英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜿蜒状的 的英文翻译,例句
蜿蜒状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蜿蜒状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is an intermontane river that meandered and "rejuvenated", just like a silver snake, winding around the turns and twists between the green mountains and precipitous ranges.


Results Metaphysis osteoporosis was observed on X-ray and CT in acute stage, the midsection of infarct of bone was isointensity on T1WI and iso/hyperintensity signal on T2WI, the edge of infarct of bone was ring-shaped hypointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity signal on T2WI. Small worm-eaten change and stippled calcification was observed on X-ray and CT in subacute stage, the infarct of bone was iso/hypointensity on T1WI and iso/hyperintensity signal on T2WI, the edge of infarct of bone was ring-shaped hypointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity signal on T2WI. Irregular and wriggle osteosclerosis was observed on X-ray and CT in chronic stage, was hypointensity on T1WI and T2WI.

结果 骨梗死急性期X线、CT表现为干骺端骨质疏松,MR T1WI骨梗死灶中央部分呈等至高信号,T2WI呈高信号,T1WI骨梗死灶边缘呈环形低信号,T2WI呈环形高信号;亚急性期X线、CT表现为小的虫噬样改变,伴有斑点状钙化,MR T1WI骨梗死灶呈等或低信号,T2WI呈等或稍高信号,T1WI骨梗死灶边缘呈环形低信号,T2WI呈环形高信号;慢性期X线、CT表现为不规则状、蜿蜒状骨质硬化,MR T1WI和T2WI均呈低信号。

A saw-toothed tail and large head distinguish the reclusive Chelydra serpentine, or 'snakelike swamp thing.'


From the same spot, you can also see a bit of the Sawtooth Ridge that snakes through the heart of the white Trinities, linking together a knife-edge serration of granite peaks overlooking more than a dozen lakes.


Twelve hours latter,uterine vessels formation was revealed by tannin-Fe lavement solution.Results The uterine vessel formation of rats in the model group showed that varices,tetanic shape,the density of all levels vessel net increased obviously and its twist,serpentine shape decreased markedly,while that in the large,middle dosage Gongning groups displayed absolute contrarily and fit like a glove with the normal control group.The uterine vessel formation of rats in the small dosage Gongning group and indomethacin group also showed the same transformation as it in the model group.

结果 模型组大鼠子宫各级血管扩张增粗,走行僵直,螺旋状和蜿蜒状走行消失或明显减少,血管形成的各级血管网密度增加,分布不均;消炎痛组、宫宁小剂量组子宫血管仍存在较明显的血管腔扩大、走行僵直和血管网密度增加,宫宁大、中剂量组子宫血管构筑的异常改变消失或明显改善。

更多网络解释与蜿蜒状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"曲张的,蜿蜒状的,蔓状的\\",\\"cirsoid,circoid\\" | \\"静脉曲张切开术\\",\\"cirsotomy\\" | \\"嗜异癖\\",\\"cissa,citta,pica\\"

sinuous:正弦曲线 波状的

sinuosity 曲折度 | sinuous 正弦曲线 波状的 | sinuouscoil 蜿蜒盘管


\\"卷须,触须,交接刺,雄茎\\",\\"cirrus\\" | \\"精索静脉曲张,精索静脉肿\\",\\"cirsocele\\" | \\"曲张的,蜿蜒状的,蔓状的\\",\\"cirsoid,circoid\\"


\\"精索静脉曲张,精索静脉肿\\",\\"cirsocele\\" | \\"曲张的,蜿蜒状的,蔓状的\\",\\"cirsoid,circoid\\" | \\"静脉曲张切开术\\",\\"cirsotomy\\"


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