英语人>词典>汉英 : 蟑螂 的英文翻译,例句
蟑螂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cockroach  ·  roach  ·  roached  ·  roaches  ·  roaching  ·  cockroaches  ·  blackbeetle

black beetle · water bug
更多网络例句与蟑螂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Female cockroaches emit a pheromone, or chemical attractant, to let males know they are ready to mate.


One black beetle bled only black blood, the other black beetle bled blue.


The cockroach's first decision was to set up a clocking in attendance system.


Easy finance Weekend Sharing The cockroach's first decision was to set up a clocking in attendance system.


The tenants are informed that the exterminator of cockroach will be here in two days.


Begin female boss said that the evening banquet arranged two officers fumigate cockroaches.


The most popular type of pet cockroach is called the Rhinoceros cockroach,which is the biggest cockroach in the world.


About Lu Qing and Yang Fan,there are something mentioned about them in the other places of the article,they can only get little more than 20 of their Chinese or math exam,I can surely get more than 95,without the students who cheating in the exams I am the 1st 1 of my class,Lu Qing and Yang Fan stealed 500 RMB from my family bank account,Lu Qing,Yang Fan,Qiu Boqun of often used the sludge near the genitals with inside their fingernails with ascarises,cockroaches etc. fingernails scratch my face,while I was sleeping they gave me mantises,cockroaches which were killed by the insecticide to me to eat,they used the hospital medicine which can deeply go into the human meat with the pounded to the snakes,cockroaches and so on while I was sleeping they brushed the mixed liquid near my genital,that can't be washed away.


Shenzhen Xiangdui Small Cockroach Bio-Technology Co., Ltd, with the principle of "against pests and support environmental protection" and through eight years' research, has independently developed small cockroach magnet with strong attractive force, active drug killing small cockroaches in a chain, super long-acting insecticide having special effect towards small cockroaches, colorless and odorless non-toxic insecticide, anti-break big rat magnet, advanced pest control glue with special effect towards small cockroaches, bugs and ants, all-purpose plant water with the functions of cleaning, sterilization, cleaning air and insect repellent and baixiao essential oil with three functions of quickly relieving itching, sterilization and detumescence and also highly effective to mosquito bites, small pox and hemorrhoids, relieving itching immediately and reducing swelling no later than 7 days, and other products, overcoming global ticklers on small cockroaches/ big rats/ bugs, etc.


Two common cockroaches in Hong Kong are: German Cockroach and American Cockroach.


更多网络解释与蟑螂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


参考文献:雅虎知识堂 中国蟑螂蟑螂(Cockroach) 蜚蠊目昆虫的俗称,亦称"蜚蠊". [蟑螂分类] 昆虫纲(Insecta)、蜚蠊目(Blattaria). 有时特指蜚蠊科(Blattidae)

cockroach:蟑螂 蟑螂

5、蟑螂 蟑螂(Cockroach) 蜚蠊目昆虫的俗称,亦称"蜚蠊". 与其他昆虫源起于泥盆纪,为腐食动物喜昼伏夜出,居住在洞穴内. 经得起酷热及严寒的考验,至今分布相当广泛. 蟑螂是这个星球上最古老的昆虫之一,曾与恐龙生活在同一时代.

Cockroach Clusters:蟑螂团. 用蟑螂制造的一种神奇糖果

Chocolate Frogs 装有巫师卡片的神奇糖果. (巧克力蛙... | Cockroach Clusters 蟑螂团. 用蟑螂制造的一种神奇糖果. | Drooble's Best Blowing Gum吹宝超级泡泡糖. 一种神奇糖果,可以使房间充满能持续半小时的蓝色泡...

Cockroach Repeller:驱蟑螂器

"Flea Collar","驱跳蚤器",190146 | "Cockroach Repeller","驱蟑螂器",190147 | "Micro-Computer Cockroach Killer","微电脑电击蟑螂器",190148

I'm not an entomologist, but I know one:虽然我不是昆虫学家 但我知道蟑螂是什么样

What is that? A roach?|是什么?是蟑螂吗? | I'm not an entomologist, but I know one.|虽然我不是昆虫学家 但我知道蟑螂是什么样 | He can tell us.|它可以告诉我们真相的

Ligia exotica:海蟑螂

蟑螂科 Ligiidae | (48)海蟑螂 Ligia exotica | 对虾科 Penaeidae


比如说:异形虫(Zergling) + 毒蛉(Baneling) + 蟑螂(Roach) 或 异形虫(Zergling) + 蟑螂(Roach) + 刺蛇(Hydralisk). 大量的异形虫加上适量的远程支援在很多场合都非常好用,这会让追踪者的blink micro无力化,当然这也与你升级的状况有关,

Kakerlaken Suppe:蟑螂甜汤

Jambo 中非商人 | Kakerlaken Suppe 蟑螂甜汤 | Kakerlakenpoker 德国蟑螂

bad mojo:坏蟑螂

Got Game Entertainment宣布,他们将发行的老游戏<<坏蟑螂>>(Bad Mojo)的复刻版已经开始压盘. <<坏蟑螂>>是旧金山Pulse Entertainment于1996年开发的以蟑螂为主角的一款解谜类游戏,在WINDOWS平台上运行,其画面制作得非常精美,


中国蟑螂研究概况 蟑螂(cockroaches)学名蜚蠊,民间有茶婆虫,香娘子,偷油婆之称,属于节肢动物门,昆虫纲.是世界上最古老,至今繁衍成功的昆虫类群,距今3.5亿年.我国人民对蟑螂的认识可追逆到远古时代,<<尔雅.释虫>>上就有过记载.