临时丧失一点意志点数. 目标的成功数每超过血族一个,则下一轮判定她将能多投一个dice.


"血族"(KINDRED),在地球上这是吸血鬼(VAMPIRE)自称时才会用到的词汇啊. 不过对于她吸血鬼的身份,卫霜并没有多少惊讶,除了她奇怪的蛇尾,还是很符合卫霜印象里的吸血鬼形象. 不过,她"不经意"泄露的信息,彻底颠覆了卫霜的吸血鬼观念.

The Sabbat:魔党

第一次看到自称为吸血鬼的血族~吸血鬼(vampire)他们自称为血族~这论坛上连血族族谱都没有~汗个创世纪 该隐(Caine) 莉莉丝(Lilith) 第1代[1世纪 犹大旁支血族 | 15世纪 德古拉(Dyacula)旁支[犹大(Judas)出卖耶酥,上帝 ] | 血族 德古拉伯爵背弃上帝成为血族危机 密党(TheCamarilla) 中立党 魔党(The Sabbat) (TW,Q

stated value:宣称价值(无票面值股票) 法定价格 设定价值

akin a. 血族的,同族的,同种的 | stated value 宣称价值(无票面值股票) 法定价格 设定价值 | dividend in kind,property dividend 实物股利



