英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜿蜒的河流 的英文翻译,例句
蜿蜒的河流 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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She raised her stick and waved it imperiously at the castle.


He who sits still in a house all the time may be the greatest vagrant of all; but the saunterer, in the good sense, is no more vagrant than the meandering river, which is all the while sedulously seeking the shortest course to the sea.


The suffix fyrhth was not simply wood, but "scrubland at the edge of the forest". The word wss was not just swamp, but—she was particularly proud of this—"land by a meandering river which floods and drains quickly".

后缀fyrhth不仅仅指木头,应该是"森林边上的灌木丛"。wss 这个词意为沼泽未免过于简单,而是"蜿蜒的河流旁边的陆地;如果河水溢出河岸,来得快,走得也快",她对这个发现尤为得意。

Swift-flowing rivers that wind their way through the land are teeming with hippos and crocodiles.


The world is so amazing,the world is so big.It's full of natural wonders and amazing peoples,there are so many different counties,there are so many different cultures,there are breathtaking mountains and vivers,there are awesome cities full of skyscrapers.I'm a citizen of the world.


A floating trip down the meandering current lures visitors to enter the park's mysterious and varied caves, ranging from small honeycombs to the luring mother of the Earth.


A floating trip down the meandering current lures visitors to enter the park」s mysterious and varied caves, ranging from small honeycombs to the luring mother of the Earth.


The Snake River wends through wooded flats in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.


Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.


Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.


更多网络解释与蜿蜒的河流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


rivulet:小河,小溪 | meandering:蜿蜒的河流 | uneasiness:不安

oxbow lake:牛轭湖

一些旧河道里仍然还有水,这被称为牛轭湖(oxbow lake). [译注:1.漫滩,大型洪水时期会被淹没的一片土地;2.牛轭湖,当河流弯曲过大时,河流会在弯曲处改变航道,在原河弯曲处留下的就是牛轭湖]在过去1万年里,密西西比河大约每一千年就会沿着200英里长的海岸线蜿蜒,


homely:家常的 | rivulet:小河,小溪 | meandering:蜿蜒的河流

Thames River:泰晤士河

泰晤士河(Thames River)在赛尔特语意为"宽河",是英国最长的河流,为进出大西洋的捷径. 泰晤士河从西向东横穿伦敦,把城市分为南北两岸. 河水清澈平缓,轮船与游艇在河上航行,就好像在蓝色的绸缎上滑行. 蜿蜒平缓的泰晤士河,是伦敦的生命线,

And in their wild meanders flow:在他们野外蜿蜒的河流中

With gentle murmurs whilst they play|用温和的低语,在他们玩的时候, | And in their wild meanders flow|在他们野外蜿蜒的河流中 | Rejoicing in this blessed day.|在这受到祝福的日子里欢乐.