英语人>词典>汉英 : 螨病 的英文翻译,例句
螨病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acariasis  ·  acarinosis  ·  acaridiasis

更多网络例句与螨病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cure rate of Ivermectin for intestinal acariasis was higher than that of other medicine (P<0.01). Ivermectin is a safe, convenient and effective medicine for treating intestinal acariasis.


People have been eating contaminated sugar mite, parasitic mites will enter the digestive tract, causing varying degrees of abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, medically known as intestinal acariasis.


In order to provide clinical evidence for pulmonary acariasis, after synthetical analysis of clinical manifestation, disease incidence, the characteristic of chest-electrongraph, pathogency, different diagnonsis of pulmonary acarasis, the criteria of clinical diagnosis of pulmonary acarasis were made.


To make an epidemic survey and species of intestinal acariasis in part areas of Anhui Province, case history, stool examination (saturated saline flotation method), and blood examination were taken for 3416 persons.


The medicine had been reported treatment of pulmonary acariasis were arsenical, Pyquiton, however our studies confirmed the high treatment value of Metronidazole.


Acariasis of rabbits is one of the chronic contagious parasitic disease and often results from Sarcoptes scabiei var.cuniculi and Psoroptes communis var.cuniculi parasitizing in the skin,which cause itching,weight loss,otitis media,lime foot mainly.


And 25.3%(419/1653 ) of canine clinical cases are caused by these diseases. The occurrence of canine ectoparasite disease and dermatosis depends on dog"s breeds and age, the local climate, physical environment around the dog field, dog"s breeding and management, dogs self-immunity ability, and so on.


In order to detect the air pollution caused by acarida mites in some special circumstances dust sampler and air-drifting sampler were employed to detect acarida mites in the air, eight species of acarida mites were separated, which belong to 3 families six genus.


Stored products in Xuancheng area were seriously polluted by acaroid mites, and the constitution of Acaridida community took on diversification. So it's important to prevent acaroid mites and guard against human acarisis.


Mange in dogs include demodectic mange and sarcoptic mange. Demodectic mange is caused by Demodex canis.


更多网络解释与螨病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acardia 无心脏 | acariasis 螨病 | acarid 螨

pulmonary acariasis:肺螨病

其致病菌土拉热弗郎西丝菌( )广泛寄生于许多野生.........肺螨病(pulmonary acariasis)早在1944年便在锡兰(现斯里兰卡)发现肺螨病,但至今仍未完全.........


acariasis 螨病 | acarid 螨 | acarinosis 螨病

chorioptic mange:足螨病

chorionitis | 真皮炎 | chorioptic mange | 足螨病 | chorioretinitis | 脉络视网膜炎


acariasis 螨病 | acaricidal 杀螨的 | acaricide 杀螨剂


螨病 正文 由蛛形纲(Arachnida)蜱螨目(Acarina)的多种螨类寄生畜禽体表或表皮内所引起的慢性皮肤病. 俗称疥癣. 呈现脱毛,皮肤龟裂和发痒等症状. 患畜烦躁不安,生长迟缓,生产性能下降;在不良的饲养管理条件下,有可能造成大批死亡.


acarid 螨 | acarinosis 螨病 | acariosis 螨病

acarinosis:壁虱病 螨病

Acarina螨目 螨蜱目 | acarinosis壁虱病 螨病 | acariosis壁虱病


Acaridae螨科 | acaridan螨 | acaridiasis螨病 壁虱病

Cont with and expos pediculosis acariasis & oth infestations:接触和暴露于虱病、螨病和其他病虫侵染

体质性高身材 Constitutional tall... | 接触和暴露于虱病、螨病和其他病虫侵染 Cont with and expos pediculosis acariasis & oth infestations | 接触和暴露于肠道传染病 Contact with and exposure to intestinal i...