英语人>词典>汉英 : 蝠鲼 的英文翻译,例句
蝠鲼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Devil ray · manta ray
更多网络例句与蝠鲼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Walking in the 100 m long, 270-degree acrylic tunnel made of glass-enclosed, the colorful coral, colorful silver crucian carp, Silver Dragon fish, the Chinese rouge fish, Arapaima, Piranha and other fish will be in your leisurely cruise around; the most gentlemanly Mr. Penguin will pay tribute to your beckoning; You can also watch the considerable value of swordfish, manta rays, sharks and other marine life rat specimens.


It is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays .


Manta Ray has been thought of as poisonous, and indeed we have the capacity to sting our prey into lifelessness in order to consume it.


This is the goal of all species at this time in history, including Manta Ray.


This Manta Ray most certainly looks forward to.


Going to go swimming with the manta rays today, so cool!


Any of several rays of the family Mobulidae,inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas and having a large flattened body,winglike pectoral fin s,a whiplike tail,and two hornlike fin s that project forward from the head.


Any of several rays of the family Mobulidae, inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas and having a large flattened body, winglike pectoral fins, a whiplike tail, and two hornlike fins that project forward from the head.


Flying Mobulas The mobula or devil ray is related to manta rays.


Photograph by Brian J. SkerryA leaping manta ray seems to fly above the Gulf of California off the coast of Mexico. Mantas, easily recognizable by their pectoral "wings," stay near the ocean's surface, unlike other rays.


更多网络解释与蝠鲼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

endlessly searching:寻找食物上

Many predators spend much of their time cruising the open ocean,|许多掠食者把大部分的时间用在来回巡游 | endlessly searching.|寻找食物上 | Plankton-feeding rays do so|吃浮游生物的蝠鲼也是

Manta birostris:蝠鲼

大西洋的前口蝠鲼(Manta birostris)是本科中最大种类,宽可达7米(23英尺). 体黑或褐色,强大但不伤人. 蝠鲼科(Mobulidae)的动物最著名的是双吻前口蝠鲼,(我的一本书上也称鳗塔魟)下面那图便是它的个"鱼"写真.

Chlamydoselachus anguineus:皱鳃鲨

蝠鲼Manta birostris | 皱鳃鲨Chlamydoselachus anguineus | 剑吻鲨Mitsukurina owstoni


蝠鲼科(Mobulidae)的动物最著名的是双吻前口阻火呼吸阀 -成品油和燃料油是一回事吗?如果不是,有什么区别 阻火呼吸阀 成品油指汽油和柴油,燃料油其实是乙醇汽油之类的. (一)燃料油的品种特性和分类 一般来说,在原油的加工过程中,


Rhinopomatidae 鼠尾蝠科 | Rhinoptera 牛鼻鲼属 | Rhinopterajavanica 爪哇牛鼻鲼